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Monday, July 21, 2008

Fruitland Falcon Football, Inc.

There is a new team in town, the FRUITLAND FALCONS! This is a football team and cheerleading for age groups 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12 years old. The field will be located on Brown Street in Fruitland.

We are asking for help from the community to contribute to this team. Your contribution will be tax-deductible. When contributing to this team, you will have the following benefits:
*web page advertising and links to your site
*field advertising, signs, etc.
*logo on equipment and jerseys
*opening day ceremonies exposure
*exposure to the whole Fruitland Brown Street Complex during multiple sports programs
*advertising your business through Community Support of Program
*possible voting position on Fruitland Falcons Inc. Board of Directors

The children on this team will learn the fundamentals of football and cheerleading. They will also learn individual and team skill development, scholastic achievement, respect, discipline and sportsmanship.

Fruitland Falcon Football organization will be made up of members from the entire community. We are in need of active members who are concerned with the youth today. It will take all of us to address the negative issues of today's society. I invite you to be an active member. We need your help!

Please visit our website at www.fruitlandfootball.com . Click on handouts. There you will find the pledge form along with the letter of support. We deeply need your financial support in order to achieve these identified objectives.

If you have any questions, please contact the following:
Kerry Nelson, President @410-546-2183
Ed Urban, Vice President @ 410-548-7801
Samantha Miles, Sponsorship Coordinator @ 410-749-9568


  1. Fantastic; Mr. Nelson and Mr. Urban were my high school football coaches at Wi-Hi in the early 90's. I guarantee that they will put forth 120% and provide the players an excellent foundation for the game of football.

    Frank C
    Class of 92

  2. Ed Urban is a good man so anything that his name attached to it has to be a great program!!

  3. Perhaps they should try the Jersey Road intersection or Sams Club for fundraisers. Just kidding. I'm all for these kids having something positive to do but where do you draw the line on who to help?

  4. There are approximately 700 kids playing football at the Salvation Army. There are another 200 kids playing on the Wicomico Pop Warner Panthers. The line being drawn is pretty interesting to say the least. The bottom line is the children deserve a place to play and learn the life lessons of football. It reaches far beyond the playing field long after the playing days are over. I hope the intentions are in the right place.

  5. Who are they going to play? What league are they participating in? Do all coaches and volunteers have to provide background checks? Parents do your homework. Check the rules. Check the age and weight matrix. Safety should always be first. Pop Warner is the way to go. Fruitland Football is not Pop Warner!!!!

  6. I am all for new places for kids to go, but when you say it is for children of one town/location,than accept children who are not from that area and say that you only would like children from one section of town and not another, what are we teaching those children. I am not sure where Mr. Nelson is coming from. I would rather have my child play for a team that accepts all children not just the ones from the right side of the track. I am so glad that Salisbury has the Salvation Army and the Wicomico Pop Warner Panthers who show kids that they can do anything and that there are people who care. I loved the fact that Wicomico had the NFL Punt Pass and Kick with other events and did not charge a thing for it and had it open to everyone. That is what this town needs more of.

  7. I can guarantee you our intentions are in the right place, its called building a Football Field and program in the Fruitland Community for anyone and everyone who wants to play the game. As for the #'s that have been mentioned Wicomico County has more than 900 kids not to mention Somerset and others. If your interested in our sign up #'s please feel free to contact me and I will give you an update I can tell you we will have a great first year and many more to come from "all" sides of the tracks! Anyone who knows me knows that is not an issue, please back up statements with facts not emotions. Thank you Kerry Nelson Fruitland Falcon Football Inc

  8. Everybody that knows Mr. Nelson and Mr. Urban KNOW this is going to be a top notch organization. I do not understand why people from other organizations want to trash gentlemen that are volunteering their time, money and resources to help kids. I know these kids are going to learn a lot more than football from these men. Parents please do your homework on all the programs. Good Luck Fruitland Falcons.

  9. It really burns me up when people have to be so negative of "new" things. Just because this is in fruitland means nothing....Anyone can join.....and Pop Warner is the way to go ??? HAHAHA TO MANY restrictions. My son was 5 ibs over the weight limit and couldnt play...Fruitland has NO weight restrictions. So do you think I would put my youngest in Pop Warner again ??? NEVER !!! And the parents are absolutely obnoxious there. Sorry,just my opinion.
    So please keep an open mind with this new program in Fruitland which is going to be a huge success.

  10. Whomever just tried putting up the slanderous message on this Post, save it for your own Blog or send them a letter directly. I will NOT allow this Blog to be used to slander your competition. GROW UP!

  11. Sir - I am a Wicomico Panthers Parent and I find the last posted comment in this blog to be one of poor taste. The comment about the parents being obnoxious is a slanderous statement. We are a growing orginization of all groups that is joined by the glue of children. I myself am proud to say I am a Panther parent and support our orginization fully. So to the person who felt the need to write the last statment about us shame on you and shame on you Joe for allowing the post.

  12. I wish the Falcons Luck and would like to see them join the Salvation Army League. This league is more like the BaySide Conference. The comment about PoP Warner is so wrong. POP Warner is controlled in this area by Delaware and the refs favor the Delaware teams and often the teams have cheating Junior Varsity players with no enforcement. This is a sad statement on what is being taught to our youth. ...Winning is Everything in PoP Warner...etc. The Salvation Army league games are closer requiring less gas and time and teach sportsmanship and unity! Coaches have years of experience!

  13. Hello again - as a Wicomico Panthers Parent - Everyone Get Off it and take your children where you will. Unless you play for an orginization and have decided not to return don't bash the them. I am very supprised that this is being allowed. Pop Warner, Salvation army or even the Falcons - EVERY ORGINIZATION WILL HAVE THEIR ISSUES. But as long as people will live and play together there are issues. My advice to everyone reading this and writing comments - remember you sign you kids up where you want to and what is best for them. We all make choices and sometimes we learn from our mistakes. I can say this for myself I am a three year returning parent for the Panthers and will probably continue as long as my son has a desire to play until High School. Children only get what we teach them. So to the readers step back and see where you are pointing your children - IT ALL STARTS WITHIN OUR OWN FOUR WALLS AND not a sports field. So again shame on you for allowing such slander Joe again you need to learn how to be fair.

    My son is my hero not the team he plays for.

  14. The Pop Warner matrix is used as a selling point to get people to buy into their product. The matrix replaces size match ups with ridiculous age match ups. It doesn't matter that a second grader and sixth grader are the same size...a sixth grader has more muscular and neural development than younger players and so on. This is one example. If you move up to the Midgets you could and quite often have high school age kids playing against sixth, seventh, and eight graders. The older lighter theory creates just as more hazards as a big seven year old playing a smaller seven year old.


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