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Friday, October 28, 2016

MSNBC doing some actual reporting


  1. I think what you are seeing is a CYA moment.

  2. Wow! The authenticity of some of the leaks had been called into question, but if MSNBC is having a major conversation about this story I think we can say that the information has been validated and is considered so relavant that they're forced to report it. The hosts even appear to be repulsed by what has been going on. Was policy influenced by the money? Any reasonable person understands that only this who were very pleased with what was going on would pony up that kind of money.

  3. Not an MSNBC viewer so I was unaware that the MSNBC "Newscasterettes" use the same clothing designer as HilLAIRy. They need to take lessons from the FOX ladies on how to be a well dressed TV personality. IMO, Flannel shirts and Clown dresses don't cut it.

  4. This is a disturbing article I read this morning. Trump will win the popular vote by a landslide, but the delegates in each state will vote for Hilary. They delegates have already been bought and sold by the Clintons. The election will be rigged!

  5. Pooooor morning joe he looks so pis..d he has to tell the truth as a RINO joe is a massive backstabber.

  6. The information connecting pay for play to Hillary's official activities is coming in the next ten days. The lid is going to be blown off the Clintons' illegal, immoral and wholly self-serving doings, the crux of their political lives.

  7. 7:26 AM - that is why she did little campaigning. She did lazy campaigning, with money and ads. She spent double what Trump spent

  8. They can't actually speak the truth, they will break into spontaneous combustion!


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