"So, let's see,
We have a President who has never run anything, not even a corner store.
Don't tell me he ran his campaign, because he didn't, he showed up and gave speeches.
The candidate doesn't have time to run the campaign.
We have a Vice President who thinks FDR was President and America had TV when the
stock market crashed in 1929, (Herbert Hoover was in office and Television didn't
become widely used until the '50's), he is also well known for his plagiarism in the
late '80s.
We have a Secretary of State, who has never run anything, not even a corner store.
Her claim to fame is that she is the wife of a former President, who had sex in the
Oval Office, disgraced the Presidency and was impeached.
We have a CIA Director who has never worked in the intelligence field and is
expected to take over during the most dangerous times we have ever faced.
We have a Democrat Governor of Illinois who is the process of being impeached for
trying to sell the Senate seat of the now President. At the same time, the Democrat
Senate is about to approve the person this Governor named as a replacement for that
senate seat.
Now we have someone that is expected to replace Hillary Clinton as the new Senator from New York, who has never held office, has never run anything, not even a corner store, and whose only claim to fame is that she is worth over 100 million dollars and her father was President and was assassinated 45 years ago.
Finally, though I don't think that this is the end, we have a Treasury Secretary who doesn't pay his taxes.
Oh, this is really upbeat. Only someone with their head firmly where the sun doesn't shine could think this is a positive situation.
Not sure I like the 'Change'."
Published by Joe Albero
Kennedy dropped out this morning.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning!
Caroline Kennedy withdrew her name Yesterday as a possible candidate for Clintons Senate seat.
Nina DiCarlo
Is this the type of thing I will have to read on "Salisbury" News everyday for the next 4-8 years?
ReplyDeletemuch respect to her for knowing when she is in over her head.
ReplyDeleteObama is the truly first liberal president of my adult life. Our last liberal president was JBL (and he wasn't even all that liberal). Thank god the electorate finally stopped electing incompetent conservatives. What is striking is that we elected the most liberal and most educated viable candidate.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be a great four years!!!
...make that eight.
keep up the comments about "so called change"
ReplyDeleteWait til he tackles healthcare and doctors begin to quit in the thousands.. now that will be change
The problem with this whole thing is this.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how much you whine and complain, this is your president.
How about doing as he has asked, if you have a better solution to anything step up to the plate.
Lot easier to whine isn't it?
two sentz
ReplyDeleteYou bet!
i learned how to complain about the president from liberals. so you can take your opinion and sit on it 9:42.
ReplyDeletethe complaints wont stop, just like obama wont stop being the president right now.
I suggest YOU learn to get used to the whining.
and thanks to your party for the tips on how to b*tch!
There is a difference between b*tching and whining. When you whine you know you can't do anything about it.
ReplyDeleteWith the other thing we won an election.
Well, liberals certainly did have a lot to b*tch about over the last 8 years, didn't they?
ReplyDeleteI gotta tell ya, Two Sentz... with as much crap as I've heard from the left for the last 8 years. I think you need to get used to it!
ReplyDeleteTwo Sentz,
ReplyDeleteWhile I receive quite a bit of information like this from readers wishing to remain anonymous, I believe it will tone down soon enough. Like I have said on other Posts, I can't put up things that please everyone 100% of the time. Besides, you have the opportunity to counter what's being posted here as well. We want to hear both sides because it's a dose of reality, wheather they like it or not.
At least the O-man didn't run from the Draft like Bill Clinton!
ReplyDeletePS- It's absurd. All the people who have been bashing Bush and other Reps for years now say that it's wrong, unpatriotic, etc., to even criticize Obama on his record and lack thereof.
Thank goodness Caroline is out.
ReplyDeleteWish we could say the same for Obama.
two sentz doesn't have to read SBY News, does he/she????
ReplyDeleteSo what's the solution? Too many cooks in the kitchen.
ReplyDeleteI doubt the treasury secretary makes it past congress.
I still ask this question, does anyone out their know of a single person being helped from foreclosure by all this bailout money? I've been asking this question to many I've yet to see a reply
He also hasn't lied to us for 8 years and killed 3000 American soldiers for no good reason!
ReplyDeleteYup! Would take my chances with all of them over what Bush did within 8 years.
ReplyDeleteThere was a change at the Inaguration that I did not like one bit.
ReplyDeleteMembers of the audience AUDIBLY Booed and Hissed when President George W. Bush entered the podium.
This is the first time I have seen or heard of such total and complete PUBLIC disrespect for an outgoing President AT an inaguration ceremony.
I was personally at the Clinton White House during the so called transition to President Bush.
Talk about a complete lack of respect the OEOB was stripped down to the walls, with furniture gone and bare wires hanging from the walls in many empty offices.
You may not have liked PRESIDENT BUSH or his policies, but I hear a DOUBLE STANDARD loud and clear.
But anyone who disagrees with anything our new president says or does, is a racist or intolerant or ignorant.
You can guarantee that when the Bush Adminstration handed over the White House and its executive offices, everything was in tip-top shape, good condition and the staff was pleasant and cordial.
Personally I hope that President Obama can deliver on his promises and make meaningful changes.
Our nation is in a lot of trouble right now and his adminstration had their hands full.
OK, political posts are getting stale, so can't we/you post about anything else form a while. Religion, gay marriage, soybean prices, just anything to end the political crap.
ReplyDeleteRight on! The Clintons and staff took over 200k worth of gifts from the White House and even the W keys from the computers.
Bush left the White House with only the things he brought with him.
Liberal character has taken a sharp dive after Carter.
Did you know the Obama is keeping the Oval Office just as Bush left it. He likes it.
BossHogg -
ReplyDeleteWhy can't citizens voice their displeasure for someone who didn't do many positive things over the past 8 years.
Heck, read this sites topics and comments. Because this is first time I have seen or heard of such total and complete PUBLIC disrespect for a President who hadn't even taken office yet!!
"The problem with this whole thing is this.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how much you whine and complain, this is your president"...Mayor.
"How about doing as (s)he has asked, if you have a better solution to anything step up to the plate.
Lot easier to whine isn't it?"
Boss Hogg,
ReplyDeleteYou and I grew up in an era in which we always showed respect for the President of the United States.
However, since you mention your experience with Bush/Clinton, I believe Clinton turned that around for goods with me personally.
The fact that he disrespected the Office as much as he did, especially sexually, he started the downfall of respect towards the Presidency of the united States. HE LIED!
Now I know Nixon lied as well but Clinton really made a fool out of that Office. Heck, George Bush made a fool out of himself just by being in that Office and the American people made even bigger fools out of themselves for voting for the Idiot.
That being said, I have a friend of mine who's Daughter worked for the Bush Sr. Administration and was the rehired by Bush Jr. and I have been told directly that he's a much smarter man than most want to believe. That comes from an insider that works with Bush each and every day and I still think she's full of crap. My guess is, if she were my Daughter I'd probably believe her more.
Anyhow, how do you know many of the people making the remarks you mention aren't parents of dead American Soldiers who got great seats for the Inauguration? Think of it like this. How do YOU think "I" would treat Bush if I had the opportunity to Interview him one on one?
There's a HUGE difference between Bloggers and the MSM. I crack up every time I'd watch a Press Conference and everyone would ask the pampered questions they were fed to ask by the Administration. However, every once in a while someone would grow a set and ask a serious and harsh question and their career for the most part would be over. NOT with Bloggers! We're not dependent on that paycheck or that job. We're not influenced by corporate or advertising pressure.
The questions and reality delivered to the American Public would be REAL! This is what caused the downfall of Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart and hopefully Gary Comegys.
We need to hold the President of the United States to higher standards as well as national and local politicians. Citizens have the right to their Freedom of Speech and as you may call it disrespectful, I beg to differ. A lot of lives have been lost with President Bush, not just here but other human beings around the World. What was his gain, oil and gas, (his former business) went through the roof and SOMEONE made billions of dollars. I'd boo that SOB too if I had the chance.
Caroline Kennedy dropped out yesterday.
ReplyDeleteBlagojevich is not part of "change," unless you mean he's looking for some in his pocket.
Hillary Clinton wowed the socks off Republicans and Democrats alike with her incredible command of the issues they pounded her with, even the not-so-well-known ones. Unlike your gal Palin who can see Russia from her window (not) and would have been a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Obama's been in office 1 day and you're judging his record? Ok, so far it's been damn good as he's stood his ground with Congress on the Bailout money, started tightening ethics rules and is taking on world crises.
As for rude behavior toward Bush, I don't condone it, but don't blame Obama. Since a heck of lot of Republicans are enraged by Bush, including the ultra-right-winger blog I read today, that's a function of what Bush hath wrought, not Obama.
Sad to say, there's no change here on this blog where Obama bashing on tired old debunked bull is concern.
Give it up, it is a new day.
ReplyDeleteWhat you gonna do when Johnny comes home and hes lost his legs. I believe that all politicians have their own private agendas, and this one wont be any differant.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice Obama's new ethics rules on lobbying?
ReplyDeleteThere's an interesting change.
Now there's a whole bunch of Bush administration folks that will have to go out and look for a real job.
I am just waiting for my taxes to go up so the new Prez can pay for all this stuff he promised.If he stays out of working class pockets,he might get my support.
ReplyDeleteTaxes, shoot my insurance premiums just went up by 35%. Where is the justice there. Soon enough my kids will be on a state funded health insurance program.
ReplyDeleteAs Obama said, it is time to set aside childigh things, it is time to be serious again. Set aside the petty bickering and if you have a good idea, let it be known! If you want to live in a better city, join a campaign! Organize a park clean up. Join Meals on Wheels. Join Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Raise your children to be decent human beings. Go over to your neighbor's house with a tray of chocolate chip cookies. Vote. Read a book every once in awhile. Volunteer. Smile several times each day. You can do all of these things and still think Obama is a terrible president, but you will begin to change your life for the better.
ReplyDeleteWon't have the money to bake the cookies, buy gas to get to the park, wont be able to smile due to the same. Will only be miserable, higher tax paying, worried about losing my job and business, rasict (because I am republican), who is having an Islamic, non citizen run my country. Thats not going to make America better. Although, I could do as you say and cover up these facts to make it look like I am happy, but then I would be a Democrat so that ain't happening either. Just hoping for the best is all I can do!
ReplyDeleteObama being in office one day or two days, it's the same as before office. NO RECORD!
The people of Ill. paid him for attendance, he thought it was role call. "Present"
rasict (because I am republican), who is having an Islamic, non citizen run my country.
ReplyDeleteRight. It's because you're a Republican.
ReplyDeleteI take it you are...hmm, let me guess, AN IDIOT! I don't know what color you are nor do I care. If you have been reading the posts, anyone against Barry Soetoro aka... B. Obama has been deemed a racist. If being called a racist is all they can come up with instead of realizing that I have an opionion, (although it differs from thiers/yours) I can take it. The fact that I don't agree with the crap is the problem, therefore I must be racist. You people disgust me!
Talk about whining, (he doesn't agree with us liberals lets call him a racist...hehe!!) How childish.
I bet you get your check via the Postal service too!Don't worry I am working late tonight to feed you. Keep your thermostat on 80 and stay warm because I will pay the bill, put on a happy face for Anon 1:15 and bake some cookies, I will do my best to support you.
Anon 3:32 How nice of you, now you must be a Republican because you are willing to work for the benefit of others!
ReplyDeleteI agree with ya.
AND, a new "leader" in the toughest economic times for a decade, that spent 150 plus million dollars on his first day in office for a show, and parties.......... makes me SICK
ReplyDelete6:10 it makes me sick too! Guess what though, healthcare is coming next. Health care to all, what another plesant "change" Barry will take care of. That will help you and me with our sickness!
ReplyDeleteUnless they take half of my paycheck they won't be taking anymore than is being taken out now. A third of my paycheck since I've started working is straight to taxes. I'm young, I need this money.
ReplyDeleteStill, doesn't this all seem like an elementary school fight between two kids arguing which cartoon is better, TMNT or Power Rangers?