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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Let's Examine The County Council President

Oh Look, a tie!
Oh My, he's actually reading a document!

Ahhhhh, the Gavel is actually relaxed and unused!

Just a few more months Folks and the City will be saved!

Nasty Old Blogs!

Do Puppets Ever Have To Work For A Living?

That nasty old Blogger Albero, how is he everywhere and how does he always snag us like this?

Well, for starters, you have to be out and about each and every day, unlike the Daily Times.

Then you have to ask yourself, why would Gary Comegys be in a meeting with the Mayor? Oh yeah, that's right, the audit is WAY overdue and we must prepare for the excuses we're about to lay on the public after I already lied to them a couple of weeks ago by stating ON TV that it was already done! BARRIE TILGHMAN IS A LIAR! And she admitted it tonight.

More to come..............


I may have been out in the bitter cold weather most of the day and night but I can assure you, coming home to a beautiful Wife and a blast of a Grandson, life just can't get any better than this! The stuffed chicken breasts were a nice treat to come home to as well.

Oh yeah, the picture. Pretty cool, eh? Those nasty old Blogs!

It's One Thing When Big Brother Is Watching YOU

It's another when Big Momma, (us) are watching them. I've always been amazed at how Governments can take pictures of us all day long but God Forbid we have an eye on them.

Mike Dunn can cry the blues with Lynn Cathcart all he wants about the negativity from the Blogs and our damaging their spirit. However, you've had your eyes on the City and failed to prove you were doing anything to move the City in the right direction. That is, unless we're out there slamming them with proof/photographs and they are forced to make things right.

By the way Vic, (the Police Officer in this photo) we thank you for your service, (almost 20 years now) and obviously this person taking this picture was pleased to see you giving out a ticket to an illegally parked vehicle when his/her time ran out on the meter.

Don't forget your camera phone when you see the Mayor at the next party.

I Told You So!

Mrs. Doris Schonbrunner made her debut this morning joining the County Council on her very first day on the new job.

I read on Monoblogue earlier that The Daily Times will finally mention this in their Newspaper tomorrow, 9 or 10 days after I broke the story. Looks like you're really getting your money's worth with that Paper. LOL

Nevertheless, The County is VERY fortunate to have such a talented and experienced executive backing them up and I for one am very please she has agreed to take this position moving the County forward in the right direction.

I'm simply going to tell each and every one of you right here and now. If you're going to come on here to simply bash Doris I will immediately delete your comments and that's final. Some got past me the last go around but I won't miss a beat this go around. That especially goes out to Charles Jannace.

As for the Davis Ruark photo where he's cracking up, one of the County Council Members asked what the deal was in the paperwork where it stated in order to qualify you must be able to crawl. They all cracked up and elected to immediately remove that as one of the qualifications. Davis did say, well you have to crawl before you walk.

Is It Just Political Events?

There was much said about our new Governor and his Wife falling asleep at a recent political event. However, coming from a guy who takes a LOT of pictures, it's not very difficult at all to catch someone looking like they're asleep, when in fact they are not.

Take Good Ol' Mr. Holland here for example. Considering I was sitting very close to him I know for a fact when I spoke with him he was wide awake. He laughs at all my jokes and his laugh even sounds like a snore. Hey, wait a minute, maybe he was sleeping? Nah, couldn't be! My jokes are too funny..........

Stevie Prettyman Slams John Cannon

Click On Image To Enlarge
I believe this letter/statement says it all Folks. However, it should be known that No One and I mean No One, can slam Stevie Prettyman without her coming back and knocking you on your ass.
If I know Stevie as well as I'll claim to submit here, she's said her piece, it's over with and she is one of the very few people who knows how to be a professional and roll it off her back from that moment forward and move on for the better interest of Wicomico County and you can take that to the Bank.
As for who raised their hands, Gail & Joe. Even though the rest of them were VERY aware of what was going on, they chose NOT to raise their hands and admit they knew what was going on. Slick move there Stevie! I like this woman!

City Council Work Session Today

FEBRUARY 6, 2007

4:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Audit update – Mayor Tilghman
4:45 p.m. – 6:25 p.m. FY08-FY12 Capital Improvement Plan
6:25 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. General discussion/upcoming agendas

The Council reserves the right to convene in Closed Session.

There's A New Meter Man In Town!

After a long search the City has finally come through with a replacement, after one of their own retired. For months now we've seen Vic The Cop running around on his bike giving out tickets left and right.

More Proof The City Couldn't Care Less About Public Safety

No one is going to believe the Mayor and Staff do not read the Blogs, period. That being said, here's ANOTHER photo of the tunnel near Jimmy's Grille that is supplied with fluorescent lamps but NONE of them are working. I posted a picture about 2 weeks ago on this and nothing has been done?

This Mayor and John Jacobs couldn't care less and this is just more proof of why the Blogs are a necessity. The Daily Times isn't going to waste ink on such matters and I can't say as I completely blame them but the fact that they refuse to fix things clearly proves the City is running out of money and resources to keep things up to speed for a City this size.

Could the City be preparing for Bankruptcy????????

Street Lights Are OUT All Over The Downtown Area

I know the photos you are looking at are dark and I have adjusted them as bright as possible. However, when you have no lighting to work with, this is what you get.

I have posted pictures in the past showing how bad things are in the City when it comes to street lights but it's gotten out of hand and the City is NOT paying attention. Crime is going UP, not down.

This time I have shown different angles from the Market Street Inn all the way to the Library, not one street light onto the road is working. The street behind the Court House is also blacked out. The light in front of Charles Jannace's Office is out and has been for months. There are lights out in Lot 15 where numerous cars continue to get broken into and if I were one of the people living Downtown and my car was broken into, I'd go after the City for the bill because of neglect.

Get off your A*S Barrie & Jacobs. It's time to make things right Downtown. So you know, Barrie wants everything to fall apart Downtown to drive the value of property down so the FOB's can buy it up cheap and revitalize it all. Thanks, but no thanks Barrie. We don't need you and or your tight friends who only want free rides.

Nothing Is Off Limits When You're Hungry

This person was picking through the trash and actually found a half eaten Twix Bar. I can't remember if I've ever eaten half of a candy bar and threw it away in my entire lifetime? Oh well, you can't beat luck!

More Trash

In the alleyway behind Charles Jannace's Office, tenants are just throwing their trash wherever they want and making a mess of what can't be seen from the road. My guess is that the homeless are searching through these bags for whatever they can find worth eating.