If you’re a fan of media distortion, faux-Islamophobia, so-called “zero tolerance” policies and inconvenient reality, the self-constructed “clock” 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed recently brought to MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, to show to an engineering teacher is right up your alley.
The reason clock is in quotations is because the device Mohamed constructed bore no resemblance to anything most people would construe as a clock. As the above photo reveals, it was a compendium of wires and other electrical components built into a briefcase. When compared with a normal clock, one might be forgiven for a having certain level of apprehension regarding Mohamed’s invention.
School officials certainly did. His English teacher confiscated it, and a few hours later the principal and school resource officer removed him from class and began questioning him. Shortly thereafter, he was taken to police headquarters in handcuffs and fingerprinted. He was subsequently released to his parents, and police said no charges would be filed.
An overreaction? Compared to what? We live in an age when many schools have embraced a leftist-promulgated zero tolerance policy that often results in nonsensical punishment. Thus a six-year-old is suspended for bringing a toy gun to show-and-tell. Two five-year-olds are also suspended, one for making a Lego gun and another accused of making a “terroristic threat” — for talking about shooting a Hello Kitty bubble gun.
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this article is SPOT ON!!!
ReplyDelete. What we need to know and do not know is what kind of a kid is he? From the reports now, he was a straight A student and not a troubled kid. Perfectly normal. I really do not think this was an overreaction by the teacher who reported it. It was an overreaction by the police to handcuff the kid and take him away. There seems to be no need to have done this.
ReplyDeleteNo the police have a policy over 12 get cuffed incase they run this is just your pro muslim pro black anti American way of life pt prez rushing once again ro Judgement. POSPOTUS.
DeleteOur 'government' has spent millions in advertising the phrase 'If you see something, say something."
ReplyDeleteJust don't say anything when it pertains to something suspicious when a muslim is involved.
Except that he did not "invent" anything--he removed the casing from a retail clock and placed it with wires protruding inside a metallic briefcase. He did this purposefully to incite the reaction that it did, the whole farce has been orchestrated to coincide with the mass immigration of muslims to Western countries--its a set up and the White House is in on it. The little fraud didn't invent a freaking thing he wanted to get arrested --it was all planned.
ReplyDeleteSchool was on alert and on target!
ReplyDeleteObama planted the seeds or POOR little muslims.
ReplyDeleteWhat's funny is those goofballs at Red Maryland posted on their website and FB pages that the school teachers and police officers in Texas were racist rednecks. Funny thing though I went back to find the articles and they removed them. They had the same BS that the Democrats did saying the reason he was arrested was because his name was Muhamed and he was a Muslim. WTF! I swore I was reading something from a Democrat blog. Made me sick reading it and now I can't stand those Freaks on that site. They are also quick to rag on other Republicans as well.
ReplyDeleteI doubt the kid did it to deliberately cause an incident. He did something that definitely showed poor judgment, but he's 14 years old. How many kids have gotten in big trouble for bringing inappropriate items to school, sometimes innocently, and sometimes just to show off, looking for approval and attention?
ReplyDeleteIn this instance, I think the fact that he is Muslim makes it a huge omgfest. That doesn't mean "islamophobia" (which doesn't exist anyway).
It just means people were abruptly reminded of the brutal inhumanity of the islamics, by the juxtaposition of this innocent looking little boy's heritage and religion, with the scary looking object associated with violent Muslims. Nobody wants to think that an apparently normal young Anerican boy could be capable of heinous acts of evil. We have trusted so many of them, and they have repaid us with savagery and betrayal.
So I do understand what seems to be a hysterical, overwrought reaction. I think it's a perfectly normal and expected reaction, given our experience with them.
But when the dust settles, I think this kid was simply seeking approval and attention by trying to impress his teacher. Along the way there are some important lessons for him to learn out of all this.
And we must not let this "false alarm" cause us to let our guard down. Next time, it could be a bomb disguised as a clock, not a clock re-packaged to look like a bomb.
Oh sure 4:17--except his father is a known muslim activist named Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed who has a long history of political involvement in promoting muslim causes--do your homework. Ahmed admits he knew it would be controversial if he brought it to school. THEY WANT TO DESTROY WESTERN CIVILIZATION