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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What's In A Name? Well, If It's Wayne....

Chuck Shepherd is the author of News of the Weird, a blog site dedicated to... well... weird news. A classic post of Chuck's has to do with how many murderers, especially serial murderers, sport the middle name Wayne. If you're about to name your newborn male child and you have Wayne in mind for a middle name, you might want to reconsider, even if you're naming the kid after one grandfather or another. Or you can tempt the fates...

For the impressive list (nice work, Chuck), click on the above link.


  1. That is creeeeppy

  2. This is John Wayne Gacy....he is used as a study case in psychology. He was a every day average next door neighbor who befriended all the children in the neighborhood. To meet and talk with this man, you would never have a clue of how demented he was. It is very scary. The one thing in common with these types of murderers that has been found in brain mapping is the activity hot spots they have in the rear left lobe of the brain where is the animal instinct is initiated. A normal person uses very little of this section of the brain.


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