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Friday, December 11, 2015

Geller: The Third Man

Conspiracy theories bore me. They are an enormous waste of people’s time and energy, particularly now, at a time when conspiracy fact (i.e. the global jihad) is so overwhelming. You don’t need fairy tales when reality is so much more compelling. But something smells rotten in San Bernardino.

Like many shocked and horrified Americans, I watched events unfolding in real time. There were, from the very first, three shooters. Eyewitnesses, police scanner broadcasts, news reports all said the same thing.

One eyewitness, Sara Abdelmageed, gave extensive detail to Scott Pelley on the CBS Evening News.

Here’s the exchange: “I heard shots fired and it was from — you know — an automatic weapon,” Abdelmageed said, “we looked out the window a second set of shots goes off…and we saw a man fall to the floor. Then we just looked and we saw three men dressed in all black, military attire, with vests on. They were holding assault rifles. As soon as they opened up the doors to building three one of them started to shoot into the room.”

Abdelmageed said that she “couldn’t see a face, he had a black hat on — black cargo pants, the kind with the big puffy pockets on the side, long sleeve shirt, gloves, huge assault rifle six magazines I just saw three dressed exactly the same.”

Pelley asked her: “You are certain you saw three men?” Abdelmageed answered: “Yes. It looked like their skin color was white. They look like they were athletic build and they appeared to be tall.”

Another eyewitness, Juan Hernandez, saw the same thing: three men. He said the shooters were “three white men in military fatigues” who “took off” in a “black Impala or SUV.”

CBS Evening News titled one of its early reports: “Officials: 2 of 3 suspects dead in San Bernardino shooting.”

And then suddenly, the third man disappeared. No media reports mention him anymore. No law enforcement officials appear to be searching for him. He is gone without a trace, and no one has even noticed that he is missing, or was ever there in the first place.

More here


  1. There were 3 private contracted military assets.

    Later in the day, there were 2 patsies murdered to create the story line.

  2. Another false flag event, each one gets a little more obvious, there is always an evil Muzzie to find as the pattsy.

  3. How does one confuse a black impala with a black SUV?

  4. The police slaughtered that SUV: Black SUV lives Matter.

  5. This is not passing the smell test...


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