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Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: "Moment of Silence"

I would say the wrong choice was made 5 years ago. I will give a copy of this and all my other emails to Bob Culver and the blog sbynews. With proof showing Mackes and Polltit were very aware of the ramifications of there actions or lack of actions from as long as 3 years ago. 99,000$ from the taxpayers when you were told about this problem years ago. You still have done nothing to change the program that's the best part of the whole story. You two schmucks continue to destroy a program then turn around and ask the taxpayers for 1 million dollars and continue to operate the program as if nothing is wrong with it. You two are going to be the laughing stock of Wicomico county. This election can't come soon enough.

It's been a year almost to the day since our last email. In which you said you would get back to me and to be patient things like this take time. None of you contacted me with a resolution to the program. Your Window of opportunity has closed for you to rejuvenate the softball program. It closed about a year ago.

Trey Stokely

On May 23, 2013 1:29 PM, "Trey Stokely" <stok3ly@gmail.com> wrote:

All the more reason to take action and attempt to save a program that brings in more money then any other program the county offers. It is not about the players fee. It is how the county has treated the members of this program.

A team pays 500 $ plus 63 $ for each player to get a 21 game schedule. That schedule consists of 4 teams playing each other 7 and 8 times each. When you have 20 or more teams in the entire program. At a very minimum the county can fix this mistake by fixing the schedule. Its not to late and requires 0 patience. The complete lack of care shown by the county to not fix the problem when it has been brought to everyones attention is why you continue to lose teams and players in all your recreational programs.

You ask for patience. I have emailed you starting 5 years ago regarding this program. Nothing has been done in 5 years. You have actually raised the rates from what they were 5 years ago. If you or anyone else can afford for the county to lose the revenue from the activities that take place at Henry S. Parker complex then continue to take no action continue to hold meetings about what your going to do next year. I implore you to take action show the current members of the league your not doing nothing show them you care about the future of where their kids will play and grow into honest tax paying adults. Show them you care that there will be 25 teams this weekend that will pay thousands of dollars on hotels foods and other locally owned businesses that will all be returned to Wicomico county. I cannot stress enough the amount of money that will be lost the amount of people that will lose employment because you want patience. Again this will be my last email to your county I have made my point as clear as I can make it. I apologize for using up your time.

You can continue to do nothing and lose everything.

You can choose to take action and try to save a program that needs saving.

The choice is yours.

Hope you make the choice you and your county can live with/afford.
Trey Stokely

Thank you for your first real response in 5 years.
On May 23, 2013 12:54 PM, "Gary Mackes" <gmackes@wicomicocounty.org> wrote:


As we work on solutions, it’s important to know Wicomico County is challenged by the recent recession and tax revenue cap imposed by the citizens over 10 years ago. Due to declining tax revenue the County had to reduce subsidy to schools, roads, police, etc.

Recreation and parks was no different as funding was reduced by $250,000, over 33%. On a cost per citizen basis, our department receives about $11/citizen and is the lowest of the 8 Eastern Shore Counties. The 8 county average is $23/citizen.

It’s unfortunate fees needed to be increased to continue services.

Funding reductions gave us 3 alternatives, eliminate programs, close parks or increase fees! We chose the latter.

As I conveyed in an email to you on Saturday, we’re looking into alternatives. In the mean time I suggest being patient until you hear from us.

Gary W. Mackes


  1. Still moaning and groaning about the tax cap after 10 years...

    Efficient managers would be working to improve the situation, not continually bemoan the will of the people...

    Our citizens need administrators that will tackle and help solve the problems not hinder the solutions...

    Hopefully, the people will have had enough and speak again the next election...

    until then, earn your money and benefits

  2. I get sick of their excuses. We pay some of the highest taxes in the state of Maryland. My property taxes are almost tipple of what someone would pay for the same type of house in Delaware. The piggy back tax is as high as Montgomery county where they can afford the higher taxes. Most of us here are making less than 30 thousand per year and jobs are leaving this county and state. As a result of this, instead of promoting jobs, they are Taxing and spending us into the poor house. I see nothing but empty houses and for sale signs all around me. Maryland is now 4th in the nation in foreclosures. You can't tax your way to prosperty!

  3. Wanna play, you gotta pay.

  4. It doesn't matter what we say or think. With those fools in charge nothing will ever happen except they will keep getting their pay increases.

  5. They don't have what's ended to run a county or large department. I have no interest in softball, yet I understand that offering such opportunities also helps to strengthen a sense of community through recreational activities. They are two of the "public servants" who seem to consistent give the taxpayers the flying bird salute.

  6. Whacky macky didn't speak of increased spending proposals, but of fund cutting, while the increases remain. Is this really cutting funds?

  7. Better KEEP THE TAX CAP! Imagine if they don't...

  8. What is this all about?

    And the piggy back tax does suck. I moved from Easton to Salisbury last year. It cost me an extra $1000 in taxes. And Easton / Talbot County is a whole lot nicer!

  9. Wicomico can free up some by getting rid of Mackes and Pollit they are both worthless.

  10. 9:46 offering such opportunities also helps to strengthen a sense of community through recreational activities.
    That is propaganda BS, if they want to play then they should pay, not the taxpayer.

  11. I like the cut option the best! The voters spoke 10 years ago. Stop trying to get rid of the cap. The cap is a safety net for government behaving badly. I hope if Bob wins Mackies is shown the door.

  12. Rick and Gary are going NO where! You people are just talking! Gary will leave when he wants and Culver will NEVER beat Rick! Any Takers?

  13. 11:19, You say that with such confidence. Are we to expect yet ANOTHER rigged election like the last one?

  14. Anonymous said...
    Wanna play, you gotta pay.

    May 21, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    Thanks Gary!

  15. I detect a touch of sarcasm in the email from Gary W. Mackes.

  16. If Bob Culver openly says he will make Mackes reapply for his job then Bob will have my vote.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Rick and Gary are going NO where! You people are just talking! Gary will leave when he wants and Culver will NEVER beat Rick! Any Takers?

    May 21, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    If Chuck Cook and the other Dems have anything to do with it you are correct. Rigged elections and fraudulent voters.

  18. Gary Mackes has been whining about that tax cap since it was voted in. He always baffles us with BS with what it costs per citizen compared to other counties. BFD! Most of the Wicomico County citizens don't use the parks and shouldn't have to pay for them. I say shut them all down and put Mackes in the unemployment line.

  19. Come on out to Ocean City to play. League fee for the Summer was $750 total...no hidden fees for balls, players, etc. 16 games, not 21 but still not bad. while the summer league has already started the fall league will have it's organizational meeting July 29

  20. They want to fund softball, aren't other sports just as important? Fund softball then what? Fund new tennis courts? Free golf? Free Zoo, free this free that, it's not free, it's the taxpayers that bear the burden to fund the programs. I'm starting to think that all politicians are just a group of undeveloped primates!

  21. 12:10pm ur I idiot. Know the facts b4 u speak. U must be one of those dems

  22. Gary,

    What to you do to deserve a ceo salary of $150k and benefits? Can you reduce your dept overhead to cover the $250k loss of funds? Can you hold another wine or beer festival? Can you even provide services that really needed? More senior bus trips please. If you were in the private sector you would be hired as a temp worker, or maybe a traffic flag man. Look in the mirror and kiss Ricks lips every night, because without him, you would be nothing!

  23. 1:24 its simply time for a failure like Gary Mackes to retire and go somewhere else he has created enough damage to Wicomico County and if Gary was in a private sector he would already been fired.

  24. I have written Gary Mackes three emails in the last two years. We are friends socially but the emails were business related.

    Not one response from him. I really don't get it!

  25. Anonymous said...
    12:10pm ur I idiot. Know the facts b4 u speak. U must be one of those dems

    May 21, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    Why is he an idiot? What makes him one of those dems?

    Souns to me like you are the idiot.

  26. Anonymous said...
    I have written Gary Mackes three emails in the last two years. We are friends socially but the emails were business related.

    Not one response from him. I really don't get it!

    May 21, 2014 at 3:01 PM

    He is one important person. If you ever had a meeting with him no matter who you are he makes you check in and then wait a minimum of 20 minutes. Sometimes he will even blow you off to one of the many people under him. He is so high on his pedestal that someone needs to knock him down.

  27. maybe the fuel money saved from the lunch runs with the firetrucks eliminated,or better yet sell the fireboat,we could fund some things that are needed,or lets look at the free lunch program for the boe administaters.....any business person with some sack could find a ton of money that's wasted...jmo...

  28. Busy as usual.

  29. Trey for parks and rec. President!!!!!


  30. EZ Math. Ditch Mackes and there will be at least $1.00 more per county resident in available funds. When you total the entire cost just to prop him up it will be even more.

    Faster, please!


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