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Saturday, April 27, 2019

A Viewer Writes..........


Is it just me, or does anyone else use the Google 'search bar' to look for Fox News. When i type in "Fox News", i often get Splinter, LA Times, or some other liberal feed as the Top Story, many that are often critical to Fox News or to Trump, but just so happen to have Fox News mentioned in their article.

Thinking it was just coincidence as those sites had more recent hits, i tried using other news networks under the MSM umbrella: CNN, MSNBC, NBC news, etc.

Wouldn't you know it- their sites were listed FIRST, not further down the screen like Fox News. Don't believe me, try it for yourself. All of the other sites are 'top' hits.

Is this just another way for Google to promote liberal propaganda??? Or is just a coincidental anomaly in their search algorithm?

Editor's Note: I also had problems with Google. See below


  1. google has been doing this for months and months...they will continue to place anything conservative at the Bottom. try another search engine...duckduckgo and others.

  2. Have a problem with utube trying to find Rush. If you leave the segment, it won't come up in history like all the others. Plus most of the time it has old shows, and won't allow the latest show also.. Makes you wonder.

  3. You need to not use google. switch to startpage.com. No tracking there either.

  4. Their advertising demographic is basically liberal like their founders and employees. It has nothing to do with free speech or access it's a business.

  5. use yahoo search.
    youll get totally different results when comparing to google.

  6. It truly is reverse psychology.
    The elites want us to think they hate FOX (666) News.
    They created it.

    They control both sides of the game.
    It is rigged.
    Heads I win
    Tails you lose

  7. Nobody uses Google anymore, we're all on Duck Duck Go and anonymous. It works so much better!


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