At least a dozen former Guantanamo Bay inmates have rejoined Al Qaeda to fight in Yemen,The Times of London reported Tuesday, amid growing concern over the ability of the country’s government to accept almost 100 more former inmates from the detention center.
The Obama Administration promised to close the Guantanamo facility by January 22, a deadline that it will be unable to meet. The 91 Yemeni prisoners in Guantanamo make up the largest national contingent among the 198 being held.
Six prisoners were returned to Yemen last month. After the Christmas Day bomb plot in Detroit, U.S. officials are increasingly concerned that the country is becoming a hot-bed of terrorism. Eleven of the former inmates known to have rejoined Al Qaeda in Yemen were born in Saudi Arabia. The organization merged its Saudi and Yemeni offshoots last year.
I'm surprised that Obama didn't give them guns also.
ReplyDeleteGive them guns? Obama takes guns away not gives them to people lol
Your president has screwed-up again.
ReplyDeleteJust helping his brothers , doesn't surprise me at all.
thanks a lot obama.
ReplyDeleteThe president of the United States!
ReplyDeleteThe winner of the Nobel peace Prize.
The biggest idiot in the country.
Well , I just consider his heritage.
Obama only takes guns away from U.S. citizens. :(
ReplyDeleteJust to put things into perspective, a portion of the Guantanamo detainees have ALWAYS returned to the battlefield. We saw several similar reports during the Bush years. How about you guys on the right take a break from Obama bashing to actually come up with some solutions for once.
ReplyDelete10:37 please post one of these reports please. I can tell you that they shouldn't be brought to US soil and tried costing the tax payers millions of dollars. They should be tried in by a war tribunal.
ReplyDeleteBig surprise there. Let's see any of you locked in Guantanamo, waterboarded over 128 times and then let go, if you still love America.
ReplyDeleteI don't care about the terrorists, I care about the law. If we get used to the idea that it's okay to keep people in captivity and torture them indefinitely without trial or even any charges, INCLUDING American citizens (already happened more than once), you might be next, while attending one of your (domestic terrorist?)TEA parties. Think about it. You cons are so quick to blame the left for abuses of power, but when Bush was doing THE SAME it was okay then. Big gov is big gov, bad no matter who's in power. I don't trust the Fed, that is, Rep Fed and Dem Fed alike.
Thanks so much to all the idiots who voted (multiple times) for Obama and his change. You can't even defend him. All you do is attack Bush. True conservatives were not Bush fans, but it was a whole lot better than the facist currently in the white house. It seems to always come to down to the lesser of two evils, and the current president takes the cake! He and his tsars need to be kicked to the curb ASAP!!
ReplyDeleteTo 10:53:
ReplyDeleteReuters has an article from 1/13/09 that sites a Dec. '08 pentagon report. There were also prior reports during the Bush years. These reports were used by Cheney et al. to justify the continued detention of the suspected terrorists at Guantanamo. It's just funny how now the right uses the reports as a club to bash Obama.
And to 12:38, it's czars not tsars. Check your facts; most of Obama's appointments are for positions already created prior to him taking office. Turn off Beck for a second and read some none-biased information for once. Then draw your own conclusion, not what Rush tells you.
ReplyDeleteHey 10:37-I've got a solution. Take them onboard a navy ship, do whatever we have to do to extract the information we need, and then outfit them with some concrete boots. This would solve all the problems. We could close Gitmo permanently, get the intelligence we need to keep Americans safe, and prevent the muslims from returning to the battlefield to kill more of our boys. As an added bonus, we could save millions of dollars. Makes too much sense for your liberal mind to comprehend, doesn't it?
ReplyDelete2:13 If that is correct I guess Cheney was correct. Thanks for validating the fact they shouldn't have been released.
ReplyDeleteBeck is still waiting for that phone call from the White House to tell him anything that he has reported is wrong. No calls because everything that he has reported is true. Watch him some time instead of reading the daily kook or watching Keith Doperman or Rachael Madcow and you too might learn the truth.
2:40 the liberals would rather more Americans die and be right in their own mind then agree with common sense.
ReplyDeleteU.S. to Suspend Gitmo Detainee Transfers to Yemen.
They must have finally listened to a Republican.
ReplyDeleteIf you look close enough, the phone isn't even plugged in. It's just a prop.
That's becasue most people voted for him because he was BLACK or should I say African American, wait better yet Kenyan... Half of America came to vote when obama bin laden was running for the pres because he was black and they knew nothing of what he wanted to do with this country... Howard stern and other tv shows like David Letterman did a show asking people why they voted for him and should he keep sara as his vp... they all said YES I like her, ROTFLMAO she wasn't even obama bin laden's running mate... Shows how much you all know... Secondly ALL people who run for pres ALWAYS TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR to get into office... Yet you listen to every word and not research and history proves this... Ever pres who was for the people got murdered...
ReplyDelete8:19, if your research only goes as deep as Stern and Letterman, I think you lack the tools to join the debate.
ReplyDelete3:49, No white house calls, but plenty of independent factchecking to show how Beck has repeatedly (shall we say) mischarecterized the truth. I think the whole "czars" thing is one of the more telling examples.
3:33, a small portion (not all, not most) rejoined the fight.
4:51: from what I understand, that decision was based on instability in Yemen, NOT because release of some of these guys is not good