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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Survey Question 11-12-13

Do you think Obamacare will survive?


  1. Do you think We'll survive Obamacare?

  2. Goodness, as it stands I hope not.

  3. Until 2016,when it's abolished and trillions are infused back into the economy.

  4. Unfortunately yes, once we have an entitlement it never go away . No politician wants to be the one to take away things from the " edelery or the children ".

  5. Democrats do not care about the future of our Country. They will just continue to spend until they get it right, leaving trillions of debt to our children and grandchildren. The only way to get rid of Obamacare, or Obamacontrol, is to vote out the liberal Democrats and we must start on the local and state level.

  6. I think the question that really needs to be asked is "Will the people ever be heard again by the government?" Most people don't have any idea who their representatives are let alone how to work toward creating or stopping something they don't want. If Obamacare dies it will be because the elected official decide it needs to die. I don't see that happening because they are not longer held accountable for their actions. I remember the photo of that one soul standing in front of the massive tank knowing he would possibly not survive but believing in what he was doing....and ask.. what had happened to this country.

  7. Of course it will. It's the law of the land and will be fine tuned to perfection. Finally every citizen in this country will have access to affordable healthcare.

  8. I certain pray it does not They constantly say it was popularly voted into law by majority, yet I have never spoken to anyone who wants this program. The Democratic party is hell bent on destroying this country with so many entitlement programs that cannot sustain financially. Any sixth grader could run the math on it and tell you it will fail.

  9. Lord knows I sure hope not. I cannot believe that the Affordable Care Act was ever put into place but then again the whole thing was passed with the Democrats working behind closed doors. I just wonder when in the hell people are going to wake up and realize that we are being taken down the road to distruction. We were lied to about the health care and the American public was to stupid to understand what was happening. Then again if you watch some of the random interviews on the TV you then can understand that the vast mojority don't have a clue as to what the hell is going on. Some of them don't even know who the VP is and since the vast majority are on the dole our future looks pretty dim.

  10. Yes but not in it's current form.

  11. I pray to God that it can be killed.

  12. 10:24 What have you been smoking. How do you know whats affordable for whom. Ask those folks who, on the average, have seen their premiums go up 40%, and their deductibles double. And, don't forget the 12 million illegals that will be eligible.

  13. That socialistic communist of a President we have will make sure it does! He worked his magic getting folks dependent on govt for money (welfare) and now he will make them Govt dependent for insurance. Its all a plan he has and its working people..... he has to go! Sooner than later!!

  14. i don't believe it will stand. read an article in forbes and they believe it will crash as well.

    in all reality, b.o. should be impeached. he's a total fraud personally and ocare is a fraud, built on lies.

  15. No. It's designed to implode the country and distribute wealth to those who own the insurance companies. Thus it is unsustainable by design.

    Google "Cloward Piven" and see what Obama is all about.

  16. We can only hope not.
    Every sitting politician that comes up for re election should be replaced. This includes both dems and gop. Dems have lost site of America and the GOP has lost the nads to fight. Both worry about being politically correct and not whats good for all.

  17. Did Clinton's food pyramid guide and Bush's NCLB and Barbra Bush's "Just do it, Say no to drugs", campaign survive?

    It all sounds good for a vote. Politics.


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