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Sunday, October 06, 2019

Marshall Gabell Thinks Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan Should Step Down


  1. Young & clueless. SMH!

  2. While it is always encouraging to see young people involve themselves in in their community, I think this young man would be better served learning a bit more about the factual events of the weekend. I can truthfully say that in my teen years I felt I knew quite a bit about the world, and made the mistake of sharing my viewpoints with my father, who provided me new perspective through a different lens. Of course, I did not have a social media crowd to support me, but even still, I found that the vapid arguments I made for various causes evaporated in a wisp of smoke that my father provided. Frankly, I really hated talking to him about things that mattered to me, because he quickly and factually destroyed my arguments. It was humbling to say the least, but it did provide a mechanism for which I would examine issues all of my adult life.

    Young man, I applaud your enthusiasm ,but would counsel you to find out facts before assigning blame. In the legal community, making unfounded assertions can certainly lead to significant penalty. Research a bit more and with hold judgement - I would encourage you to talk to police officers, local business owners, and everyday citizens that endured the unrest and really absorb what they share.

    Kind Regards,


  3. Just reaffirms why I never ever ever will buy a car from any Pohanka dealership.

  4. Hmm just another reason why I will never buy a car from Pohanka

  5. Well said. My sentiments exactly.

  6. Who's this Marshall loser, again?
    He does realize that the number of people who call Ocean City home, year round, is very low, right?
    You know what else is very low, the tax revenues brought in by low rung events like h20i.
    Why? Twentysomethings driving beaters worth 2K with 10K in aftermarket products aren't exactly big spenders.
    How do I know? Well, I'm friends and family with over two dozen restaurant owners and GMs in OC. The money coming in, isn't worth the hassle of this crowd.

  7. Kid has some balls!

    Is he related to Joe..lol!!

    At least he signed sealed and delivered his opinion..that takes guts..I have to give it to him.

  8. Did anyone do a case study on this guy?

  9. So much for that pohanka deal I was working on..

  10. Yeah case study shows just how well this kid drives out there.. must have 12 points on his liscense by now.. his credibility is shot in my book.

  11. What an idiot this little puke has no clue, I’ll never buy a vehicle from Pohanka

  12. This kid is a moron. While I love seeing the younger people getting involved this kid is an irresponsible loser whose opinion means nothing. He is 19 and has numerous traffic violations. He is nothing to be proud of and his parents should be ashamed that they raised someone who thinks they don't have to obey traffic laws and then is so low that he thinks he is clever by trying to challenge the mayor who is thinking of the public's safety.

  13. This fools parents heads need to be dragging the ground in shame. Shame on them for raising such a son

  14. kid may be wrong in how he's looking at the event but he's spot on about meehan!!

  15. Who the heck is Gabell, and why should anybody care about his opinion?

  16. The Mayor and Chief of Police are no more responsible for the actions of those visitors to OC than you are.
    Using your theory, I would imagine that if you sold a car to someone who eventually went out and got drunk and killed somebody - in the car that you supplied to them - then you should "step-down" and quit your job.
    I know you mean well, but you're looking through rose-colored glasses at the situation. When you grow up, you'll see what I mean.

    1. Won't buy from pohanka either after this article

  17. Instead of pointing out problems be part of the solution. Apply with OCPD and this time next year you can show everyone how it is done. Seriously, step up and apply. I bet you don't as its much easier to criticize from the safety of a key board.

  18. apply with ocpd? how stupid do you think we are? first off I wasn't picked on in primary school so I have no vendetta against society, secondly I am over 5' tall so I don't have a napolean complex (like Mikey) thirdly I have an iq above room temperature, fourth I actually liked school and went and paid for a real education so I wouldn't have to deal with politicians and dipsh!ts telling me what to do! surprised you didn't tell the fool to join spd gets some training then apply to ocpd!

  19. Saying OCPD created this situation by is the same as saying it is a woman's fault for being raped because she was wearing sexy clothes.

    Even when behavior is encouraged you are still responsible for your own actions.

  20. What does he have to do with Pohanka?

  21. While I agree Rick is a horrible Mayor, clearly Mr. Gabel also doesn’t do his homework or have a clue. A OCPD Officer making 30k, I’ll bet your paycheck he’s closer to three times that. 2nd the Mare is not an investor, far from it. Last time other than being a real estate salesman, he tried the private sector he went broke big time. Now if you want to look toward he’s ties, example Avi Siboni Mr Sunsations, that’s another story. Surely you think these little disrespectful rats should be coddled, that’s 4 strikes. I’ll still agree Ricks day has long past, but like most political Office’s no one any good is insane enough to run.

  22. Rick needs to go, no doubt whatsoever! The rest of your post is ludicrous. Rick has deep roots to a few very powerful business people, and will no longer ever look after the residents or property owners that fund almost half the budget.

  23. Come election time it’s cold, November, and those that haven’t forgot, are long gone for the winter. Good job OC, another sespool in the future ....... near future

  24. i should have posted all my comments in one paragraph. sorry

  25. Even though Mr. Gabell is young, he is entitled to his own opinion. I commend him for being brave enough to stand his ground for his opinion, especially in this day and age. But I do also believe that he is off base. Instead of berating him for his opinion, here is why mine would differ:

    Obviously this event has been occurring for some time, there is a reason that Ocean City did not welcome this group back. It was evidenced by the way they behaved this past weekend. Ocean City is obviously a tourist destination, people come here to have a good time. Most of the time, people can handle themselves well enough as to not endanger their own well being as well as other patrons. This event comes with inherent risk. People come with their cars which are modified, and they are modified for a reason. They tend to race these vehicles, therefore they are upgraded to go faster. Not only that, the patrons of the event also tend to drink(not unlike most people who come to Ocean City.) But this also increases the risk of someone being injured, severely. I have seen numerous videos of people who were actually struck by cars over the span of the weekend. Ocean City already has an issue with pedestrians and vehicles as it stands, so adding more vehicles which are built for speed and then mixing that with alcohol consumption is a recipe for disaster. Overall I believe the consensus is that the local residents/businesses prefer for this event to stay away.

  26. Another liberal pansy response, try this! If you can’t follow the laws, show respect for others, then keep your spoiled, misguided, rotten little a**** home! Of course most of you probably don’t have a real home, otherwise you wouldn’t act this way. Come back next year and act this way, and let’s see what you think of the Snow Hill Hilton dirtbags!

  27. Thank you young man for calling out that useless Mayor on this event that the mayor didn't even oversee.

    Well said, and the opinion is well documented. He's smarter than most town officials. Not many of them can write like that. He's done his homework. After reading his comments, I have a deep respect for this young man. I wonder if Ricky will try to rebut. He hit the nail on the head, and town officials are too stupid to realize it.

    1. Well documented, did his homework, since when did an officer make 30k or the Mare have all these investment properties? You must report for CNN and Bernie

  28. October 1, 2019 at 6:11 PM;

    You so old that you don't know young people thrive on fast food? They are not interested in spending $100.00 on $20.00 worth of food in a fancy restaurant. Me neither, and I'm in my sixties. But why don't you ask some hotel / motel owners what that group of kids put in their pockets? Worcester County benefited nicely from the room tax last weekend. Sorry about your overpriced restaurant friends (not), but the fast food places did great. Maybe your restaurant friends can hang on until the well-heeled AARP folks show up in town. Then your friends can bilk them.

  29. I appreciate all the anonymous comments. I’d encourage any of them to post a status with their opinions and names, if they feel so strongly.

    The bottom line is change is needed. 13 years in office and it worsens each summer season. This is why term limits are needed at every government level.

    My team and I will be looking into the possibility of a full campaign. I think many will agree with my agenda, once they’ve heard me beyond a simple Facebook post.

    Also, I am a registered Republican, to clear up any confusion.

    God bless,
    Marshall Gabell

    1. Mr gabell, I welcome your efforts, just do your homework and make sure your facts and statements are accurate. So far, you come up short. Rick is prime to be beat, Matt James states often he will rum against him. What say you snowflake, do you know him?

    2. You stepped in crap Right off the bat picking these H20i punks over the citizens , young and dumb

    3. What's with you and names?! Your tantrums about not having them only insinuates you want to find those that oppose your views. It's hella creepy!

  30. October 2, 2019 at 2:07 PM:

    OC banned the group, rather than trying to accommodate them. See what they got? Serves them right. Expect more of the same.

  31. What a total lack of respect for someone who has honorably held office for many years. Yeah this event has gotten out of control and the city and police could handle it better. But truthfully I don't know how. What would qualify you to be mayor? Obviously you don't know what you are talking about when you keep quoting the amount of votes Meehan got. This is a small town and that is a high number to vote in the OC election. The Mayor of OC is required to do a lot more than what you see. Meehan was a councilman many years before Mayor.

  32. Just another idiot snowflake exhibiting attention seeking behavior.

  33. kiddo - you haven't a clue - re-read all of the comments...again

  34. Even used/new car salesmen are entitled to an opinion..

  35. Oh Jesse... what, is he like 22 or something? Even odds his boss saw this and is looking at his sales quota ... bub bye buddy... there goes your job... welcome to the real world... guess you didn’t consider that, eh?

  36. [rant over]


    Want to actually do something? Lets stop talking about and actually do something. Lets stop fighting with each other and take it to DC.

    Use your connections far and wide. Get 1000 people (shouldnt be hard) to take a weekend and go to DC.

    If Trump is impeached. This is what will happen.

    1. We will Fight back
    2. We will stop paying taxes (State and Federal - Employees get 1099 and Employer simply doesnt PAY)
    3. We will stop following all Laws that directly inflict with our immediate freedom and morals - however do not directly inflict danger upon another.
    4. Demand career politicians be removed from office immediately.
    5. We will really fight back. Not lawyers, or politician or lobbyist fights.

    All these people have no problem Semper Fi'ing all day to mini jungle people and sand people YET we cant Semper FI towards our own GOVT which is obviously out of control.

    This would catch on Nation wide in a heart beat. And is EXACTLY what is needed for change in order to keep AMERICA - AMERICA

    This is a simple blue print it can evolve and change. BUT it would work.

    Yet it wont be done. None of you sitting here complaining will do it.

    Instead - this is what the convo will be the day after Trump gets impeached.

    --- Hey Jim Bob you hear about Trump impeachment yesterday?
    -Do what when I was watching dat der Eagles game last night. You know they got a new flavor of cheetos? I sat back drank dat der 12 pak and ate me some cheetos all night.
    ---Yea dem new flavor cheetos sure is tasty.


    And thats exactly what has been happening for decades and decades. Generations should of done this 40 years ago. But hey better late then never.

  37. Grow up you punk

  38. The headline is spot on!

  39. The blog that is in bed with the Mayor is not going to publish any agreement with Mr. Gabell. Anybody who reads it will note the omission.

  40. 9:47
    Maybe it has something to do with the language you continue to try to use. If a comment is rejected it is usually due to your nasty words.


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