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Monday, March 24, 2008

Parkwood Apartment Home Invason

2 unknown suspects busted out a rear sliding glass door in an apartment on Beaglin Park Drive in the Parkwood Apartments. The resident was sleeping when they heard the noise and came out to investigate. Two men were standing there brandishing hand guns and instructed the resident to get on the floor. Nothing was taken and the invaders left the scene immediately.

The Sheriff's Department used K-9 Dogs to try to find the suspects but they came up with nothing. If anyone has any information on this please contact 410-548-4890


  1. This is exactly why we need the 2nd amendment"the right to keep and bare arms" The Supreme Court is ruling on it right now {DC gun ban} If it were my home they'd broken into, the officers would have had no problem finding them. Prisons are costly and overcowded.


  2. Nothing was taken- BS!!! They grabbbed their dope stash. But you can't exactly report that to the police.

  3. Where are people suppose to live in this town? It seems like all the apartments that are affordable for young working professional are unsafe.

  4. Right on - Anny 2:33. DRT (DEAD RIGHT THERE)

  5. I would like to show them my SAA two times the first time and last time with one invason.

  6. In reality 90% of the "Home Invasions" are done bt criminals on criminals in the past. One drug dealer would break in and rob another. Later that week you would here of someone being shot.

    Lately if you are a business owner, you should be very careful that you are not being watched. Criminals are now targeting wealthy on home invasion knowing that they carry cash home at times.

    Do not be predictable and turn your alarm on. Keep you cell close and pistol closer.

  7. I live by the 2 bang rule.

    Bang 1 = You're dead
    Bang 2 = You hitting the floor

  8. All I would have needed to do was called the morgue to come scrape their dead asses up off my floor. Homeowners insurance would pay for the cleanup, F'it.

    The newspaper can print what they want, or what they are told to print, I do not believe the article that was in the paper that crime is down, if so why does the police request so much overtime?

    Maybe it is arrests that should be up? Someone would have to break through two doors to get into my residence when I'm asleep, by the time they broke the first door they would already be in my cross hairs.

    When I'm at home, at all times, a semi automatic that will fire 10 shots in 10 seconds (Nine in the clip and one in the chamber) if that's not enough there is always the assault rifle within reach.

    I can't depend on the city to protect me.

    Go Ahead....Make my Freakin' Day!

  9. My friend who is an electrician has wired a special illegal setup where my house and garage doors are armed with 110 volts ,set to come on at 11:00 PM and turned off at 6:30 AM.I'd like to see a robber touch the door handles.He will get the shock of his life or if it's wet out, there he will lay until I haul him to Burnt swamp in DE.

  10. Most likely SPD just kicking in the wrong door because they are too F/N stupid to read the correct address on the warrant.

  11. HipBoots- It's right to "bear" arms. Unless, of course, you're referring to your right to wear short sleeves.

  12. i'm with hipboots. all the way 'til someone plants one of these pukes. when the one or more of them gets laid out, and laid out good - leave the whole damn clip in 'em, or better - take their damned head off 00 buck style, 'an let their moms and dads cry over 'em an' plant their asses - then we'll see a change in this. ARM UP, citizens - leave no room for them to come back. shoot first. and don't worry about the questions later.


  14. I was asked the other day, what type of gun should I get to protect myself?

    Everyone says, gun in house kill suspect who enters. Sounds great, I agree 100%. Only problem with this, are you trained to do this? Have you practiced with it since you purchased it? Can you do it half awake and in severe distress?

    What if your kids are near, what are you aiming at? If you miss where would shot end up, what wall would it go through? Are your kids family in that room on the other side?

    Now am I against gun control "NO!" You should have total control over your gun....Aim correctly, Have target in your site, practice or get trained.

    Another quick question for you... You have kids, so being a responsible parent you use a gun lock, lets be serious how fast do you think you can get your gun when your under attack?

    This is a great question for all people who say, just shoot them!


  15. I have kids and I have grandkids, each one of them has been around guns since birth. Each one of them pulled the trigger for the first time at age 2. The purpose at that time was not to teach them to shoot but to teach them to not be gun shy. They shot a .22 rifle at that age, that's enough noise to get them used to the sound of a gun. My 7 year old grandson can group 10 shots with a .22 that you can cover with a 50 cent piece. They don't have the fun of shooting a gun, when we're finished they have to break them down and clean them, they then have to take them to the gun safe and lock them away until the next time. I don't want them to fear guns and I don't want them to think this is TV land where you just fire off rounds. When the time comes for them to go out on their own, they will not only be well trained they will know the respect a firearm is to be given, they will also know very well how to protect themselves, their homes and families. I just hope they do the same for their children.

    If every home had a gun there would be less crime, that is a proven fact.

  16. 12 gauge shotgun is the best home defense! Just point in the direction of the intruder and wala!
    You hit your target! If you happen to miss you sure will get his attention!

  17. Forget about the trained killer Doberman, beware the .44 magnum...

  18. What an interesting discussion, which somehow got off the subject of a "home invasion" and onto the merits of various firearms. Since I'm afraid of guns is there any hope that the police will serve to protect me and my family? What are the chances that the crime rate will ever decline here in the 'bury? Another story in the news was a SBY police officer being hit by a drug dealer's car after a stop on Sunday...what is this area coming to? I would consider moving but the housing market is so bad....

  19. I watched 6pm, 7pm and 11pm. Ch.47 was the only channel that mentioned it.
    Can some one tell me why channel 47covered this and nothing was said on channel 16?

  20. Because 47 news is in bed with Joe Albero. Why do you think they started up with the blogs on their web site? The blogs produce real time news and they just pick and choose whatever article they want to take from. They run with whatever they can't get without ever having to leave the office.

  21. 9:17, crime is up everywhere,not just here in salis.and criminal are affected by a reccession too,so I expect to see a rise in crime also. Running is never the answer. The Supreme Crt ruled that there is NO garranty that any police force can/will protect us {a lawsuit against police for not ariving in time to save a life in a home invasion in DC} That case came up again as citizens fight to bring back the 2nd admt right to protect their homes in DC.

  22. it is more difficult for people with children to protect themselves in their own home. i don't have that problem, so to speak. i would like for some sort of public forum to be available, so these potential home "invaders" could hear from the citizens who are armed, and trained to use their weapons. i am one of those. and BELIEVE IT, if one of these vermin want to come in, i'll be happy to give them what is needed. and that's NOT a trip to naylor mill road. And their familes WILL not be able to open their caskets when i'm done. it will not be pretty. TRUST ME.......40cal. stings. 45ACP - hurts really bad. 10mm - got plenty. and 50cal? heh, heh, heh. nothin' left. c'mon in.........

  23. I agree, and I am trained also. It is the un-trained I am worried about. I could not live with my self if I shot one of my kids by accident instead of the piece of crap that broke in.

    I will not miss and no open casket here either.

    All I am saying, dont buy the gun and never use it. Shoot it, train with it, teach family about it. That is all I am saying.



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