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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Centre At Salisbury Mall Closed Until 10 a.m. Monday

Mayor Jim Ireton has declared a Civil Emergency for the City of Salisbury.

The curfew will remain in effect until 7pm on Sunday. The Centre at Salisbury will remain closed until 10am on Monday. Keep checking this site and http://www.centreatsalisbury.com/ for additional updates.

Stay safe friends!


  1. Hope they change that since the sun is suppose to come out later tomorrow afternoon. Overkill.

  2. What does Civil Emergency mean?
    not allowed on roads? or what?

  3. what a moron... Ireton needs to go asap. Please let's get rid of him

    Nothing is going on tomorrow..

  4. must be civil in an emergency.

  5. Is anyone else sick of James Ireton, Jr.'s multiple press releases. WTH! He is nothing but a joke that wants to see his name in the press.

  6. 547 couldn't have said it better. Great call Jim. Half the county won't have power, half of them didn't prepare, but why open restaurants and let people get out and spend money. You can always just raise taxes right?

  7. I can't believe people are actually complaining that it is overkill to shut the mall down until Monday morning. It's real easy for you to complain when you don't have to work there. I'm thankful because there will probably not be electric and you can believe there will be some idiots waiting at the door to get in and shop.....get your priorities straight!

  8. For those who are calling Mayor Ireton a moron, you need to look in the mirror to see a real moron. He is doing a superb job in handling this event, no matter what you may think of his performance in other areas. He is doing exactly what he should do as mayor: keeping the people of Salisbury informed and protecting them from harm. He would have been chastised had he done or said nothing.

  9. 10:01 PM

    Oh for God's sake. What superb job is there to do? Put a curfew in place so us little ignuts don't get wet or hit by a tree branch?

    When there are killings, muggings, rapes, robberies, where was the curfew then?

    Just what, if anything, has he done for the betterment of Salisbury? You tell us since you nose is so far up his butt.

  10. Guess he gonna write tickets for the people who want to go to church and thank the Man who really took care of us?

    Seems to me that would be unconstitutional.

  11. 2:41, what class!


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