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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some Wicomico County Schools In Lockdown

I have been receiving several messages that Mardela High and other schools are in Code Orange lock down. Every attempt I have made to get answers have failed but I'll keep trying and let you know what's up just as soon as I can.

UPDATE: I am told that ALL Schools are going through a planned canine sweep of all of the schools to search for drugs in lockers.


  1. I just texted my son over at Bennett High School. He said they were in lockdown earlier but they're not anymore as of 10:20 a.m.

  2. Kids know enough to hide drugs on their persons, in their duffel bags, etc. Not finding drugs in lockers means nothing.

  3. I hide my stash in that righteous globe on my history teacher's desk anyway. BTW..'Aloha' also means 'goodbye', Mr. Hand!!

  4. 10:21
    You are texting your son while he's in school? Here we go again!
    Your son should not even have a cell phone at school.

    Cell phones should be BANNED from the schools...period!

    Go back to how it used to be. If a parent needs to contact their child in an emergency, they can call the office.

    They are a distraction and they are used for cheating. In this day you don't know if that child is educated or if he/she has cheated their way through.

    Not to mention the added danger the students are in simply because any plan to do something bad can now be much better organized if all the players are able to communicate instantaneously to carry out a plan.

    Parents need to not allow their kids to take their phones to school. They are not needed there!

  5. I was told it was a drill. It is over now and they are off lockdown. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  6. 10:31 AM
    Get off your high horse. Many of us parents allow our kids to take their phones to school for peace of mind. With so much going on in schools these days we feel better knowing we can reach our children when we need to. The schools have brought this mistrust upon themselves.

  7. Anon 10:31 - while I understand your concern and I know the negative aspects of cell phones. My son began carrying a cell phone when he was accosted and injured while in school and the school authorities failed to notify me, repeatedly. I don't subscribe to the notion of handing over all authority for my child when he is in the public schools. He is my child before he is their student.

  8. anonymous 11:12 should have been signed, The Robinson's.

  9. Anon11:03-

    Because your direct link is the ONLY reason that phone is used huh?

    Can only only imagine the texts going on between students during the school day.

  10. 11:12
    Define "injured" please.

  11. You might want to tell your kids that when they come to college and they text in my class, I throw them out.

  12. 11:23 AM Can only only imagine the texts going on between students during the school day.

    Yes that is a major concern. My child is told if the phone is taken because she is trying to reach me for something important you won't lose your phone. If your phone is taken because you are texting your friends during school hours your phone will be taken. So far I have not had a problem.

  13. First, who are the Robinson's? Second, injured as in struck in the head, huge knot and bruise on forhead, knocked around in the bathroom, head banged against stall doors, pushed down flight of stairs, knot on knee, ripped clothing and limping when I picked him up from school, three separate incidences. As for texting in class. I agree it's not a good thing and as an adult in college, I won't have the same need to know he is safe, except maybe if there's a shooter on campus as there was twice at my daughter's college and she was in lockdown for an entire day, in which case, I was grateful we had texting available to us.

  14. 10:31 Get with the times. Everyone has a cell phone these days. It's a valuable safety tool. This is a perfect example appropriate cell phone use. Cell phones can be used for cheating? I hope your kid is creative enough to find other ways to cheat.

  15. If 1000 parents and their kids in a high school send txt msgs back & forth in an emergency and then these parents go to the school to try to pick up their kids, is it possible that mobile & emergency communication systems become jammed, and that emergency personnel end up having to deal with the parents instead of the emergency plans?

  16. 10:31 is probably at work on his/her bosses time typing on this blog, but that is ok, now get back to work!!!

  17. dear 10:31 anon, You speak of going back to how it used to be and have the parent call the office if they need to contact their child in a emergency? First of all it's not how it used to be!!! We didnt't have lock downs back then. Second of all, have you ever tried to get in touch with your child through the office or even call the office during a lock down. Good Luck! It can't happen! Why, cause they are in lock down which means just that. They are not allowed to leave the classroom. If there is a lock down at my childs school I want to know why. Good luck getting through to school or board of ed to find out why.Im for cell phones in school.

  18. If you think your kids are using their cell phones as a "valuable safety tool," you are nuts or in denial. When they text over 2,000 times a month, here's what they are saying:
    "What u up to?"
    "That's cool"
    "What u up to?"
    "whats she doin?"
    "math sux"
    "you suk"

    Awesome, and so necessary.

  19. 12:06 PM If we trusted the school and others to keep us informed, you wouldn't see so many kids sent to school with cell phones. If we wouldn't get a run around when we call the school, you wouldn't see so many kids sent to school with a cell phone. If we could trust that if our child had a problem and needed us we would be contacted, you wouldn't see so many kids sent to school with a cell phone. Mine will keep the cell phone because the trust is not there.

  20. I note the ramblings of Master Spicoli here today. He obviously could not attend my class today. He continues to feign offense at my supposed "bogus" rules. However, I would like input from other instructors and parents, with old-fashioned American values here to support that if you are caught with a device like this while attending {my} class, it should be determined that you are wasting OUR time, and as a result should immediately come to the front of the class and be prepared to show/share your message/photo with all of us. It is far too easy to send you to the office when we can address your behavior in front of the entire class.

  21. Nobody actually cheats using a cell phone, sorry.

  22. well any dope found ?? Guns etc... Give us the juice. 80% of the kids knew it was comimg because members of the BOE dont want this on them. 21000 approx i believe is the number of students in the county system. What two exspelled in a year. Smile somebody loves ya. Take you kid to Karate, the firing range, buy him or her a bullet proof book bag. If the board does not wake up less than 1% make it bad for all. They stay because the market is rich with kids that pay for their dope and they dont get shot making the deal. 19 year olds walking around with kids why would he want to leave school it is his turf. They can put he or she at Choices now that is an oxymoronic title. I choose to assault therefore i can, I choose to cuss teachers and other staff therefore I can, I choose to come to school stoned and pregnant at age 15 therefore I can. Good thing they did not bring in a DUNG sniffing dog it would have passed out from alerting so hard on Long Ave.

    I guess I am just bitter I exspect so much for from educated people. I guess liberalism is alive and well. I am be biased but the only disrimination I see is to those kids that go to school to get an education. Maybe those parents need to file a suit.

  23. If you are sophisticated//motivated enough to put together cryptic cell phone code, knocking systems with your lab partner or write the entire Bill of Rights on your inner thigh with mascara while wearing a mini-skirt {I know someone who apparently passed high-school Spanish this way-I wasn't technically cheating because I wasn't actually looking at her "words"}; just use your evil powers to read a couple homework chapters before the test. A higher-education honor violation will kill your entire future career for just outrageously stupid behavior.

  24. Bull on the cheating. No cell phones in school. If a parent really cared for the kid and had an emergency then I wouldn't call my kid, have them upset & drive if they have a car. DUH
    Next do the sweeps and get ANY drugs you can out of the school. MAXIUM TIME for those who are caught with them.

  25. New Contributor LCuruso - Please ask parents of teens to check cell phone records and come clean by posting # of texts per month by their teens.

  26. 1:02,
    Maybe you don't, but you are absolutely wrong that others don't. Trust me, we have kicked people out of school for using cell phones to cheat. And for you teachers out there, I cannot believe you allow students to have the earphones in their ears during class. I know this is common at Bennett, so I assume it is common at other schools. At best, they have music on low. At worst, they are cheating. Don't believe me? Check out how many online podcasts there are out there with academic subjects. Pay a buck, download a program, pass the test. Here's another hint, brought to you by a junior at Benett: when the students have hoodies on, they often snake their iPod earphones up the back and have the ear bud either in the ear, or right next to it. Get some cajones and kick them out of class. Better to have it happen there than when they get to college, where they will be kicked out of class, have a permanent mark on their transcript, and their parents will still have to pay the tuition for the class.

  27. Mr. Hand, you are an idiot. The old fashion ways are gone. The new word is change. Don't you know the objectives of our new president. Get with it or get out. I mean retire.Let the new society take your place. People like you need to be disposed of. Not a problem.

  28. You might want to tell your kids that when they come to college and they text in my class, I take their cell phone and give it to charity plus fail them for the semester. Good riddance.Leave your hats off, you pants pulled up and eat before you enter my doors.

  29. I guess I am very old-school,I do not think a child should have a cell phone until THEY can pay the bills for it.....they can talk to their friends on the bus,during rcess,or on the home phone after the school day is over!Get them one of the restricted phones that only call home or grandparents,yes-but thats it ands thats all they need.No wonder the teachers in high school are so fed up.
    Furthermore,is it just me,or has the texting craze bastardized written English?I have read comments online and read actual notes from people using text slang like "ppls" for people,etc.WTF?LOL

  30. 1:25 PM Are you serious? We are not calling or texting our kids because we have an emergency. We send our kids to school with cell phones in case they have an emergency. DUH to you to. The parents do care and that is why we do it.

    12:56 PM What times are you living in? These are not old fashioned times. These are dangerous times.

    It is wasting a teachers time and other students time if they are texting each other in class. They should have consequences for that. We are saying when something happens at school we want to be able know our children are safe and they can contact us in an emergency or when they have a problem that can't wait. It is a safety precaution. If you can't see that you don't have children in school or maybe you don't care.

  31. 1:42. Aloha. I am glad at least you could attend my class. I like that. I think I will leave your words on my blackboard for future classes to admire. BTW..1:42-"will there be employment for you when you graduate with outrageous student loan debt".."well, I don't know Mr. Hand". Or, even better, "Am I really responsible for paying that much money for that baby for 18 years?...well, I don't know, Mr. Hand." Or why is the only mortgage I can afford is a three-wheeled '83 el camino down by the landfill".....well, Capish? Aloha.

  32. You send your kids to school with their cell phones because you don't know how to put your foot down in the best interest of your child.

    A lot of parents give their kids everything they want nowadays and allow them to act however they choose to act because they just don't want to make the effort to keep their kids in line.

    There is NO reason for ANY student to have their cell phone at school.
    They are at school to LEARN, not text their friends.

    Some of you cry "it's for safety".
    That is BS and you know it!
    Learn to stand up to your kids so that your kids learn to stand on their own two feet BEFORE they are old enough to be on their own.

  33. Anon 12:16

    You amaze me.

    If the school is on lockdown, there must be a problem.
    Why in the hello would you EXPECT anyone to answer the phone?
    Lockdown means exactly that! No communication IN OR OUT!

    If the situation is due to a threat by individual(s), you would not want them to have the possibility of a call coming in who "says" they are the parent of _______ when they really are not.

    As far as the reason for the lockdown, you would know when the reason is released to the public.
    THAT IS how it used to be years ago.

    You do not need to be in constant contact with your kid....cut the damn apron string for God's sake!

  34. students are not only texting, but now they are sextexting! It is rampant in the schools... check your child's phone for the pic's. Mom's warn your daughter's to not believe what the boy's tell them when they say, " show me your boobs, I promise I won't show anyone"!

  35. Kids are using their phones to take pictures of tests and send them to other students. Teachers cannot watch 30 kids every second. One raises its hand to ask a question about the test, teacher goes to that student, others cheat.

  36. 6:44 PM you are grasping at straws. How do they cover the sound the phone makes when it takes the picture? How are they going to read what it says in that picture? Remember they have to keep the phone hidden so it will be even harder to read that very small print. You are totally missing the point.

  37. Sextexting is rampant in the schools and makes the 7 hour day pass fast as I listen to the dull lessons that our teachers come up with. What's more fun than sex? Nothing. There's not a virgin in the school.The boys have a contest going as to who can lay the mosdet different girls. Also double points if it is on school property. School is an exciting place. The Deputy Dog and teachers don't have a clue as to what goes on. Gullible Gladstones says hello.

  38. About time they did this- as every high school kid knows there is pot and cocaine being OPENLY used in the bathrooms all the time!

  39. Do we have a school superintendent? Has anybody seen him or her? Does the superintendent ever speak or show himself to the pupils? Is he or she afraid of the school gangs or what? How does the superintendant feel about cell phones in school? What is going on in the Central office Secret Society Joe?

  40. Get a life Mr Hand before we egg your car, soap your windows, put salt in the gas tank, pull your shrubbey up, spay paint your house, defecate on your front door step, let the air out of your tires or maybe take your wheels leaving the car on blocks. We will have so much fun with you Mr. Hand. I know you will be a good sport about about it.

  41. have i missed alot in the past years when we took phones to school we got 5 days no matter what. but now that im a mom i think i agree if i need my kids or my kids need me cell phones are the way. the office people are not going to let you call

  42. Bennett High did their drug check and came up positive.. no surprise right.. the school is trashed outside and inside. They have no control over the kids at all. They punish kids who come for help and let the bad ones run wild.. haha.. i know 1st hand and dont bother going to John Fredrickson (super for WCBOE) He is no help at all. Lets face it our good kids are not safe in salisbury schools. And he does not care. Oh ok YES he did a drug sweep.. but probley because he got heat from parents.They suspend them for a few days then they are back doing what they do best..nothing..

    CELL PHONE.. I agree with everyone here. by having cell phones in school it does help the bad to plan better. But it also help a parent get notified faster. Because the schools only call when something stupid is going on. So it is a flip thing here. The cells are also proven to keep some kids safe. so as long as they dont use it in class im good with it. I check my kids phones to enforce this. and if they do use it in school they get punished.. ban them from school?? OH LORD they cant even care for the kids and keep them safe.. And the BOE does nothing. They are a waste of our money. But we can all complain or a group of parents can get together and march in front of BOE and get them to do their jobs.. HEY THERE IS A GOOD IDEA!!!! Joe wanna help get this going??

  43. Anonymous said...
    Do we have a school superintendent? Has anybody seen him or her? Does the superintendent ever speak or show himself to the pupils? Is he or she afraid of the school gangs or what? How does the superintendant feel about cell phones in school? What is going on in the Central office Secret Society Joe?

    12:02 AM

    haha.. funny this is posted.. yea we have one. but i can tell u 1st hand he is just like our mayor.. he sucks. he is adah or something. you can talk to him about something then all of a sudden he gets of track..lol
    then he lies to u. and says things he is NOT going to do. but yes it is a secert.. He is no better than tom field.. Actually they are twins..haha.. I am always fighting the BOE about something. and have come to find out that they dont give a crap. So I think we all should march with huge signs in frount of the BOE.. they need to do their job. so who is in. we need date and time. this is for all kids who are NOT getting what they need from John Fredrickson and his crew...
    Joe want to help?? come on I know you do.. Im sure the Mayor will show up. I will send her an invite..lmas

  44. 12:26. Lovely spelling {you touch my "shrubbey", and I am going to shank you}. What are you all on dope??!! Try to grip your crayon a little tighter with your toes when commenting. Must have gone to Parkside..Ughh-what savages. Keep your chin up-the world needs ditch diggers,too!

  45. The teachers and all text in school. why are they exempt?? they are the ones who probley start the crap. they r just as bad as the kids. not all but most are.. so teachers need to leave cells in their cars too. I had a meeting with a teacher and her phone kept going off. and she kept taking the text while i was sitting there.. ok so now what is she teaching the kids????


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