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Friday, October 16, 2015

Here’s what happened when Venezuela imposed gun control laws

I just got back from Caracas, Venezuela, a city so dangerous that every time I left my hotel, the staff would warn me against even going outside.

It’s an incredibly difficult reality to reconcile. People hate the fact that they may get robbed or killed just steps from their front door when they leave the house every morning.

And nobody wants that.

After all, everyone wants to be safe. Even wild animals seek out safety in nature.

A few years ago, in response to national outcry, the government of Venezuela took steps to fix this problem.

There was too much death, too much crime. So they imposed strict gun control laws to stop the murderers and thieves.

The end result? Violent crime actually increased. And Caracas is now one of the most dangerous cities in the world.


1 comment:

  1. Stories like this won't change anti-gunners minds.

    You know why?

    Because it's not about keeping us safe.

    It's about control, government control.

    You can't control the people if they can defend themselves.


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