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Monday, March 11, 2019

Lost Dogs In Fruitland

Joe, please post.. 2 lost dogs running on Nina Lane Fruitland. Friendly, lighter colored one has an e-collar the darker one has black collar. Dogs wet and muddy. Came to me for treats and ran off


  1. All these people losing their pets don't deserve them.

  2. Whoever these dogs belong to it appears they have roamed for sometime, and are fending for themselves, I pray they get a real forever home and hopefully the two together.

  3. I wish people would mind their own business.

    1. Elaborate fool

    2. 5:40- Says the idiot posting their opinion on a blog. How dumb are you? Plus, they are trying to find these dogs safely home. How ignorant are you?

  4. Those poor babies. How can you see animals who are suffering like that and not feel compassion.

  5. "...How can you see animals who are suffering like that and not feel compassion."

    How are they suffering? They are wet and muddy; that's not unusual for dogs. Mind your own business.

    1. If minding your own business is your trolling response, I suggest you heed it. Mind your own business you old fart! Why don't you direct your anger towards your normal every day vitriol, such as yelling at children? Sad Sack!

  6. People who let their dogs run loose because they are too lazy to walk them don't deserve to have them. No know my neighbor does it all the time. Dogs are so afraid of it's owner - shakes we he speaks. Yet he goes out and gets another larger dog and now has 2 and does the same thing. Go figure.

  7. Dogs running loose. Blah blah blah. Please help me find my dogs that I let out to run free, and then they didn't come home...blah, blah, blah. Bad owners. No excuse.

  8. @ March 11, 2019 at 7:24 PM. Hey fool, that person has just as much right to post a comment as you do. Talk about minding ones business.

  9. @ March 11, 2019 at 8:00PM. Seems your cruising for an attitude adjustment. Check that attitude.


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