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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

WATCH NEW FOOTAGE Of CNN STAGING Pro-Muslim Protest – WORSE Than We Thought

More damning video showing CNN staging pro-Muslim protests has surfaced on top of last week’s footage. The whole propaganda effort was meant to show how the majority of Muslims don’t support ISIS or terror. The problem is that none of the so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims showed up in outrage. These were plants and were probably paid to pose for the cameras. It’s just shameful fake news.

This happened soon after three ISIS Jihadists plowed a van into a bunch of people on London Bridge and then went on a stabbing spree, killing eight and wounding more than 50. They set up the shoot just outside the crime scene tape. That’s disgusting. Then CNN denied it was staged. The problem is that multiple people got it on video, including this latest recording and it shows they did indeed stage the whole set-up. Talk about orchestrated bias.



  1. The media is operated by the intelligence agencies for the benefit of those who rule over us: The Financiers who own and control Wall Street.

    Miles Mathis has demonstrated this repetitively in his essays on his website.
    Most of the so-called terror events have been totally faked as well.
    Hollywood is also a part of Project Mockingbird run be the CIA since the 1950s.

  2. Drain the Swamp aka flush the toilet!

    Time to declare CNN DEAD!

  3. We used to read about "propaganda" that foreign enemies engaged in during WW2. Now, it's on CNN every dat in my face, with the other networks backing them up. MSM is now officially HISTORY.

    Blogs are the better way to get news.

  4. It very obvious this is no longer a tin foil conspiracy it's a reality. The left, globalist, progressives, islam and democrats are deceiving, lying, destroying christainity freedom and america..all IAW satanic doctrine

  5. It very obvious this is no longer a tin foil conspiracy it's a reality. The left, globalist, progressives, islam and democrats are deceiving, lying, destroying christainity freedom and america..all IAW satanic doctrine


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