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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Queen Anne's County man beaten, robbed, left naked on side of road

CHESTER — A Henderson man was robbed, beaten and left on the side of the road wearing only his socks early Monday, May 23, according to the Queen Anne's County Sheriff's Office.

Quwan I. Johns, 23, told police he had just gotten off work and was eating at the McDonald's in Chester Plaza about 11 p.m. Sunday when he got a call from an acquaintance known as “Ring Bell” asking if he knew where he could buy some marijuana. When Johns said he did, ”Ring Bell” made arrangements to come get him, police said. About 20 minutes later, he was picked up by three men in a blue gray, four-door Honda, police said.

They drove to Md. Route 304 (Ruthsburg Road) and pulled over, Johns told police. One of the men displayed a handgun, pulled him from the car and began to beat him with the gun, threatening to kill him, according to the police report.

“He was badly beaten. He was pistol-whipped,” said Lt. Dale Patrick, public information officer for the sheriff's office. “He was hit repeatedly in the face with a pistol.”



  1. Hmm. Hope he's ok, but something smells fishy

  2. He will get no sympathy from me.

  3. His name dont ring a bell? Thats funny.

  4. I guess his bell was rung

  5. You know you're a lowlife loser when you rob a McDonald's worker.

  6. Sounds like he's a dealer. They caught him lacking. Now he's a rat.

  7. He needs to find new friends. Might I suggest some who go by their legal names?

  8. So he was "Naked and Afraid".

  9. He got himself a McBeatdown, but thats what happens when you agree to get drugs for people. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


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