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Saturday, September 03, 2011

CDC: Why Are U.S. Circumcision Rates Declining?

Why are newborn circumcision rates dropping in the U.S.? In a report released Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that hospital circumcisions had declined over the past 10 years, after more than a decade of increase.

The rate of in-hospital circumcision rose from 48.3% in 1988-91 to 61.1% in 1997-2000, the CDC reports. To gauge current rates of circumcision, the researchers looked at numbers from three large, independent data sources, all of which collect discharge data on inpatient hospitalizations.

Every data set showed a decline. For example, the 1999-2010 National Hospital Discharge Survey showed that fewer than 12 million of nearly 20 million newborn boys were circumcised over the past decade. The survey showed that the rate of in-hospital circumcisions dropped from 62.5% in 1999 to 56.9% in 2008.



  1. Muslims don't get circumcised because when they have those God awful sand storms over there, they would'nt have anyplace th wide their scoal bandits.

  2. Now days they only want to cut your heart out.

  3. we decided NOT to circumcise our son (born 1/2007). we did alot of research, spoke to our pediatrician about it and decided that there's not MEDICAL reason to have it done.

    Read alot of information online about men who WERE circumcised later in life having procedures to stretch what skin they had to have some sort of a foreskin. Also read alot about botched circumcisions.

    I encourage couples who are expecting a baby boy to do the research. Read things that are for it & that are against it. talk to your pediatrician (that's what they are there for!). don't just have it done because its "the norm".

  4. what kind of parents want their son to look like a freak?

  5. 10:43, you need to proofread. We have no idea what you're saying!

  6. Yes. I can't bear the thought of my son going through that. I agree with you Kathy. It's just another surgery to bill you for. This was started when people didn't bathe but once a week. Proper cleansing in the fold is fine.

  7. 10:43, you need to proofread. We have no idea what you're saying!

    September 3, 2011 8:44 PM

    I understood him fine.

  8. what kind of parents want their son to look like a freak?

    September 3, 2011 8:35 PM

    What the heck are you talking about?

  9. Cathy

    While working in nursing home I have seen men whose foreskin had grown over the head of penis and fused.

    He had to have an operation to correct it.

    Having a circumcision is dependent on the parents beliefs, doctor recommendations, the current trend at time of birth, etc.

    Proper hygiene is the only benefit I can see for having one done.

    lol I just had a thought cross my mind. Why are we even discussing this? lol


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