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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Two Ocean City Men Arrested On CDS Distribution Charges

On Saturday, May 30, 2009 at approximately 6:02 p.m., the Ocean City Police
Department’s Narcotics Unit concluded a two month Controlled Dangerous
Substance (CDS) Distribution investigation with the arrest of Mark Steven Erbe, 50, and Christopher Lee Fraites, 49, both from Ocean City, MD.

On two separate occasions an undercover Ocean City narcotics detective was able
to purchase powder cocaine from Erbe. Preliminary field tests conducted by
investigators indicated the suspected cocaine was a fake substance portrayed to be
powder cocaine. Approximately 6 grams of a counterfeit substance portrayed to be
cocaine was seized during the investigation.

Erbe was charged with two counts of distributing a counterfeit controlled dangerous
substance and possession of a non-controlled substance reasonably believed to be a
controlled dangerous substance. Erbe was seen by and Ocean City District Court
Commissioner and held on a $50,000 bond.

Christopher Lee Fraites was charged with conspiracy to distribute a counterfeit
controlled dangerous substance and possession of a non-controlled substance
reasonably believed to be a controlled dangerous substance. Fraites was also seen
by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and held on a $25,000 bond.
Both Erbe and Fraites have been transferred to the Worcester County Jail.


  1. So if you think you have an illegal substance, but really don't have an illegal substance, you are arrested anyway.

  2. It is the thought of crime that counts. Someone thought about committing a crime.

  3. if you sell fake stuff but try to pass it off as real. Surprise you get charged as it is real. I have no respect for dealers. But specifily for dealers that sell fake stuff!


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