The words of Irish poet William Butler Yeats in his poem, The Second Coming, have an eerie resonance for American politics today. "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold... The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand." In an environment of unprecedented political gridlock in Washington and broad-based dissatisfaction with the leading candidates of both parties, 2012 may finally be the year when an independent candidate becomes president of the United States. – Lynn Forester de Rothschild / Huffington Post
Dominant Social Theme: The heck with this two-party stuff. Let's simply elect the best technocrat.
Meanwhile, the US State Department, NGOs, and CIA, sponsor, fiund, and arm a "rebellion" in Syria to overthrow Assad and at long last establish a Rothschild-controlled central bank there, one of the three remaining mnations not controlled by the IMF/World Band/Federal Reserve/ECB Rothschild bank fiat money system, now that Libya's attempt to establish the gold-backed Dinar has been successfully murdered by the NATo_NWO overthrow machine, and their proxy "rebel" army