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Monday, May 15, 2017

'Historically Black' University cancels Cornyn commencement speech after opposition

Texas Southern University, a historically black university, announced Friday that Sen. John Cornyn’s Saturday commencement speech was canceled after opposition from students at the school.

The cancellation of Cornyn’s address came just days after Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was booed and heckled as she delivered a commencement speech at a different historically black university, Bethune-Cookman University in Florida.

Cornyn’s spokesman said, “Sen. Cornyn was honored to be invited to address TSU’s graduates, but he respects the administration’s decision and looks forward to continuing to engage with the university in the future.”

Students at Texas Southern University in Houston had circulated a petition demanding the Texas senator be withdrawn as a commencement speaker, citing various stances he has taken. These included his confirmation votes in favor of DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, his opposition to funding for so-called sanctuary cities that protect immigrants and his support for photo IDs for voting. The petition also cited Cornyn’s low rating by the NAACP.

“Having a politician such as him speak at our institution is an insult to the students, to TSU, and to all (historically black colleges and universities),” said the petition on the change.org site.

More here


  1. This is what mis-educating our youth has given us...a generation of idiots that believe they know it all!

  2. I had to laugh at the statement of his low rating for the NAACP .
    When will these guys get it the NAACP is not in the best interest of African Americans , they are an organization of money hungry communist like Little Al Sharpton , Jessie the jakjass Jackson etc. The do nothing for the blacks but incite violence.

  3. Historically black universities are in themselves racist institutions.

    1. Well if you knew anything about history you know the only reason that HBCUs were started to combat racism from white institutions that banned blacks from attending

  4. Unbelievable that a community (minority institutions) continue to bring upon themselves bad publicity, but are first in line for handout.

    That mindset no longer exists in today's society, but they keep going to the well. Well is dry folks and if you don't start playing nice, the government will officially ignore your antics. That means NO MORE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

    See how you like that!

  5. Why are taxpayers paying these ingrates. Cut the funds.

  6. Perfect example of why they need to stop all tax payer funding to these colleges.

  7. When the faculty loses control of the University it's time for new faculty.

  8. 332 are you really that excited about revisiting the days of segregation and Jim Crow? Keep it up, cause you're on your way.

    1. You obviously don't know what you are talking about because HBCUs don't discriminate against anyone and admits all ethnicities

  9. I think these BLM type schools invite individuals to speak who will be controversial with the intended purpose to cancel them just to embarrass them.


  10. He's the senior US Senator for their state. Guarantee he can help or hinder the university. Stupid, entitled kids.

    More and more I conclude that HBCUs have outlived their purpose. Since all formerly all white (for whatever reason) universities seek minority undergraduate students, and have now done so for decades, the pool of bright minority students that used to attend HBCUs is greatly watered down. The evidence couldn't be clearer; remains to be seen if changes follow.


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