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Sunday, April 22, 2018

College hosts no-whites-allowed pool party

Event is meant to help ethnic minorities ‘build community’

A private college in California will be hosting a pool party later today at which white people will be excluded, with only “people who identify as POC” permitted to attend.

“POC” stands for “person of color.” The event will take place at Scripps College’s Sallie Tiernan Field House pool, according to The Claremont Independent.

A Facebook announcement of the event lists the party as being hosted by Café Con Leche, a student group identified in the post as “the badass Latinx at Scripps.”

“Bring your chanclas and the homies over to our nice ass resort pool, LET’S TAKE UP SPACE,” the announcement reads, advertising the event as “a safe space for…students that identify as POC to come together and build community.”

“Enjoy some yummy snacks, tunes that slappp, and the company of other POC,” the listing reads.



  1. Just when we ALL thought it WAS safe to get into the water. Some very sad snowflakes must stand out and show their ignorance to the audience once again.

    Sorry, not surprised at all.

  2. Oh, really? Yet I can't have a all white fraternity, or club?

  3. At least the "privileged" won't need to worry about color washing off others and onto them. I'm assuming this is ok.

  4. Sounds like UMES !!

  5. Scripps college!! Not sounds like that diploma will get you a top level job after you POC spend five-six years there!!

  6. Sounds like discrimination to me. Americans have the right to do anything within the laws. But when biased laws are passed that favor and protect certain groups of people, then that is discrimination, regardless of what color you are.

  7. Try to have a no-blacks-allowed and see what happens. Make it an event that is meant to help ethnic whites ‘build community’

    See how quick you would become a racist and this will be forgotten.

  8. I don't see any problem here. If I were a student there I would not be around any "POI", "person of interest"

  9. Doesn't this open the door to No People Of Color events?

  10. Whites need to do the same dam thing there.

  11. Didn't a senator have to resign for using the term person of color?

  12. and the aclu doesn't object???

  13. POC? White is a color

  14. Rewind this 30-40 years and change the races. yeah, I thought the same thing.
    Thank you Obama. You were supposed to make race relations better. You only made them worse.

  15. if white people did this we would be racist

  16. psst 943, we are racist - just don't let anyone know! Better friends ok?

    (snicker snicker)

    1. Sick. I have some really good friends that are POC . However they frown on groups you try to be special. Like naming their child a made up name. Do you want to be apart of society or run it. Can't have both.

  17. Can we do a follow up the next day to see the police reports that were filed during this 'event'?

  18. The only racist people get away with racism!

  19. The left was responsible for segregation and now are manipulating POC into segregating themselves.


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