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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Salisbury Infrastructure Crumbles

These photos are just one street and one example of just how bad former Mayor Barrie Tilghman left the City when she chose not to run for Office again.

Developers got their multi million dollar reimbursements but citizens were treated to next to nothing and as a new Mayor steps in and the Daily Times asks if he's done enough in his short period of being in Office, many of us know what Barrie did and just how she left things.

It will take far more than 4 years to clean up the mess she left behind and with the financial disaster she, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Shanie Shields and Gary Comegys left behind, let's just hope citizens are patient because there's a very big uphill battle to be fought.


  1. Your don't want to blame this on Ireton same way you blame Obama for what has been going on for years?

  2. And YES we the citizens are here with you Jim. Side by side..

  3. That article was such crap. It had Gary making it sound like Jim was hot air during the campaign. It made Debbie and Terry sound like they were in a conspiracy to get every body fired and to oppose Jim.

    I talked to Terry today when I ran into her this afternoon.

    So, why didn't the Daily Times use her whole quote?

    My opinion is that rag is afraid of the truth and is going to stir the pot again. I think there is a whole lot more going on here. They laugh at us being conspiracy nuts, but we've been right a lot.

  4. The Mayor may not have the financial resources to fix things over night but he can control his staff any word on the Public Works Director position. Seems that some fresh faces and fresh ideas are just what we need now.

  5. and somebody's got a serious anti-freeze leak

  6. 9:22 I agree with your statement. I undertand Jim is taking it slowly...Baby Steps as he puts it, but I am afraid he is going to have cold feet and give us the same ole same ole at tax payers expense. June 10th is when he said he was going to roll up his sleeves and all I have seen out of him is a few great photo ops. I am starting to consider him Louweasel Ireton.

  7. I've got my boxing gloves on. Let's go! If anyone can fight the good fight it's Jim and his friends!

  8. Well I am a tax paying citizen in the city and I have been trying to be Jim's friend and put up a good fight, but he refuses to answer or return my phone calls or emails. Makes me and others think we made a mistake supporting him. I am feeling like I should have supported Bob Caldwell instead.

  9. anonymous 10:39 and others,

    Jim Ireton is one man. Clearly MANY of you just don't understand how politics work, especially the Mayor.

    When you are Barrie Tilghman with a majority of council on your side, many things can be brought up on the Agenda and passed with let's say a 3 to 2 vote.

    Jim Ireton has MANY issues he has tried to bring to Louise Smith, many of which she refuses to place on the Agenda for discussion.

    That being said, there's not a whole lot Jim Ireton can do, if Louise Smith refuses to put it up for discussion.

    So for the simple minded who go to other Blogs who are clueless to the process as well and enjoy attacking Ireton, just know there are many of us lauging at their stupidity and their followers because they simply have no clue.

    Like I have said in the past, Barrie Tilghman is laughing her A$$ off at all of you because she's still in complete control.

    That being said, it was the majority of Idiots in Salisbury who voited for Comegys to get back into Office as well as Shields. You get what you vote for Folks but if you believe Jim Ireton isn't doing his best in the best interests of the citizens, well, you're just stupid, is all.

  10. Anonymous 10:39 - what is your name? I will make sure the Mayor returns your calls if in fact he has not, which I highly doubt.

  11. Stop spending crap we can't afford. Where is this exactlly?

  12. Jim didn't return my call and if you want to check it out, give me your email and I'll give you my contact information.

  13. our friend the snow plow makes this much worse with every pass. fortunately, it doesn't pass that often.

  14. 10:45 The poster, as a taxpaying citizen, said he/she can't get the mayor or anyone from his office to return calls and emails. What's preventing Ireton from doing the most basic of duties of any representative of the people?

  15. The cheap salt the city uses on icy roads eats away at the concrete curbs and sidewalks. Public works' idea of job security.

  16. What was the question? Maybe it didn't deserve to be dignified with an answer Lynn/bota?

  17. Don't forget that most of this work will be done at the property owners expense because the owners are responsible for the sidewalks and curbing. I for one had rather leave them the way they are unless the city is going to pay for the repairs.

  18. That may be interesting to take on Wilbur in court over that issue.

    Why should a citizen have to pay for a sidewalk and curb because the city dumps cheap salt on it when they are plowing snow?

  19. FYI - The city doesn't use salt.

  20. What are you Joe Jims cheer-leader now. He hasnt done a darn thing worth anything. And just because I dont agree with you in no way makes me stupid.

  21. What can he do to bring industry back to Salisbury? JOBS that will support local legal families should be priority number one. If he and the councel dont create jobs there isnt going to be anything left to save. I understand the counsel is a joke, but hes a politician now that means you have to manuever.

  22. Salisbury is not the only town that has this appearance.

  23. OMG you people are really something. The city council has the power not the mayor. Nothing will change until Comegys, Shields and SMith are gone. The mayor of a city does not have the power of POTUS for goodness sake.

  24. yeah joe,it was all barry tilghman's fault because you took some pictures of a cracked sidewalk,has the new mayor taken action on this yet?


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