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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Man Stabbed 10 Times In West Salisbury

A man was stabbed this evening in West Salisbury 9 times in the back and 1 time in the head. He is currently in surgery. The Maryland State Police & Wicomico County Sheriffs Department did catch and arrested the man who did the stabbing on Jersey Road 30 minutes ago. He was driving a white Chevy Lumina. More to come.....

This area is the Hebron Fire Department's territory but the City is fighting them tooth and nail to gain that territory, (near Westwood, Rt. 50 & the Bypass) into the Salisbury territory. That's a whole different story and Post all together.

Red Net Alert!!!!

The City of Salisbury just left the County Executive's Office and paid the $1.00 for their share of the GOB!!!!!

Mr. John Pick also just called me as I was typing this and wanted me to know they had just paid the dollar.

It's amazing what one little Blog can do! Have a great evening everyone and congratulations, the City now finally owns 1/2 of a building that was paid for some 20 years ago.

Mr. John Pick Didn't Tell The Truth Monday Night

On Monday evening, Mr. Holland, (a taxpayer and resident of the City of Salisbury) asked Mr. John Pick if the City had in fact paid the $1.00 to the County for 1/2 of the GOB, (Government Office Building)?

Mr. Pick responded, (more or less) I don't think I understand your question correctly? Mr. Holland went on to explain in better detail, yet everyone in the room knew exactly what Mr. Holland was asking, so the red flag was already up as soon as Mr. Pick stated he didn't understand.

Nevertheless, once Mr. Pick was more clear about the question he answered it by saying YES, the City had paid the $1.00 for their 1/2 of the building. Well, NO, the City has NOT done so and I confirmed this today.

I have been making rounds of calls today trying to get answers and I have in fact confirmed the City has not paid for their share of the agreement. Mr. Pick flat out did not tell the truth.

So what does this mean to you as a taxpayer? Well, if you hadn't noticed, the Daily Times has been playing partner with the City/Mayor by putting up Editorial suggestions on this matter and poll questions and even their Hey You section of their on line version asking citizens if they would like to see a new GOB for the City of Salisbury alone?

I have personally found this to be a very slick move as the Mayor wants to encourage seeing the taxpayers pay out millions of additional dollars for a new building and NOT pay the $1.00 for their 1/2 of the current building.

Mr. Comegys told me one evening that he would rather see a new building go up because the one they're in is getting OLD. Granted, there would be upkeep on that building but I can assure you of one thing, that building is a VERY sound building. Secondly, YOU paid for it! That's right, the taxpayers in the City of Salisbury as well as the County paid for it, so why walk away from millions of dollars worth of equity? It makes no sense at all!

So it is extremely important that the taxpayers push this Mayor into finalizing that agreement and guess what? In the very least they could always SELL their share of 1/2 of that building to the County, unless I'm wrong? However, I doubt that I am. There is literally millions of dollars in equity in this building in which the taxpayers have already paid for.

Mr. Holland, I know you read this Blog every day. You were right in asking that question and you were NOT told the truth. The City has NOT paid $1.00 for their share of that building and the citizens of Salisbury need to put their foot down and stop these lies! It makes me sick whenever I think back to Louise Smith running on ACCOUNTABILITY! There is no accountability in the City of Salisbury and I just wonder how long everyone is going to continue taking this crap from certain parties?

I am reviewing additional contracts on the agreement between the City & the County and when I'm finished I will bring up another Post on this matter.

Will They Be Converting This Building To A Quickie Mart Too?

This building is located between Naylor Mill Road and the Bypass on Jersey Road.

Does This Make Any Sense To You Whatsoever?

As I was sitting at the traffic light near the State Police on north Rt. 13, (heading south bound) I couldn't help but notice for the very first time the sign on the left stating 50 MPH! Perhaps I never noticed it because I WAS TOO BUSY TRYING TO STAY ALIVE in that area because of all the nuts on the road?

All I can tell you is, that's CRAZY! Who in their right mind allows that area to be 50 MPH while every other minor Town along Rt. 13 has 35 MPH signs where it gets busy, (if you even want to call it that)? I'd prefer to call them speed traps, wouldn't you? However, at least it would be justifiable to slow down to 35 in this area, wouldn't you agree?

Why I Love The Blogs So Much & What I Do

It must really drive all other Reporters NUTS watching sbynews.com grow and let me explain why.

Last night was a perfect example as well as Monday night too. As I arrived to each event before The Daily Times did, I quickly realized that both these meetings just weren't my style so I snapped off some pictures, waved hello to a few people and I was outta there!

However, the Daily Times Reporters don't have that same luxury. These are paid yes men/women who must attend these events in their entirety, unless they have to leave to meet their deadline.

Nevertheless, you have to feel for these people who run here and there to some of the most ridiculous interviews and events in order to fill the slots in their programs. BUMMER!

With a Blog Site, I can come and go whenever I like and I can also pick and choose what I want to cover. Another thing those Reporters can't do is share their opinion! That makes a huge difference between reporting and blogging and that too must drive them nuts. As talented as some of these Reporters are, can you just imagine what's going through their mind when they know someone is lying, cheating or simply flat out wrong? It sounds just like being a lawyer, doesn't it?

Well at least now you'll always know what the difference is between the MSM and the Blogs. Oh, and you'll never see the Daily Times call someone an Idiot either! Why, because they can't. Some freedom of speech, eh? LOL

The Wicomico County Neighborhood Congress Kicked Off Last Night

A decent crowd showed up last night at SU for the very first Neighborhood Congress Meeting. Sorry Folks but it was a lot of pats on the back, thank yous and far too much for me to digest. Although I enjoy many people seen in these photos, I don't like them so much that I'd stick around and hear everything they had to say. Spending time with my Grandson was too important.

Nevertheless, I'll hope some of those visiting can fill everyone in on what took place and where things are headed?

Are You Having Trouble With This Blog Site?

I have received a few e-mail messages telling me they can't see the Posts all that well. We tried something different as I asked someone to try opening it up in Internet Explorer instead. IT WORKED! So if you're having trouble, try Explorer.

Maryland Laws?????????

I'll bet you good money there are laws and fines against defacing a Maryland License Plate, yet there are none against a Mother allegedly killing her own children prematurely! Perhaps people should think a bit harder about Gilchrest and others already in Office yet stupid enough to let something like this pass.

Right now the State of Maryland is looking like crap throughout the Nation and even the World. Perhaps Donald Schaeffer was right about the Eastern Shore? I personally think Joel Todd made a stupid move by not at least challenging Ms. Freeman. I mean, in the very least he could have charged her for the cocaine usage being a part of the 4 babies deaths? Again, I'm no lawyer but IMO dropping the ball like he did, well, Davis Ruark would have taken on the challenge and made something of it. Perhaps Mr. Todd has too much on his plate, like more important cases?


If you know someone with small children, or you are a teacher...you will love this!

School is starting again.

Those OH SO special fridge art collections will start showing up and be proudly displayed on refrigerator doors acrossed America.

This is a kindergartener's artistic rendering of a pair of scissors.

Wonder what the teacher thought when it was presented in class?

I first viewed it during a parent teacher conference.

I allowed myself just a small smirk when I saw it.

I waited until the room was empty before I started crying from laughing so hard.

Well, of course they're scissors!!!!

I can certainly imagine seeing this one proudly displayed on the mother's fridge at home.

SalisburyFire Blasts Me Again

SalisburyFire Said.....

"Isn't that the truth richard head. He's had a hard on for the department since he got blasted on for the story about us buying $53,000 worth of new gear. Just as your post says YOUR NO FIREFIGHTER. So how about you report incidents for us like you do for the county mounties. Oh, my fault, that would be too easy. You know nothing of what we do and why we do it. So leave the firefighting to us, the PROFESSIONALS and we'll leave the blogging to you, the easily amused.

Oh, I say now, as I believe you say it best: "I have my sources". Go ahead and spend the $4.00 to get an "official" copy of that report. But we won't hear about it when you do, because the report will show that you are nothing but an attention wh*re, who knows nothing of what he speaks. My grandfather has a saying for people like you, "Believe half of what you hear and a quarter of what you see". Damn Joe I think that should be the banner on your site. Get a life, a clue or at least some different spank material and leave the fire/ems service out of your wet dreams."

It seems ever since I challenged his having the report from the accident in Hebron he's gone way over the top with anger? I continue to hope we can ALL keep things clean but thanks for letting everyone else know that you represent the Fire Department and just how aggressive you'll act. It gives everyone else a different angle as to who's the aggressive one.

No Daily Times Today!

Did everyone else get their Daily Times Delivered today? We went out to get ours and there was nothing there.

I Don't Care What They Say, This Was Not Caused At 35 mph!

Although someone commented yesterday saying they had seen the report from the State Police on this accident in Hebron, I went to the State Police yesterday and made the attempt to get the documents. I was told the report was just about finished but someone needed to sign off on it before "anyone" can see it.

There have been comments that IF the Fire Fighter had been in excess of the speed limit he would be found at fault. The speed limit in this area is 30 or 35 mph! The woman driving south bound allegedly turning left and then correcting her turn at the last second in the hopes of getting out of the way turned back into her lane in the hopes the Fire Vehicle would stay in his lane and go around. That didn't happen but I can assure you, she wasn't going 30 or 35 mph at the time of the collision and she may have even been at a complete stop when the two hit.

That being said, you don't get this kind of damage at 35 mph! You don't flip end over end at 35 mph. That is MY OPINION anyway. This Post is to show the damage and let the people decide what to believe when the full report does in fact come out. In the mean time, please don't say you have the report, when you don't. I can't wait to see this report.

The Amish VS. The Portuguese

When it comes to a quality stick built building, you can't beat the Amish. Well, perhaps you can beat their price if you're contracting out illegals, paying them below minimum wage? In the end you get what you pay for though and I'd personally stick with the Amish. Truss me on that one, LOL.

Reporters Leaving Delmarva

Katherine Crowell from the Daily Times will be leaving Thursday, (tomorrow) and heading back to her Home Town where she'll joing another paper owned by Gannett.

The biggest shocker is Mr. Kenny Beck. That's right, you heard it here first Ladies & Gentlemen. Kenny Beck will be leaving mid October and heading south for a short while, ultimately ending up with WBAL in Baltimore.

The Hearst/Argyle Family who owns WBAL wanted their hands on this talent and the Eastern Shore will lose, (IMO) our #1 News Anchor. Everyone knows I've been saying it for years, this guy is too talented and is going to get snatched up by a big network station and I was right.

Kenny was the only Investigative Reporter on the entire Eastern Shore and his follow through and style for detail is what made his stories strong and factual.

Good Luck to both of you and hey, don't forget us little people?

The Volvo C70

Talk about sporting around in style! Barrie & Matt Tilghman were seen recently cruising the streets in Barrie's new C70 Volvo Convertible. Being Mayor sure has been good to you, eh Barrie? What's next, a limo?

Fellowship In Delmar

Last weekend groups gathered at the State Street Park for what was called, Praise in the Park. The Fab Four Band played while people gathered and I had to wonder, Fab Four? I counted seven on the stage? Oh well, even the Jackson Family started out as just the Jacksons. I was invited to attend, I was even reminded, so I went. I enjoyed the music, the people and the break. That being said, see ya next year Folks.