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Sunday, April 17, 2016

I would like to issue a Challenge

We all know about the rescued dogs from Eden

Weeping Willow Kennels has just donated $500 to go towards their needs I challenge any Boarding Facility, or company to do the same

As a kennel owner we make our living taking care of these helpless creatures – for that I thank all my clients

These 4-legged children have nothing and no one - lets help them now

Take my challenge on

Make donations to the Humane Society through Pay Pal only! Unfortunately, the bottom blood sucking feeders are already trying to scam people.

Help Now


  1. I would like to help and can feed and take care of an animal but cannot afford the veterinarian bills - does anyone know of any support group that provides medical coverage for a "foster" or "adopted" pet?

    1. Petsmart has a care plan. $33 a month overs all visits :)

  2. "Make donations to the Humane Society through Pay Pal"

    Sorry but I'm boycotting Pay Pal.

  3. Sorry...Done with PAY PAL over transgener bathrooms..i drop off a check instead

    1. Just cancelled my PayPal also x 10 yrs.

  4. How did this situation get so bad, and have taken this long to become news. Did not the buyers see how deplorable the conditions were? I am sure that there were animals purchased that did not live, why no complaints, and what about neighbors to this place did they just keep their mouths shut. People need to be charged and served time for this including those that were to have been checking on their welfare to operate this business.

  5. I was just out there at around 4PM.Donations were coming in fast and furious.I wasn't allowed to see the dogs in question but I did not expect to this early.Personally speaking,I would physically take a contribution to the Humane Society vs trusting any other method.

  6. This a classic example of why I will never buy a pure bred dog. People who run these puppy mills are the lowest life form. A very dear friend of mine just bought a pure bred Sheltie form a reputable breader, so she thought. Only then did she find out, the dog was several months old and had hardly ever been let out of it's cage. It took months before the dog could even walk normal, and thousands of dollars of medical bills. So, instead of buying a dog from a breeder, go to the Humane Society and adopt a dog as a result of ignorance to spay and neuter. Many breeders are greedy AND ignorant, and prey on folks like me and you. The only way to stop these puppy mills is to stop buying dogs. Adopt, mixed breeds are much healthier than any "pure bred dog" Ask your vet if you don't believe me.Many of these "pure bred" are products of inbreeding.

  7. 4:41 evidently people had been complaining for years. They are saying so on Facebook and since they are doing so publicly you have to believe them. One who purchased from them 2x's called authorities even.

    1. "Purchasing", especially TWICE, is why these despicable people keep on exploiting and neglecting these animals. Do not "buy" pets.

  8. The humane society is the best place to get a dog. We have adopted two from there and are very happy with them.

    1. in the 12 years joe has been running this blog, your comment is the first positive comment i have read concerning the Wicomico Humane Society. joe's comments were just as negative as the hundreds of anonymous comments posted, the negative comments kept me away from that place when i adopted my 2 dogs. Glad Wicomico Humane Society has done a complete turn around.

  9. Many of these "pure bred" are products of inbreeding. So are many of people in this area.

  10. The BEST DOG IN THE WORLD owns me and I'm proud to admit it. He came from Wicomico Shelter and I have never had a better animal in my life let alone one that owns me. I will be out with supplies ASAP!!!

  11. I'm carrying a check out there tomorrow since I closed my PayPal account Saturday over NC. I hope the line isn't very long. I heard it was today! These people have a lot on their hands. Bring them help!
    I also have a large pet carrier that is in my way in my garage that I will bring.

    1. Just closed my PayPal account. X 10 yrs they weren't happy.

  12. 7::56 that is not true of very misleading. It does not cover everything. There is a long list of exclusions. They also have a revolving door on vets.

  13. I quit pay pal because of Carolina so if they are open on Saturday I would like to make a cash donation along with some food . Great job Humane society .

  14. Donations are also accepted by mail. You know, the envelope and postage stamp thing that hardly anyone uses anymore.

  15. Now if only people would become supportive of initiatives to stop child abuse.

  16. guess the homeless behind Giant have to walk on their hands and feet and start barking before anyone rushes to their aid like this.

  17. Is it possible that there are inspectors responsible for checking on these so-called breeders for their licenses that should be held responsible as well? There must have been others on that road that were aware of the goings on, not speaking up.

  18. you know what 8:49...the homeless have a voice and can help themselves. shut up already

  19. 8:49 the federal government alone spends over 3 BILLION on homelessness a year. This does not include the states' government contributions and the many many private grants available totaling in the hundreds of millions. The problem is a lot of those who are homeless don't want to help themselves. The reason they are in the situation is because they have burned all their bridges. They don't want to stop drinking or using drugs which prevents them from taking advantage of the many many programs available to them.
    The same can not be said for animals. There is very little if any government available for them and almost no grants except for a few offered through private foundations.
    8:26-Do your homework. There are many people who are committed to stopping child abuse. Again the government provides a lot of money towards initiatives as well as private grants.

  20. Animals have no voice! I have tried to help homeless for YEARS, not paying for anymore drugs and alcohol. I realize some may not partake, but most do.The Feds have hand fed so many for so long, why work? I pay taxes out the wazoo, so that is involuntary assistance. What a messed up world! Thank God I am still allowed to choose who and what to support. Animals are rarely a disappointment. Wish I could say the same for the human race.

  21. I have no problem with PayPal, so I will happily donate!

  22. Weeping Willows Kennel-----Salutes to you!!!Thank you for
    stopping up to help!!!!


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