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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Woman, 68, And Male Partner Busted For Public Sex At Florida Retirement Community

A 68-year-old woman and her younger paramour were arrested last week for having sex in a town square at a Florida retirement community, police report.

Responding to calls about the 10:30 PM public tryst, sheriff’s deputies discovered Margaret Ann Klemm and David Bobilya, 49, fully engaged in a pavillion at The Villages, a sprawling 55-and-older community in central Florida’s Sumter County.

The couple, cops reported, was “on the stage in the middle of ‘the square’…having sexual intercourse.”

According to investigators, when deputies arrived at Lake Sumter Landing--one of The Villages’s three squares--Klemm (seen at right) was pantsless and had her shirt pulled down. Bobilya’s pants and underwear were at his ankles.



  1. That's just nasty.

  2. 9:55 you never did that? Heck it makes the world go 'round. Bunch of prudes on here.

  3. i think senoirs should be allowed to do what they want. god bless them...

  4. At that age, more power to them lol

  5. I used to live in The Villages. That stuff goes on all the time. We had one of the highest rates of STDs in the country. You can look it up!

  6. 10:59 I've done way worse, but I'm also not 68. Keep that inside, no one wants to watch 2 old people have sex... or even naked.

  7. Sounds like the retirees are having fun down there. Good for them.

  8. When the blue pill kicks in don't waste it...especially at that age.

  9. Probably her daily exercise!! No wonder people like retiring to FL!!


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