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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gold Alert-Missing Adult

·         18000 block Philips Hill Road Millsboro, DE

Date of Occurrence:  
·         Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:00 a.m.

Missing Person:
·         Jesse Mitchell-53
·         White Male, 6’01”, 220 lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, brown beard
·         Last seen wearing gray sweatshirt and blue jeans
·         Photo not available at this time

Millsboro-The Delaware State Police have issued a Gold Alert for a Missing Adult Jesse Mitchell-53 of Millsboro, Delaware.

Jesse Mitchell was last seen at a family member’s residence located in the 18000 block of Philips Hill Road, Millsboro on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. and is believed to have walked away.
Mitchell suffers from Dementia and his mental status is such that there is a concern for his welfare.  Mitchell may be headed to the area of Laurel, Delaware where he grew up.   

Delaware State Police request if anyone has any information in reference to his whereabouts, or have observed Jesse Mitchell, to immediately contact 911.

All I Need To Know I Learned From The Easter Bunny!

  •  Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
  •  Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.
  • There's no such thing as too much candy.
  • All work and no play can make you a basket case.
  • A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.
  • Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day.
  • Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.
  • Some body parts should be floppy.
  • Keep your paws off of other people's jelly beans.
  • Good things come in small, sugar coated packages.
  • The grass is always greener in someone else's basket.
To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell.
The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.
May the joy of the season fill your heart.
Happy Easter!

One Day Old Filly

A Friend sent me this local picture yesterday. Its a great time of year, isn't it.

No Season? Money Back For Ravens Fans, But Not 'Skins

WASHINGTON - Football fans with season tickets to the Redskins or the Ravens will need to make their ticket payments on time, but if the season is canceled because of league's labor dispute, Ravens fans will get their money back plus interest. That's not true for 'Skins fans.
The Washington Examiner reports that Redskins owner Dan Snyder could earn more than $1 million in interest payments this summer. A fan who spends nearly $12,000 a season on tickets tells the Examiner he feels trapped, because he doesn't want to lose his seats. Another said Snyder has a history of "exploiting" the team's strong fan base, and Snyder can get away with it because fans fear not being able to get season tickets again.
Most teams are requiring fans to stick to their payments schedule if they want to hold onto your season tickets.

The Ravens have guaranteed fans their money back with 1 percent interest if the season is canceled.


That Brutal Beating In A Baltimore McDonald's

A McDonald’s worker has taken credit for filming and uploading to YouTube the latest viral video to capture a brutal assault at a fast food restaurant.

The April 18 assault took place at a McDonald’s location on Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb. According to the Baltimore County Police Department, a 14-year-old girl has been charged as a juvenile in connection with the assault, while charges are pending against an 18-year-old woman. “The incident remains under investigation and the State’s Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case,” added investigators.

The police report identifies the victim as 22-year-old Chrissy Lee Polis, who appears identical to Christopher Lee Polis, whose rap sheet includes convictions for disorderly conduct, property destruction, and prostitution, according to court records. The civil rights group Equality Maryland has identified the McDonald’s victim as a transgender woman.

Polis told police that she was walking to the restaurant’s bathroom when she “got into a verbal argument with two black females” who “began punching her in the face with their fists and pulling her hair.” A female bystander told cops that when she tried to break up the fight, the suspects punched her in the face, which “caused her to become disoriented.” Police noted that the woman, who declined medical treatment, had “redness around her right eye which is consistent with someone punching her in the face.”

The employee contended that the woman seen getting beaten in the video was actually a man "dressed lik a woman" who got into a confrontation with female patrons when he refused to leave the women’s bathroom at the Baltimore-area eatery. The employee claimed that the victim faked a seizure and, when cops arrived at the restaurant, “he got right up.”

That Pesky Birth Certificate

Two days ago, Matt Drudge linked to a new book by Dr. Jerome Corsi, unflinchingly titled Where’s the Birth Certificate? The book immediately rocketed to number one on Amazon.com, where it has remained ever since. 
The media has shown its usual incredulity at the indisputable stupidity of the American people.  How could so many people question President Obama’s birthplace?  How could they wonder about his origins?  Are they all simply racist?

The answer, of course, is that Americans are desperately seeking an answer to a simple question: why does President Obama appear to be so un-American?  The term un-American here is not synonymous with anti-American (though Obama has been that on occasion); instead, it merely signifies that President Obama is unconcerned with typical American principles and traditions.  He sees capitalism as selfish and evil, religion as dangerous and oppressive; he sees the Constitution as antiquated and entrepreneurialism as exploitative.  He is the representative of the Fareed Zakaria ideology at work, celebrating the post-American world.

When America elects a president like this, many Americans begin wondering how it happened.  There are always two answers to such difficult questions: the first is optimistically externally-oriented, while the second is realistically reflexive.  It is far easier to believe that the problem of un-Americanism lies outside our borders, that within we are unified.  Hence the oddly persistent belief that politics stops at the water’s edge, that our politicians unify around foreign policy.  But that belief has been obsolete since the 1960s; hence the persistent outrage when certain politicians (see Pelosi, Nancy) travel abroad and then criticize their fellow American officeholders (see Bush, George W.).  We like to think that if we hang together, we will not hang separately.

Thus the stubborn belief that President Obama is born outside the United States.  If he was, the unspoken logic goes, we can understand where he picked up his un-American philosophy.  He is not one of us – he is rather a member of the same global community that despises America and tolerates Islamism, that slams American consumerism and praises Chinese communism, that rips evangelical Christianity while ignoring Muslim-imposed clitorectomy.  We need not worry about our domestic institutions, goes the line of thought – instead, we must focus on protecting ourselves from foreign infiltration.

More realistically, however, President Obama is the culmination of a century of foreign infiltration already in place.  The turning of America’s institutions of higher education took place decades ago; it is too little too late to focus on such infiltration now.  Beginning in the early 20th century, America’s colleges and universities were infiltrated by German thought, then thought to be the most sophisticated in the world.  That school of thought, a merger of Hegelian utopianism and Marxist classism, quickly infected America’s halls of power.  Theodore Roosevelt, always trendy, bought into the new “progressivism” with alacrity, jettisoning the Constitution and capitalism in the process.  Bringing this perverse ideology to American shores, Teddy announced, “We of to-day who stand for the Progressive movement here in the United States are not wedded to any particular kind of machinery, save solely as means to the end desired.”  This was the philosophy of incipient dictatorship.  It was brought to its near-term apex under a college professor, Woodrow Wilson, who thought that the Constitution itself needed to be stripped away.

Read more here

AP Doing Their Best To Discredit 'Birthers'

Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.

Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public.

So far this month, only The Associated Press and one other person had looked at the binder, according to a sign-in sheet viewed Wednesday in the state Department of Health building. The sheet showed about 25 names of people who have seen the document since March 2010, when the sign-in sheet begins.

Those documents complement newspaper birth announcements published soon after Obama's Aug. 4, 1961 birth and a "certification of live birth" released by the Obama campaign three years ago, the only type of birth certificate the state issues.

So-called "birthers" claim there's no proof Obama was born in the United States, and he is therefore ineligible to be president. Many of the skeptics suggest he was actually born in Kenya, his father's home country, or Indonesia where he spent a few years of his childhood.

Possible Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has repeatedly stoked the birther fires recently, and last month called on Obama to "show his birth certificate." Trump said he has investigators in Hawaii searching for more information.

"Nobody has come in and said they're investigating for Donald Trump," said Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo, who acknowledged they could've come in without identifying themselves as representing Trump.
More here

Summer Sports Sign Ups

ESBL Sports Summer Sign Ups Adult Basketball League and Softball League Open League /35 Over League and Travel Team. Also Youth, AAU Basketball ages U9- U17 and Mighty Mites Training Program ages 2-6. May 7, 2011, 12pm-2pm. The Plaza Gateway Building, Downtown Plaza Salisbury MD Contact: Gary 443-735-5139

MDGOP Statement On Kasemeyer, O’Malley’s Plan To Raise Taxes

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland Republican Party Chairman Alex X. Mooney issued the following statement today in response to Senator Edward Kasemeyer, Chairman of the powerful Budget Committee, announcing he and Governor O’Malley believe ‘we’ve got to tax more things,’ at a legislative wrap-up session:
“In these difficult times we need Democrats in Annapolis to cut their binge spending instead of continually reaching into the pockets of hard working Marylanders.  The notion that the same Maryland Democrats who passed a budget that borrows and spends an extra billion dollars just last week, would now consider sweeping new tax hikes is adding insult to injury to struggling Maryland taxpayers.  As one of the most taxed states in the nation, Maryland’s deficit isn’t the result of insufficient revenues, it’s caused by the Democrats addiction to borrowing, spending, and irresponsible budgeting.  All Marylanders including the over 200,000 citizens who remain unemployed under O’Malley’s watch, have had to trim their family budgets in order to make ends meet and it’s time for Democrats in Annapolis to do the same with the state budget.
“I call on Governor O’Malley to state whether he agrees with Senator Kasemeyer that ‘another year of belt tightening,’ means ‘taxing more things’ Marylanders try to buy.  O’Malley’s rhetoric and campaign statements would have you believe he would disagree, but his record of historic tax and fee hikes means Marylanders are in for another round of Democrats attempting to pick their pockets during the fall special session.  Voters should beware and get active.”

To Be Or Not To Be

If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot.