A Georgia homeowner allegedly awoke to an unusual scene on July 2 — a
county code compliance officer yelling at her over the state of her
lawn from the doorway of her bedroom.
“I woke up, I didn’t have my glasses on or my contacts in and all I
see is this big burly figure standing in my doorway,” Erica Masters explained. “A big huge guy with a grey shirt. It scared the mess out of me.”
She elaborated: “[He] yelled at me to wake me up, to let me know that
I needed to come back outside and sign the violation notice,” informing
her that her grass was too long.
If I saw him standing in the doorway of my bedroom, I would have shot him. And sent a bill to the county for the cost of cleanup.
ReplyDeleteKeep your grass cut, will keep people out of your bedroom.
ReplyDeleteI really she didn't have her glasses on, and he could have been at the front door.
Ha would have been a bleeding heap on the floor with a 12 guage sized hole in him or two if he opened my bedroom door...
ReplyDeleteA 12 gauge would have been appropriate in this situation.
ReplyDeleteshe deserved it.
ReplyDeleteNah, not a 12 Guage but a 10 Guage with double oo waiting beside the bed.
ReplyDeleteThey would have a had a job opening!
Addtionally, and really speaking, he should be charged with day time house breaking!
"Keep your grass cut and and people will stay out of your bedroom"? REALLY?? 3:28 is a total, complete, brainwashed buffoon. Or a "compliance" officer (another term, like "Homeland Security", that seems to taken right out of an Orwell novel) or a cop. She lives in Georgia and doesn't have a .12 gauge (loaded, of course) next to her bed?? What has happened to the South? If I was her, I'd let the grass grow high and wait for him to return. One less government offcial is a GOOD thing.
ReplyDeleteHa,ha the man takes his job very seriously.