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Friday, November 19, 2010

American Family Association Calls For Boycott On Dick's Sporting Goods For Not Using The Word "Christmas"

If there's one thing the not-at-all insane people at the American Family Association are good for, it's hilarious boycotts. The latest on their hit list is Dick's Sporting Goods, not because of the sorta-phallic name -- though you might expect that from a group that spells "nudity" as "nud**y" -- but because Dick's has the balls to not use the word "Christmas" in its holiday sales promotions.

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  1. It's good enough for me I won't shop there ! Walmart pulled this crap a couple years ago and quickly changed their minds!

  2. ditto 9:03. i did the same. since 96% of america consider themselves christian; not a good move for any retailer. by the way don't forget to wish ALL a "very merry christmas" and a happy and blessed new year.

  3. 10:31 76% ,not 96, consider themselves Christian in the US. Google it

  4. well now, let me see; this would only leave 24% don't consider themselves to be Christian's....... so.

  5. And those 24 % are the far left Progressives.


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