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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Homegrown Jihadis Arrested In Texas

Once again, the “religion of peace” demonstrates its true colors — and please don’t give me the line of a few individuals perverting Islam. A few days ago, two Muslim men in Texas were arrested on jihad terror charges.

As reported by ABCnews.com, the two men were separately charged with terror-related offenses after federal agents said they planned to travel halfway around the world to engage in violent jihad. One of the men, a Bangladesh-born U.S. citizen named Rahatul Ashikim Khan, allegedly wanted to join al-Shabab, a Somalia-based terror group linked to al-Qaida. For the other, Michael Todd Wolfe from Houston, learning to fight in Syria was allegedly the goal.

Anyone who doesn’t believe we have a problem with homegrown jihadis in America is delusional.



  1. Back in the good old days - folks like this would simply disappear - never to be seen nor heard of again.

  2. Same with President's who screwed with the We the People

  3. Treason ...hang them send a Message


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