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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Republicans Propose $829,630,000.00 Reduction In Governors Budget

Since I was already in Annapolis yesterday and I had arrived early, I decided to go to another meeting that was being held. Maryland Democrats asked the Republicans to propose an alternative Budget to the Governors and that's exactly what they did. So much so they discussed unbelievable items that Governor O'Malley still has in his budget. In the end their proposal was the legitimately reduce O'Malley's Budget by $829,630,000.00!

One of the things that stuck in my head was O'Malley's Highway User Revenue of $131,000,000.00. Believe it or not, $121,000,000.00 of it was going to Baltimore City and the remaining $10,000,000.00 was going to the rest of the entire state of Maryland. Now what can you do with $10,000,000.00 in an entire state?

The republicans proposed dropping the $100,000,000.00 from the budget and remove Baltimore completely out of the picture this year. They talked about how Maryland's corporate tax rate is around 8.25% while Virginia is in the low 6% rate. Maryland rates 49th out of 50 states in employment tax.

Did you know that YOU the taxpayer fund $2,100,000.00 in abortions in Maryland?

One of the other items that caught my interest was the Governor has a salary of $150,000.00. I'm cool with that. HOWEVER, the republicans stated that while the Governor is the top leader in the state, other people working below him make more money than he does and this just isn't right. Now, if they reduced those other salaries to just $1.00 below his, (are you ready) that would save the state of Maryland $2,300,000.00! And yes, there would be some republicans who would take a loss as well.

Officials spend $1,300,000.00 in out of state travel. Did you know that there are not one but THREE Chef's at the Governors House? They mentioned a $300,000.00 reduction if they changed that, so these Chef's must be paid an absolute fortune!

It looks to me like the state of Maryland needs some serious help. What do you think? All of the information provided was just too overwhelming but to think we could cut $829,630,000.00 from the budget just amazes me.


  1. There is always more than enough fat to cut in government budgets. It's time for those in charge to step up and do the right thing and cut to the bone. The taxpayers want it and it is the right thing to do.

  2. Did you know that far more goes to kill your born and grown children in wars that do not protect the national security but do lots to pad Dick Cheney's pocket?

    Before you go off on the wet pants liberal thing, my son is in the military, I am proud of him and his comrades and they love and serve their country but they know the pointless nonsense they have been asked to do of late.

    I dread him being sent to Afghanistan and us ending up like the Russians. This is no noble WWII cause.

  3. @ 10:02
    How original..blame a member of the bush administration!

  4. 10:02 I guess someone put a gun to your son's head and made him join!
    get real!

  5. Just think of the waste nation wide. On the federal level . I bet we could find enough savings nation wide to pay off the national debt.

  6. 10:02
    You need to change the illegal drugs you are taking. You are loosing touch man!

  7. If this is O'Malley's spending program what can be cut from Pollitt's spending plan.


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