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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's The Difference Between These Two Signs?

One is legal, one is NOT.

Notice how the Maciarello sign has an authority line and the Mitchell sign does not.

Great, a States Attorney Candidate who doesn't follow the LAW!

UPDATE: Do I stand corrected?

We are told there's an authority line underneath the "E" on this sign.


  1. John Robinson is printing his signs. That explains a lot.

  2. John Robinson 4105460817October 19, 2010 at 12:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sorry john but you're wrong. There is no authority line on this sign. You can left click on the picture and it will enlarge. I have published your comment, (only for the moment) as I do not publish comments with phone numbers on them. It will disappear very soon.

  4. What does John Robinson and Seth Mitchell have in common? Both losers!

  5. Guess what -- Susan Tilghman supports Seth Mitchell in a letter in today's DT.

    Now guess what else -- her hubby, Mark, has applied for the vacant judgeship on the Wicomico County Circuit Court.

    The same Mr. and Ms. Tilghman in that Kratovil ad that accused Andy Harris of pushing for another tax -- 23% of sales -- but did not mention that it would do away with the federal income tax.

  6. Another do as I say not as I do politician. No thanks!

  7. I DEMAND another look LOL I see nothing. Quickly print his face book page no tag line there either

  8. If these signs are printed illegal why does not someone, whose job it is, take them down...and trash them

  9. Maybe it is printed on the back of the sign?

  10. The Wicomico County Board Of Elections has been notified to day of MR MITCHELL's infraction. They said they will call the candidate to notify him to take down the signs and also the State Board of Elections will know of his infraction.

  11. Typical of Robinson, skirting the rules. He is supporting Stet Mitchell since he got nowhere with Ruark regarding his BS legal actions against you, Joe. If Mitchell is elected, Robinson thinks he will have an inside track at the SA's office. Stet Mitchell was warned that Robinson is like that pile of dog crap you accidently step in; you can scrape it off your shoe but the stink is still there.

  12. 4:05 Great! Matt gets my vote either way.

  13. Why not do like the NFL did today. Instead of suspension for "head to head" contact, how about suspending 'ole Sethy Boy for "sign to sign" contact

  14. Robinson is a pathalogical liar, he never can tell the truth. Remember this is the man who accused the wicomico sheriff's office of breaking into his business and stealing video. In marked patrol cars at that. He supports Seth, any wonder about that?

  15. 7:23
    "Stet" Mitchell...that's a good one! LMAO!! You've hit the nail right on the head! That is why crime is so bad in Salisbury because of all the cases put on the stet docket! I'm voting for Matt!

  16. On another wanna be blog John Robinson said good bye to the blog world,sure John ,Heard that stuff before.


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