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Friday, October 26, 2018

Trump tells migrant caravan to turn around, as troops being sent to border

President Trump tweeted a stern warning Thursday to the migrant caravan heading toward the United States– telling the thousands of people currently making their way through Mexico to turn around as U.S. troops are set to move to the southern border.

“To those in the Caravan, turnaround, we are not letting people into the United States illegally,” the president tweeted. “Go back to your Country and if you want, apply for citizenship like millions of others are doing!”
Trump’s tweet comes only hours after a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News that hundreds of U.S. troops are set to make their way to the southern border to help Homeland Security and National Guard troops deal with the migrant caravan.

The official said that roughly 800 active duty soldiers will be sent to the area to offer “logistical support," including providing tents and vehicles, to the 2,100 National Guard troops on the southern border assisting Homeland Security.

It is unclear which units will be deployed to the border or why they are being deployed - since National Guard troops can perform the same functions - but Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could sign the deployment orders as early as Thursday. Federal law, however, prohibits the use of active duty service members for law enforcement inside the U.S. unless specifically authorized by Congress.



  1. They won't go unless he orders the soldiers to use deadly force to defend our nation against this invasion! Time to stand tough!

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhh

    no speaka Englissssss

  3. This truly is an invasion and we have a right to defend ourselves against it. Trump will do what is right and best for all.

  4. Put those tanks, flame throwers, machine guns, fighter jets, and 30,000 troops all along the border! Isn't this the stance we would take if another Country threatens an invasion? THEY HAVE BEEN WARNED TOO MANY TIMES!

  5. This is not going to end well. People are going to die. The media and dems will twist it to be President Trumps fault despite numerous warnings to turn around. Bottem line here is this is an invasion and should be handled as such to protect our borders.

  6. I voted for Trump, but 800 troops is a joke. If he is serious send 8000 or more troops. This is an invasion and needs to be treated as such. It's time to stop this illegal entry into the country.


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