I have a friend that is a geologist in the Seattle area. His company, Weyerhaeuser, pays for specialized weather consulting services. He just forwarded me a weather advisory that included the following:
"In the 36 years that I have been a weather consultant I have never issued a special update for another part of the U.S. However, the developing storm expected to hit the Central & NE Atlantic coastal areas next Monday thru Thursday is so strong and Deep, that I feel compelled to urge any of you heading in that direction to not go, or if you have family or friends going, try to stop them. This storm will have severe impacts on commerce/trade and travel all of next week, and the damage caused by the winds and heavy rainfall will last for weeks or Months, perhaps years.
This could easily be the single worst weather event to impact the region from Washington DC/Baltimore to New York City to Boston in our recorded weather history, in the last 300 years! It is that massive and deep!
Hurricane Sandy skirts the outer banks of the Carolina's this weekend, it then takes direct aim at New York City starting next Monday/Tuesday it curves back to the W-NW. It is expected to make landfall over New Jersey/New York City and Long Island next Tuesday & Wednesday with high winds, heavy rainfall and massive storm surge.
The destruction from this event could be total and massive: trees, power lines & poles, buildings coming down, etc. This event/storm will impact commerce, trade and travel throughout the entire region! Again, if you have travel plans to the is region, or have friends or family doing the same, I would cancel this immediately! If you have product that you are shipping East, or are expecting some from this region next week or beyond, I would make other plans!!
The long term effects from a storm this massive will take weeks or months to recover from, and for some, perhaps years!
This is a Hurricane that becomes what we call an Extra-tropical storm, or in this case a Mega-Storm! The ripple effects on this country could be impressive, from Political, to trade, to elections, to travel! This could also turn out to be a massive economic stimulus event, putting many out of work near term, but then the hiring begins once the clean-up starts!
For those living in the region from Washington/Baltimore to New York City to Boston, GOOD LUCK AND STAY SAFE, AND GET PREPARED!!!"
26 October 5:00 PM
At this time the projected track of Hurricane Sandy is for the center of the storm to make landfall at either Cape Henlopen or Cap May . The track has varied very slightly and could continue to do so. We should feel the effects of an on shore flow Sunday and for the next 48 hours or so.
We can expect tropical storm winds of 40 MPH + and with a direct hit winds of 50 to 75 MPH. Rain fall is expected to be up to 8 to 10” Major effects of the storm are expected to impact the area starting Sunday late afternoon building though Monday evening , diminishing late Tuesday morning
A storm surge of 4 to 6 feet on top of the full moon tide is expected. Major coastal flooding to be expected.
Sandy is projected to equal the Mothers Day Storm and possibly the Storm of ’62. At this time there have been no evacuation orders issued, but the subject is being discussed by all the appropriate agencies . We will know more about that Saturday afternoon. The next update though the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center (DELAWARE) will be 5:00 PM tomorrow afternoon. We will update everyone as soon as possible
We suggest everyone prepare for this storm. Secure everything that can blow away or cause damage.
Is this legit or more hype like Irene?
ReplyDeleteJoe, I call bullshitzky on this storm. Book it.
ReplyDeleteSeems like every storm is the storm of the century.
ReplyDeleteSo Joe......make your call before the storm. Is it hype? Should our leaders spend money preparing? Or should they not....so that we may then complain because they didn't. What is your opinion? IF you are ever Mayor, these are the types of decisions that YOU WILL have to make.
ReplyDeleteBunch of malarky? lol
ReplyDelete10:50 Irene did a lot of damage. We were lucky it missed us. Ask the people in the Outter Banks about Irene I bet they will tell you it was not hype
ReplyDeleteanonymous 1:12, I am no weather man. Clearly because we have chosen to publish so many articles about this storm, why take risks.
ReplyDeleteThere's enough information out there warning us this could be one of the biggest storms to hit the shore in our lifetime.
My suggestion is that every one prepare for the worst, especially in Ocean City. If we are blessed enough to have this storm take another path, well, we'll be blessed.
I'm confident Mayor Ireton is being advised on an hourly basis at this point and I trust Jim will make the proper decisions to keep us as safe as humanly possible.
To ask me to gamble with an answer is ridiculous. I am not privy to the same information Jim is being afforded. I will tell you this though. I would make very sure the entire Council is aware of the situation and together we would make the proper decision as to the safety of Salisbury residents.
Well, since there is no commerce, trade, nor travel because of Obamanomics, there is really nothing the storm could stop. I guess we'll just fire up the generator when the power goes out so we keep our fridges and freezers cold, and stock up on booze.
ReplyDeleteNo big deal here.
Route 13 business will flood again like the last big rain event, as nothing permanent was ever done as a preventative measure at the railroad trestle that clogged last time causing the big flood at Pep Boys/ Grant's (formerly car Care). Those houses that flooded that day need to get their sandbags ready and a lot of gas pumps ready! I was there last weekend with my dog, the stream jusy disappears into the ground and sticks at the embankment. Maybe a 6 inch hole at best!
ReplyDeleteRotsa ruck!
i also call bs on this one, and besides if it were to hit NY and do that kind of damage would that really be a bad thing?
ReplyDeleteComplete and utter balderdash.Well the economic powers that be have had their way.The lemmings have all rushed out & spent a fortune preparing for Frankenstorm.This should reflect favorably on the holiday merchants report.If this storm had been predicted on black Friday I would be looking for a place to hide.
ReplyDeleteWhat is worrying me is the wind, rain and ALL the leaves that are still left on the trees that will be coming down. I know we cleaned our gutters again today but once the wind and rain start I'm sure they might clog back up again......now what about the people in Salisbury? Has the city gone around and checked the storm drains to see if they are free of leaves and debris?
ReplyDeleteSo what if the weathermen are wrong again? I hope they are. I don't want to have to deal with this big storm if I don't have to.
ReplyDeleteI love how some are treating this like a game. Make your pick, place your bet.
Folks, over-prepare, and if you don't need it, great.
ReplyDeleteHowever, think beyond your immediate area. If roadways are blocked, or a bridge comes down, or communications are messed up in the REGION, that could mean shipments not making the grocery stores, gas tankers not coming in for the pumps, financial networks impaired for taking your credit or debit card, power out because of fallen trees elsewhere on the grid...
Please think beyond your little neck of the woods. My relative in Florida lived through a bad hurricane, only minor damage, very minor to the house. But OMG, days and days and days without power, even though things seemed "normal" compared to worse hit areas.
I see the argumentative weirdo's are coming out. Goodnight.
ReplyDeleteWell for all those saying it's B.S....as I see it, the radar is showing the beginning bands coming through & it is drizzling out there. The wind is picking up. If you don't prepare then don't expect others to risk their lives coming to rescue you. Whatever you do to prepare, if it's not needed, you can put away until "next time". Food can be eaten, gas can be used in your car. Don't be stupid. If this is anywhere as big as they're saying we're in for a rough few days.