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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Important Information

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's "Waterkeeper" organization is currently in this
area reviewing water issues.

You may wish to email them requesting they look into the Wicomico River:

" info1@waterkeeper.org "

This Just In!

Cheap gas on Cypress Street by Fire Station. Only cash and Citgo card at these prices.

Mathias Aids with Iowa Flooding

Maryland Del. Jim Mathias (D-38B) is at Mercy Hospital in Cedar Rapids, IA today. No, Mathias was not injured on vacation. He is part of a group of volunteers who traveled to Iowa, along with a team from local flood damage firm Royal Plus, to aid Iowans as they continue to fight flood and related damage.

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Delay In Comments

Today there will be a delay in comments going up. I'm heading to Ocean City to cover the Firefighters Parade. I'll be checking in every so often to put up comments, so please be patient today. Thanks for understanding and know I'll get to them as often as I can.

The Daily Times Buries WWTP Human Feces Spill!

If you're looking for the Sewage Spill in Salisbury within the Daily Times you're going to have to take quite a bit of time searching for it because they buried it on page B3.

Two things are going on here Folks. Either the Mayor has some serious influence over the Daily Times and they buried it OR there have been so many of these spills, (10,000 gallons yesterday) that it's what they call, old news?

Either way, it always cracks me up when that Housewife gets up there and says, "It's like driving down the highway at 55 mph and changing the motor as your going along." Uh, let's see, DINGBAT comes to mind every time I hear the Mayor make that statement. Let's see, Salisbury is the ONLY City experiencing a WWTP upgrade? NOT! This is going on all around America and no one is going through the problems Salisbury is experiencing.

God's Special Gift To Salisbury

They were everywhere yesterday. Here’s one over Christ Church on Phillip Morris Drive in Salisbury. From our friend Dan.

Question of the Day, Wed 6/18

Lightning. Bad stuff. I had a classmate of mine die from lightning striking him a few years ago. So, I have a question today, but it feels more like a thought:

When lightning strikes the ocean, why doesn't the fish die?

Back In The Day!

Yesterday I was standing on the grounds where the Mayor was going to hold her Press Conference when I looked down and saw something that brought back memories for me and I'm sure for many of you.

HOWEVER, don't be so quick to think everyone knows what this is! While standing there with Tom Stevenson and a few of us other older guys, (I don't have gray hair like those old guys do though) we knew what it was but Katherine Amenta, (WMDT) and Laura D'Alessandro, (the Daily Times) were CLUELESS! They said, what's that? When we told them they were like, UH UHhhHH!

I'll never forget telling my kids years ago that I was going to buy them a phone with a cord on it, you know, the ones you plug into the wall and doesn't require a power cord to charge the phone. They said, where's the plug? I said, that's the whole point. Your Dingbat Mother keeps forgetting to charge the phone, this one doesn't have to be plugged in. How does it work then? It was at that moment I realized they had no clue what I was talking about. Heck, for all I know there may be a few thousand readers reading this post going, what the hell is that Idiot talking about, there's no phone out there without a power cord! LOL!

This is why we so desperately need Museums! I can't believe I'm saying this!

Did O'Malley Unload His Cat Too?

Some Scumbag dropped off this almost dead, skinny, bony kitten to our home on Father's Day. I was sitting on the front porch when I heard a meow and thought, NO WAY!

The next thing I knew, Jennifer was out there calling out to this kitten like a mother would and he popped up onto the porch. I immediately went inside and got it some milk and he went to town drinking it like he seriously hadn't eaten in many days. So whomever dropped off this kitten hadn't fed it in quite some time.

Look, I'm not opposed to taking in animals if someone is desperate but to do so where the animal is almost dead, that's cruel! So whomever you are, EAT YOUR HEART OUT SCUMBAG because this animal is now healthy, playful and loving life, like he should have been treated when he was born. If there were others, I hope you know that they never made it to our front steps and that should be on your shoulders, a$$hole.

As for O'Malley, trading in your dog simply because it barks simply means you're too freakin lazy to TRAIN your animal and or HIRE someone to do it for you. So what did you do? You pushed the animal off to someone else or the animal was put down because your spoiled ass couldn't handle it or take the time to better the life of a perfectly good animal. Some pet owners flat out SUCK! In O'Malley's case, the animal is better off!

Help Wanted

WKNZ-FM Seeks PD/Morning Show Host

We’re building a new 25,000 watt, non-comm CCM station in Southern Delaware and seeking a PD/Morning Show genius. Ever wished you could have had a say in naming the station, choosing the jingle package, selecting an automation system and formulating the clock and music rotation from the ground up? This is your chance. We’re already starting to do all of the above, so we need to hear from you soon. Live near the beach, work with some experienced and progressive radio geeks, and help us make WKNZ compelling and relevant. Our ideal candidate will have 2-3 yrs minimum of radio experience, be smart, creative & energetic, and have a passion for God, people and great radio. Send your resume, scoped aircheck, and salary requirements to Bill Sammons, Jr, 103 S Maple Ave, Milford, DE 19963. Email: info@z887.org EEO

Wicomico County Press Release


Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., announced today that the first meeting of the commission dedicated to studying the future of the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center will be called to order on June 25th by its chairperson, the Honorable Alfred T. Truitt, Jr.

The 25 member commission will meet at noon at the Civic Center. The commission members are composed of a wide variety of community leaders from both the private and public sector.

Executive Pollitt announced the appointment of Judge Truitt to head the commission on March 20th at a Salisbury Area of Chamber of Commerce general membership meeting. At that time, he said, “The Citizen’s Study Commission on the Future of the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center is charged with formulating a plan to fulfill the ongoing mission of one of our county’s most valuable assets. The Commission will explore all aspects of future Civic Center possibilities as they define the best way to continue serving our citizens.”

Pollitt expects the commission to finish its work by the end of this year.

The members of the commission are: Chair - Honorable Alfred T. Truitt, Jr., Vice Chair - Orville Penn, Vice Chair - Honorable Stevie Prettyman;John J. Allen, Jr., Alex Bubas, Tom Becker, Karl Binns, Bob Caldwell, Ralph Cordrey, Michael Day, Charles Dashiell, Mike Delano, Memo Diriker, Brian Foret, Mike Getzey, James Gillespie, Brad Gilliss, Vic Lowe, Sharon Morris, Greg Olinde, Paul Rendine, Wayne Strausburg, Ed Urban, Valerie Wagner and Frank Ward.