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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Maryland Department of Environment Meeting Tomorrow Morning At 9:30 AM!


Please plan to attend the Maryland Department of Environment’s first regional focus group meeting on draft guidance documents including proposed revisions to Chapter 5 of the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in Salisbury (see below).

The revisions are intended to help implement a law passed last year that requires Environmental Site Design (also called Low Impact Development techniques) to be implemented to the maximum extent practicable in all new construction plans throughout Maryland. Your local knowledge and perspective on why Environmental Site Design helps improve the health of our waterways can be very influential as focus group meetings inform the update process.

More information about the focus group meetings and Chapter 5 revisions is available here:


Perspectives on the revisions developed by a consortium of groups following the update process are attached for your consideration.

My apologies for the late notice. Please feel free to circulate.

What: Regional Focus Group Meeting

When: Wednesday, January 23, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Where: Room 301, Wicomico Government Office Building

125 North Division Street, Salisbury, MD 21801

Directions - http://www.wicomicocounty.org/locations.html

''Dead'' Man Sits Up In Coffin At His Wake

This is the stuff of bad horror movies--but in this case, it's real. An 81-year-old man from Angol, a small village in Chile, shocked grieving relatives when he woke up in his coffin at his own wake.

Agence France Presse reports that Feliberto Carrasco was found limp and cold by his family, who assumed he was dead. After all, he was 81 years old. Instead of calling a doctor, they called the funeral home. They dressed Carrasco in his finest suit, placed him in his coffin and held a wake to bid him farewell.

There was just one problem. Carrasco may have been limp and cold, but he wasn't dead, "I couldn't believe it. I thought I must be mistaken, and I shut my eyes," Carrasco's nephew Pedro told the daily Ultimas Noticias. "When I opened them again, my uncle was looking at me. I started to cry and ran to get something to open up the coffin to get him out." Carrasco told the shocked crowd he was not in pain and asked for a glass of water.

Exclusive Breaking News!

The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department has done it again! During a local traffic stop the WCSO pulled over a vehicle with New York Tags. During a search of the vehicle they found 1 1/2 to 2 pounds of high quality marijuana.

More to come on this story tomorrow.

Another Anti Albero Blogger Threatens My Life

"straight shooter said... Great post Wit. Unfortunately all the power, money, blog hits and whatever else Albero says he has will be of little consequence when he is 6 feet under. If the dude doesn't quit talking smack, I feel that will be sooner rather than later.
January 12, 2008 7:05 AM"

You gotta LOVE those Fire Fighters, eh? A friend tipped me off on this comment on a Anti Albero Website. I'd be more careful if I were you shooter. Let's see what the authorities think about a comment like this.

Was Gordy On The Scene First?

Perhaps there are advantages of working and driving your work vehicle out of State. Especially when you're closer to the Delmar area. Hmmm, maybe I've been wrong this whole time about Gordy?

Fire At Delmar Elementary, This Is NOT A Drill

A fire alarm went off in Delmar Elementary School just moments ago. Delmar, Salisbury & Hebron Fire Departments responded. ALL Students were relocated to the Portables while the Fire Department aired out the school from smoke.

I just saw Hebron pass by my home, so they have everything under control and no one was hurt. More to come........

UPDATE: A commenter stated it was an electrical box smoking. What they didn't say was that it was clearly enough danger to remove ALL of the Students and have the Fire Department open as many windows as they could to remove all the smoke from the School. They also brought in fans to help speed up that process. Read the comments for more updates.

UPDATE #2, Everything is back to normal at the School. It was an electrical box that started smoking and they used precautionary measures to make sure things didn't get any worse. The system automatically sent an alarm to the Fire Department and everyone responded and took care of the situation.

Slim Pickins

This is the entire Help Wanted section of The Daily Times today. That's right, the economy is shot, we've been in a Recession for at least 6 months, if not a year and businesses just aren't hiring.

However, if you want a gas burning SUV, there's several pages of those in the Want Ads as well as home/property foreclosures.

Empty Promisses

While these two seats are empty, the Candidates that were supposed to fill those seats lied to the Press by claiming they had previous commitments.

The Daily Times is trying to excuse their absence as well as numerous Blog Sites but the fact remains, these two individuals lied and stated they would be there.

The reason I know this to be true is because the Narrator kept asking if anyone knew where they were, all the way to the very end of the Forum. They were embarrassed and had no answers for anyone visiting and participating.

The Playoff Games were more important and they simply don't care. Now, could they have taken the heat of questions being asked by the audience, I don't think so. Pipkin is too hot headed and Arminio is too out there. Trust me, if you haven't heard this Arminio speak, this guy needs to move to California with the rest of the Flakes.

In the end they refused to let the League of Women Voters know they were not going to attend and this was completely out of line.

Sharptown Welcomes Congressional Candidate Andy Harris

Another Salisbury News Exclusive.
While thousands upon thousands of people were enjoying the Playoff Games this past Sunday, many of the fine people of Sharptown were enjoying the company of the Mayor, Mike Lewis, John Cannon and of course, Senator Andy Harris.

Andy seems to truly appreciate the interest so many people have shown towards this congressional race and especially his message. The warm welcome he receives wherever he goes clearly proves people want a change.

I have to admit, if I ever consider moving again and I stay on this side of Salisbury, I'm moving to Sharptown! What a beautiful place and great people.



Yes Ladies & Gentlemen, one year ago today Louise Smith was standing in the Republican Club shouting out ACCOUNTABILITY and selling everyone that she's the one who will take us to the next level of proper Government. LIAR! I don't know how this woman truly sleeps at night but I hope she knows, (especially after comments this morning and on this Post) just what everyone thinks of her.

Twenty-Third Birthday Celebration - Commemoration Of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Ladies & Gentlemen, this was an event! I counted more than 800 people and it was simply remarkable. Even Barrie Tilghman gave off a fantastic speech along with Rick Pollitt and so many others. The Choir gave you goose bumps and the atmosphere was one in which it brought us back to a time when Mr. King was still here doing wonderful things for this Country.

Might I add, a hat tip to the Chef's and the Staff. Just look at all the people being served, unbelievable!

Today's Wildlife Photo

This photo was sent to me and is not one of my own.

Signature Pharmacy Stores For Sale

This one in Cambridge never swung their doors. As companies merge, the decision to not open stores and or close stores in the same Town is just remarkable. I was told the other day that Rite Aide has been trying to file Bankruptcy for some 10 years now. They owe too much money and their lenders refuse to allow them to file.

Wasn't there a big K-Mart across the street from this location that closed down years ago? One second you get the feeling Cambridge is coming back to life, then the next minute businesses are closing their doors. They've got a tough road ahead of them, especially with the real estate crunch, or should I finally use the word, RECESSION?

Readers Question

joe answer me this: what is going on at the old real estate building by leonards mill pond. tonight there was a bunch of fire truck up there again. this is the third time in about two weeks i've seen this. whats the scoop?

That building was purchased and is owned by Doug & Crystal Marshall of Marshall Auctions. GO HERE to see their Website.

I spoke with Doug a couple of weeks ago and he was telling me the Fire Department is doing some drywall testing there and training testing before they demo the building and completely renovate that location.

Doug is a great guy and Chrystal is just a sweetheart. It has been such a pleasure watching these guys grow and I see the next Mark Odachowski, (Royal Plus) in Doug. Be patient as I know great things are about to happen with that property.