House Democrats got a healthy dose of feedback Thursday on their plan for redrawing the state’s 41 representative districts in accordance with the 2010 U.S. Census.
Criticism of the majority caucus’ redistricting plan levied by those who attended the public hearing in Legislative Hall ranged from mild to severe.
Some, including Republican leaders, called the Democratic map flat-out Gerrymandering.
Camden resident Michael DeStefano was the first of a dozen or so members of the public to speak.
“No salamander-shaped looked better than the ones you’ve just conjured up to silence the legislative influence of adversarial districts and to strengthen your weakened ones,” he said.
In Delaware, the leading party in each chamber leads the redistricting effort — meaning the Democrats in the House and Senate, who enjoy comfortable majorities, face no serious opposition to their redistricting plans from the Republicans.
no shocker. this is the only way they can solidify their RULE over the SERFS. plain and simple.