As I'm sure by now the Daily Times has read my banner at the top of the Blog mentioning the Federal Judge's decision against Calude Holland. However, I doubt they're onto the Documents by the Honorable Andre M. Davis, United States District Judge.
Claude felt he was wrongfully terminated by former Wicomico County Sheriff Hunter Nelms and that couldn't be further from the truth. Sheriff Hunter Nelms and Major Robert Van Meter filed a motion for summary judgment, which has been fully briefed and Judge Davis granted the motion.
Some of the quotes in the documents I'll be posting later this afternoon are just mind boggling. One was, "The day after his removal from responsibilities with the DRILL Academy, Holland was placed on leave due to psychiatric illness. During this time Holland was hospitalized for at least two weeks due to depression and concerns that he would harm himself if not institutionalized."
Former Sheriff Hunter Nelms had chosen to ask Holland to take leave and upon doing so, Holland chose not to returned to work. Months later Holland decided all of a sudden he wanted to go back to work but Sheriff Nelms knew there were mental issues he needed to evaluate further, so they set up a detailed evaluation whereas a highly respected Doctor from Johns Hopkins, Dr. Janofsky who stated "his prognosis included a 1/3 chance of relapse."
Nelms felt that he was "responsible to the people of Wicomico County and the health and welfare of [his] employees to return a healthy deputy to the streets armed with a weapon." Since Nelms "did not get assurance from Dr. Janofsky" that Holland would be completely healthy, he could not return to duty.
Consequently, to Nelms decision, Holland was offered and declined the opportunity to resign with severance pay, and was subsequently terminated.
Later this afternoon I will produce the 7 pages of documents that fully outline this summary judgment.
Greg Bassett and The Daily Times drilled Hunter Nelms for what seemed like forever on this issue and once again, THEY WERE WRONG! Yes Mr. Bassett, go back into the history of The Daily Times articles and you'll see, once again, they did everything they could to bring down the former Sheriff, just as they did the DRILL Academy closing.
Your credibility isn't worth a damn any more Mr. Bassett and as we continue to expose the thing YOU WON'T, the company you work for will continue to fail as well. Yeah, I like Hunter Nelms, always have. He's the kind of guy that simply tells you like it is and perhaps you have to get to know the guy first before you can truly appreciate him, I took that time and I am honored to say I appreciate him as a friend and trust him as one as well.
Now if only I could get a hold of the old SOB for a comment I'd be in much better shape. Retirement sucks!
It would behoove you Mr. Albero to research further and find out the 1st amendment issue has been appealed and the other two issues involving Mr. Holland including dafamation and FMLA viloations or still moving forward. As usual your stories are one sided.
ReplyDeleteAnother dissatisfied Customer!
ReplyDeleteLook Lori, I can appreciate your frustration. It's kind of like losing the Super Bowl. Nevertheless, good luck with the appeal and as the documents I will disclose later will clearly show, well, good luck.
Mr. Albero:
ReplyDeleteI am new to this web site and it is amazing to me that u are so one sided. U need to get your head out of your a$$ and quit defending people in this county that are wrong. Meaning Mr. Ruark as well as the NEW sheriff Mike Lewis and his followers in the sheriff department.
WOW, Go figure, another dissatisfied customer?
ReplyDeleteClaude, welcome to the Blogs.
Looks like this guy screwed up pretty bad. Disgruntled comes to mind.
ReplyDeleteSorry to inform u MR. ALBERO, the previous statement did not come from Claude Holland! Yes I am another dissatisfied customer due to u not knowing what the H*** u are talking about. Sheriff Nelsms and Robert VanMeter where from the Good Ole Boys era and Thank God they are GONE!!!
ReplyDeleteClaude Holland is one of the most respected men that I know. He was an awesome leader in the Sheriff's Office and one that the men & women would follow to the end. This is a sad story and the outcome should have been different. He was done wrong by Hunter Nelms and hopefully he'll overcome this.
ReplyDeleteJoe, I challenge you to talk to Claude Holland. Call him and have a meeting with him and find out his side of the story.
Anon 4:08: Mr. Holland didnt screw up it was the Sheriff and his followers who screwed up. They r going to get what is coming to them just like others in this county.
ReplyDeleteYou know what CRACKS ME UP about your responses here? The FACT that it wasn't ME who passed judgment against Claude Holland. It was an honorable Federal Judge that did so. So because I deliver the FACTS and TRUTH, you're now pissed at me and calling me one sided. Oh well, just goes to prove how man tards there are out there. Dee, Dee, deeee!
ReplyDeleteThem there sounds 2 me like fightin words partner?
ReplyDeleteIsn't Holland an officer in Berlin now? Damn, I know if I were his Boss I'd be shit canning the guy as in yesterday. Sounds like he could snap ay any given moment. That's Berlin for you though.
ReplyDeleteMr Albero,
ReplyDeleteU r far from stating the facts and the truth here. Why dont u go talk to Claude Holland and get both sides instead of just one then that would be fair. The only tard here that I know is YOU!
Anon 4:17: Claude Holland is a damn good officer in Berlin. Think about this: Berlin did a complete investigation on him before they hired him and found out Hunter Nelms did wrong in the case with Mr. Holland and thats why he has a great job with Berlin police dept. Before u state should a statement know what u r talking about!!!
ReplyDeleteOpinions are like a$$holes everybody has 1 and your entitled
ReplyDeleteto yours as is Joe Albero. I disagree with him on many occasions
but when he states the facts they usually stand up.
Its great that you have so many dissatified folks on here but yet they
ReplyDeleteGreat job Joe! christine
Anon 4:27
ReplyDeleteThats the problem he isnt stating all the facts and truths involved in this case!
Look, I have reported what a judge passed judgment on.
ReplyDeleteYou claim I am only telling ONE side of the story. That's just not true. Like I said, I'll be adding ALL 7 pages of their findings hopefully this evening.
Don't shoot the messenger!
You can interpret anything out of a summary JOE u r good at that!!
ReplyDeleteI noticed in some of your statment that Sheriff Mike Lewis stated "Its a great day for Nelms and for Wicomico County" well let me tell u this ask Mr. Lewis about when he spoke to Claude in public about giving him his job back once things settle down. CHECK INTO THAT JOE!!!
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me???????
ReplyDeleteLook at the QUOTES! That's what the JUDGE said, not me. Interpret whatever you want
Mr. Holland is a very honorable man. He does the right thing all the time. He is the best office to hit the streets of Berlin. I also know Arnold would not have hired him if he was not qualified. I know Claude has made a difference in crime on some of the worst streets in Berlin. I wish him the best of luck in the future
ReplyDeleteWhat r u talking about quotes!! The quotes i was referring to was the one that u wrote stating it came from the current Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis. He wasnt pampering the mentally ill but sounds like to me u r the one that need pampering.
ReplyDeleteIt is a great day for Bob VanMeter, Hunter Nelms and Wicomico County. Claude needs to change his diaper and get on with his life. It is time to stop the crying. I feel sorry for people that can't get on with their lives. Get over it all ready.
ReplyDeleteJoe, I read your site faithfully but I really do encourage you to dig deeper on this one. There is more than one part to this suit and they are still pending. But like you said this is your blog you can say what you like. But don't hurt innocent people he does have a young son.
ReplyDeletejoe you are a dumb ass know the facts before you write anything you aleast the daily times get the story straight most of the time you dont
ReplyDeleteI wonder how long it will take the daily slime to report this? I recall them really being hard on Hunter Nelms on this too. The tail is between Bassett's legs right now so maybe we won't see anything about this?
ReplyDeleteJoe - I am also new to this blog site (not reading but responding) and no, I am not Lori or Claude Holland. I, like obviously, ALOT of your other responders on this story want to right a VERY WRONG done to a very fine and honest man. I have known Claude all of my life and KNOW him, not by hearsay or by someone who THINKS he knows him, but by growing up with him and I will tell you he has been wronged! First I will say in all fairness to you that you have it all over the news and paper for getting a story out quickly and that's why I read your sight but what the problem you have is not always getting all the facts straight and I am not saying that again by hearsay but by experience. PLease, get the facts in this case straight and talk with Claude. I am not referring to what a judge said but by your comment regarding that "Claude chose not to go back to work" - that is bulls??t!!! Get your facts, Joe, that is all that I am asking. You might like Mr. Nelms but he is a mean and dishonest person. Claude is the side you should be supporting on this one!
ReplyDeleteClaude has gone on with his life! But people like u seem to believe the wrong people. They are the ones doing wrong and brings this shit up which is none of their business unless they know all the facts about the case. But he will get the last laugh out of this one!
My telephone number is at the top of the home page. I have absolutely NOTHING against Claude. I am simply delivering the information decided upon by a Federal Judge who has heard/seen "BOTH" arguements/sides of the story.
ReplyDeleteI am not saying Claude is a bad guy. Obviously other Sheriff's Deputies think very highly of Claude as well as the Berlin Police Department.
I have personally e-mail his Wife after she made contact with me and they know how to reach me. I expressed to her that she and Claude are more than welcome to come out with their side of things and I'd be happy to produce it, as long as it's factual and doesn't defame anyone.
I have yet to receive a response, so all of you know. Joe
I need to add this as well. While The Daily Times was in FACT out there when all this started only telling ONE SIDE of the story, none of you were trying to reach out and say, fair is fair. Now that a Judge has ruled the other way, why all of a sudden is everyone upset? In the beginning you got all that free press from the Daily Times and now that the Blogs are out there you're crying wolf?
ReplyDeleteMind you, I want to be fair here and I'm certainly willing to share the Holland's feelings on this one but isn't that what got them in trouble to start with?
Joe...if i remember correctly the Daily Times and other sites responded to some of the facts, but on this blog and the written letter u wrote isnt being fair for both sides. How can you write such a statement but not all the truth and facts. Now if you got the documents and also got the side of the Hollands then that would be fair.
ReplyDeleteThe sad part about all of this, Mr. Nelms is like all the rest of the politicians in this county CROOKED!! I dont understand one thing, as many years as Hunter Nelms was in office why didnt he see or tell about any of these problems that are surfacing in wicomico county. I guess he was to busy following the blonde woman in his office around!!!
ReplyDeleteI know this story is about Claude but Joe, Hunter Nelms is gone. That is the best thing that ever happened to Wicomico County. It would be nice if he took others with him. Hunter Nelms is an evil person but, he is a lying cheating thief. Hunter is very smart. Thank goodness for all of Wicomico County. Im sure you wont post this.
ReplyDeleteClaude Holland is a good man! I know him personally and he is a great guy! He is now doing a fine job in Berlin and has done so for a few years. He has proved himself and that he can function as a police officer since this investigation began. Despite previous findings,it would be in Wicomico County's best interest to hire this man back. He is an asset to the citizens of Wicomico County and will continue to do so. Sheriff Lewis hire this man back! He can do the job of 3 deputies if the need arises.
ReplyDeletePlease post the 7 page documents so we can read the whole decision. Everyone wants to know the story from both sides!
ReplyDeleteI read your site every day. I dont' always agree with you but you do seem to get the news. Unfortunately this time you got it wrong. Why dont' you also print the years of glowing evaluations that Claude received from Sheriff Nelms and the county. IT was only after he was called to ask what he knew about certain things that he was relieved of his duties and told to go home, he would no longer be needed at the academy. Now, I ask you would you be upset, depressed? To say he was institutionalized for his safety and others is so ridiculous. The man was told he was losing his job after 14 years of perfect service above and beyond what was called for, again would that upset you? Call Mike Lewis and ask him about his comments to Claude when he was running for Sheriff and ask other people what Mike told them about Claude and hoping to get him back to Wicomico County. I also believe that Fruitland Police wanted to hire him so talk to the County Executive and ask him what a fine man Claude is. I have known him for quite a few years and there is not a finer gentleman or officer anywhere. You may also want to ask the deputies that worked under him their opinion of Claude and while your at it ask the ones on duty with me why his personnel file copies along with copies of things that were discovered at the Drill Academy were removed within minutes of his being sent home. I encourage you if you are the true reporter you say you are to get the REAL story here. Berlin decided not to listen to Hunter Nelms Sh*t and they got a great guy for doing so. Claude, I hope if you read this you will push it as far as you need to, Were all behind you!!
I don't think anyone who has been hospitalized with psyciatric issues should be carring a gun! It doesn't matter how he got there, the fact is he was institutionalized for fear he would hurt himself just two days after he was sent home(according to the summary). How in the hell could Hunter Nelms bring him back?? Rest easy Berlin!
ReplyDeleteI don't know the particulars of the case. Oh....I've heard the rumors that there were shortcuts taken by Bob VanMeter during the building of the Boot Camp facility which compromised security and after Claude brought them to the attention of Sheriff Nelms, nothing was done.....then there were two escapes. Rumors I guess....I don't know.
ReplyDeleteBut I do know this. I had the pleasure to know and work with Claude Holland. Claude was the most dedicated deputy I've ever seen. He was loyal to a fault. While he was a Sergeant you couldn't say anything bad about the Sheriff's Office in front of him. I've NEVER seen him use excessive force. I've in fact seen him STOP such behavior. Claude was an outstanding deputy who served this county honorably for years.
I also know Chief Arnold Downing of the Berlin P.D. In fact if anyone cares to ask him, I trained Arnold when he first graduated from the academy. Arnold was in my second wedding. I know that Arnold would never hire someone who would place the citizens of the Town of Berlin in jeopardy. If there was a remote possibility that Claude was a danger to himself or anyone else, Arnold would not have hired him. He is much too thorough to allow something like that to slip through the cracks.
Anyone who knows me also knows that I don't share Joes kinship of spirit with Hunter Nelms and that's no secret. But this isn't really about that. This is a comment to let Claude know that there are many of us out here who know him and what he is about.
Claude, you are a man of great integrity and are a credit to your chosen profession. The Town of Berlin is, in fact, fortunate to have you.
Oh yea.....I forgot. His nickname is "Moby"
ReplyDeleteWhat you people do not know is the funding to put officers through the academy does not exist in small towns like Berlin, Pocomoke and other towns. They end up getting rejects from departments that either fire officers or tell them to leave. Holland was one of those. There are plenty from City Police and other police departments that small towns have acquired. Wake up people. He is a very strange person and dangerous!!
ReplyDeleteYou say Claude is welcome to come out with his side as long as its factual and doesn't defame anyone. To bad you didn't give Claude the same courtesy. You chastise people for being down on Davis Ruark but you do the same to an upstanding citizen and officer and you don't even know him. I will be contacting Sheriff Lewis to see if in fact he made the comment you quoted his as saying because if he did I will be very dissapointed in him as well and he won't receive my vote the next time around. I thought unlike Hunter Nelms, Mike Lewes was honest and a man of his word. I know he had a conversation with Claude in regards to Bringing him back and righting a wrong. I was also told by him that when he got in office to sit back and watch because he was going to see that Claude's situation was cleared up. If only you had taken the time to get the story from both sides, something you constantly criticize the Daily Times for not doing. I'm sure with lawsuits still pending Mr. Holland will not talk to you but there are plenty of people who will line up and testify to this man's outstanding reputation as an officer and as a person. Claude knew to much and seen to much so he was dismissed from the drill academy and told to go home until they could figure out what to do with him and was given no time frame for this to occur. It's really to bad that Rick Pollitt was not the County Executive at the time this happened because he is an honest man and he would have gotten to the bottom of it and found out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
To anonymous who states Holland is a reject, why dont' you find out first hand before you run your mouth about something you dont' know anything about. It's jerks like you who give this County a bad name.
ReplyDeleteClaude was not institutionalized for fear he would hurt himself or anyone else, he went himself to the hospital to seek help for depression, the man was taken off of a job where he was respected by everyone, the officers and the kids who were sent to the Drill Academy. Perhaps your 7 pages of summary will show the notes he was sent by the kids going through the program showing their support for him. Also please show the evaluations and the notes from Hunter Nelms telling him how great a job he was doing and how the program could not run wihtout him. You may need to get those from Claude because the Dept. shredded most any evidence that would support Claude. In most jobs good evaluations would earn you a promotion, not a dismissal. Can any of us say we would not have been depressed or taken a few weeks of stress leave after being treated the way he was. I THINK NOT!
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous who refers to officers hired by other cities and towns as being rejects that were let go or fired.......Were you referring to Hunter Nelms son who had to leave Wicomico Sheriff Dept. and is now in the Princess Anne Police Department?
ReplyDeleteMr. Albero:
ReplyDeleteHow can you call this unbiased reporting. Sure you reported the facts as you believe them and with very poor spelling. You also put a spin on them with your BIASED opinion. Not the unbiased news reporting that this site claims to have. Anyone can see which side of the fence you fall on in this case. You obviously are one of Hunter's good ole boys. I have known Claude all of my life. There is not a more decent, hardworking, honest person around. He has always given more than his best in every thing he has done. You could learn a lesson from him. There is no one out there that hasn't hit the bottom for one reason or another. Does that mean they are not fit to return to there life? It is not the people like Claude that are scary to have on the street with a weapon. It is the people like you that can blab this crap with your own agenda using a computer as a way to hurt innocent people with your smarta$$ opinions. You are no better than the people you talk about. Maybe one day you will hit the bottom - I bet you'll have a huge cheering section wishing you well -- not! Any depression that Claude experienced was from being condemned for standing up to corrupt county officials and then being busted for his integrity. For someone with his morals and pride in his work and reputation, I am sure that was devasting. I really hope that Mike Lewis did not make the comment about it being a fine day for Wicomico County. I know Mike and I certainly think better of him than that. Best of luck to those with pending law suits against you. If they win their suits I am sure you will post the FACTS on this blog. And you know what - no matter what happens with Claude's case, he will continue to be the fine person that he always has been and I am proud to be a part of his life. He is someone that I will always look up to and admire.
I, like others, have worked with Claude Holland. I am still with the agency. I will not give a name due to retaliation, which does happen.
ReplyDeleteClaude is one of the most respected Sgts that have worked here. I can tell you that if he came back to work, there'd be a influx of request to change shifts just to work with him.
Joe, in your initial statement about him, you were wrong, whether you intentionally meant to be hurtful or not, but it came across as so. Hunter Nelms and his cohorts were terrible leaders that were there for greed and power. Claude may have lost the case in court, but we who matter (the Deputies) still respect and would die for the man.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to see the unbiased report on Claude Holland's story read the Daily Times this morning. I usually agree with most you say but you really dissapointed me this time. Shame on you.
scroller said...
ReplyDeleteIt is a great day for Bob VanMeter, Hunter Nelms and Wicomico County. Claude needs to change his diaper and get on with his life. It is time to stop the crying. I feel sorry for people that can't get on with their lives. Get over it all ready.
5:21 PM
Has everyone failed to remember that Major Van Meter is no longer an employee of the County and has legal issues with them as well. Everything has been Hush Hush in both personell cases so far.
VanMeter has no legal issues with the county. Get your story straight and stop trying to use smoke and mirrors. The document the judge wrote says it all. Read it and weep. I do feel sorry for the public humiliation Claude must be feeling but it seems that was self inflicted.
ReplyDeleteYeah, what about Van Meter. I recall he was removed from his duties as well and allowed to retire because after allegations came out about him he was suddenly to sick to return. Maybe you should look deep and report about the times he chose to drink and drive in the county car carrying his gun. There are several witnesses to that. I was one of them at a Pizza Restaurant in Delmar. This was kept hush hush as well.
ReplyDeleteClaude is feeling no public humiliation, he has nothing to be humiliated about. It's another example of what our system has turned into. Claude should and I hope will hold his head high because anyone who really counts knows the person he is. Oh yeah, remember its not over till the fat lady sings and there is still alot more to be sung.
ReplyDeleteJoe, the bottom line here is that Claude's friends and family know what REALLY happened and why. He and Lori can both hold their heads high knowing that they have our continued support and respect.
ReplyDeleteThanks to the Daily Times, a real news agency for printing a true and fair reporting of Mr. Hollands litigation and situation. I really like your caption " Judge throws out Claude Hollands Case". Sounds to me like it is far from over. Maybe you should stick to taking pictures than printing the trash you currently do Joe!