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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Who says Walmart dosent hurt the working man?


  1. So bring WinCo here. OR start your own version. No one stopping you. It's easy.

  2. Unfortunately, the claims are completely false.
    Walmart pays more and has benefits.

    1. Liar. Not one person makes that kind of money at Walmart unless your management..

  3. Now you know who supports communism ..greedy capitailist pigs


  4. Never worked for WalMart; occasionally shop there.

    Wasn't on the Board of Directors but Mrs. Bill Clinton was.

    Left photo is inaccurate propaganda.

    Encourage all gripers unhappy with current job to apply with company in right photo, which I've never heard of.

    Problem solved.

    You're welcome!

  5. Don't like Walmart?...Don't go! Simple.

  6. Some employees make more but most don't and most do not get benefits 1:10.
    FYI-When Medicaid eligibility expanded in some 30 states, as a result of Obamacare, WalMart responded by cutting employee hours—and thereby wages— in order to push more of their workers into state Medicaid programs.
    This is just one of the ways the tax payers are taking on the responsibility for the companies employees.
    A good percentage of their employees use other tax payer funded entitlement programs such as renters assistance, food entitlements, free lunch programs and many services offered by non profits such as food pantries.
    Walmart was also one of the biggest lobby behind the food entitlement expansion. It benefited them in 2 ways-they are the biggest grocery retailer and more of their employees became eligible for the programs.
    Everyone thinks by shopping at Walmart they are saving money when the opposite is true when you look at the hidden costs incurred by employers such as Walmart.


  7. I will add that I know several people employed P/T with WalMart. They all have F/T jobs with excellent benefits and pension coverage through their primary job. WalMart check helps them stretch their funds.

    Obviously they are not every WalMart employee; but not every WalMart employee is at or below poverty level.

    The campaign against WalMart, and the fast food operators in NYC, is being pushed by retail unions who would love to tap into the potential cash dues would generate!

    Don't be fooled. Shop where it makes sense, and cents, to you.

  8. Not true. Wal-Mart's new CEO recently raised wages, and many employees do get benefits. Next time you want to complain about an organization, consider investigating how many adjunct teachers at Wor-Wic get benefits. The answer is zero!

  9. Walmart def recognizes hard workers/labor skills and promotes. Yes you can "climb the ladder"

  10. Last time I checked this is a free country. Nobody ever got handcuffed and forced to work at a Walmart. Or anywhere else.

  11. Don't fool yourselves. Walmart and other large companies are the ones behind raising the minimum wage. Costco was a big lobby in MD to raise it.
    Since the advent of anti trust laws it is a way for them to rid smaller competition and makes it unattractive for others to start businesses. The little bit of raise in the minimum wage ever proposed is not going to do a thing to get anyone out of poverty.
    And yes no crap no one is forced to work at Walmart 6:55. There is no fooling you is there, Einstein.
    The problem is, is that the taxpayers are forced to supplement a large portion of Walmart employees.

  12. As long as Wal-Mart stock continues to rise and it keeps paying the stock dividend everything is coming up roses.

  13. WinCo Foods, Inc. is a privately held, majority employee-owned[4][5][6] American supermarket chain based in Boise, Idaho with retail stores in Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Texas.


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