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Friday, April 06, 2012

School Removes “God” From Lee Greenwood Song

The superintendent of Bellingham Public Schools released a statement Wednesday stating that students will now be allowed to sing or not sing “God Bless the USA” during an upcoming assembly at Stall Brook Elementary School.

“Political correctness is certainly a consideration in the public sector,” Superintendent Edward Fleury wrote in a statement posted on the district’s website.

“Students will be allowed to sing or not sing the words ‘God Bless the USA’ as they sing in celebration of their acquired knowledge,” he said. “No other words will be substituted.”

Fleury said there was no intent to be disrespectful and “we believe the use of the word god is acceptable in patriotic songs.”


1 comment:

  1. Next they will want to insert the name allah. And want a raise to boot.


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