Location: 20000 block of Lewes-Georgetown Highway, Georgetown, DE
Date of Occurrence: Between May 2009 – May 2011
11 year old female
5 year old female
Defendants, Charges, and Bond Information:
Melvin L. Morse, 58, Georgetown, DE (Photo Attached)
Reckless Endangering 1st (4 counts) – Felony
Conspiracy 2nd – Felony
Endangering the Welfare of a Child (2 counts) – Misdemeanor
Arraigned at JP3 and committed to Sussex Correctional Institution on $14,500.00 secured bond.
Pauline L. Morse, 40, Georgetown, DE (Photo Attached)
Reckless Endangering 1st (4 counts) – Felony
Conspiracy 2nd – Felony
Endangering the Welfare of a Child (2 counts) – Misdemeanor
Arraigned at JP3 and released on $14,500.00 unsecured bond.
Georgetown, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a Georgetown couple in connection with endangering their children.
The investigation began after detectives were informed of a domestic assault incident that occurred on July 12, 2012 where Melvin Morse grabbed his 11 year old daughter by the ankle and began dragging her across a gravel driveway at the residence where they live. Morse then brought her inside the home and began spanking her. Morse was arrested on July 16th for two counts of Endangering the Welfare and one count of Assault 3rd for this incident. He was later released after posting $750.00 secured bail.
On August 6, 2012, the 11 year old female was brought to the Child Advocacy Center where she was interviewed and informed detectives that over the course of a two year period, beginning in May 2009, she was disciplined by her father by what he called “waterboarding.” This act was performed on her by her father holding her face under a running facet causing the water to go up her nose and all over her face. This form of punishment was used on her no less than four different occasions. The victim’s mother, Pauline Morse, witnessed a few of these incidents and failed to stop Melvin from performing the act.
Melvin Morse and Pauline Morse were arrested at their residence on August 7th and brought back to Troop 4 where they were processed for the above listed charges. They were both arraigned at JP3 and Melvin was committed to SCI on $14,500.00 secured bail. He was issued a no contact order with either of the children and Pauline. Pauline was released on $14,500.00 unsecured bail and is to have no contact with either of the children or Melvin. The children are currently in the care of Division of Family Services.
This guy is a pediatrician!
ReplyDeleteWhat did the lil darling do to receive the treatment?
ReplyDeletewhat is wrong with the pediatricians in delaware?!
ReplyDeleteA adult who strikes (include spanking) is an adult that is out of control. Parents do not own their children, they are entrusted with them.
ReplyDeleteThis guy's got some kind of screwball fascination with near death expericence research and children. He's been on Larry King.
ReplyDeleteI've heard him on Coast to Coast AM radio a couple times.He only talked about remote viewing,not the near death experiences of children.
ReplyDeleteA adult who strikes (include spanking) is an adult that is out of control. Parents do not own their children, they are entrusted with them.
ReplyDeleteAugust 9, 2012 12:57 PM
And you're another fruit cake liar.
Where were you dumb sob's when I was bent over the principals desk getting whacked with a wooden paddle with holes drilled in it?
THE KIDS are out of control because they DON'T GET SPANKED.
Give us a break and take some parenting classes OR SOMETHING.