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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Breaking News

eyes said...
i use to work at wwtp for one of the contracters doing the constrution work until yesteday when i was terminated for asking too many questions if you could see some of the stuff i did u would wonder as i do whos letting all this go and y isnt the epa all over the place .they have an above groung old holding tank with 1 milliom yep thats right 1 million gallons of raw sewage in it and someone hit with a loader saturday .boy did those guys mess there pants.

Although this comment was posted this evening, I cannot confirm if it is a fact or not as of yet. The MDE, EPA & the Salisbury City Council have been notified.

Do You Truly Know Who This Man Is?

After reading Bill Duvall's Blog this morning it has been brought to my attention, (and I have to admit, it could be) is this man Mr. "C.O.E.I.U."?

Things that make you go, hmmmmmm?

Another Window Gets Busted Out!

Although the Salisbury Police Department is increasing patrols around the Downtown area, criminals are still getting away with late night break inn's into vehicles. I have posted many times pictures of vehicles broken into and this is yet another one.

It will be very relaxing to get the new 14 officers the Chief mentioned in yesterdays PAC 14 live interview but that won't happen until some time in June and we don't know how many Officers might leave in that period of time? Remember though, that will only bring us up to speed with the "normal" amount of Officers Salisbury is used to having. In the mean time, the present Officers are working their tails off to keep up with the loss of so many Officers who have left. Money Talks, BS Walks!

I will say this, there were Officers all over Downtown last night as I was there till 12:30 a.m. myself. Thanks Guys!

Two Shootings In Salisbury Recently You Didn't Read About In The Daily Times

1/21/2007 12:39 112 Carrolton Av Firearms Incident 200700002284

1/21/2007 00:05 114 Carrolton Av Firearms Incident 200700002253

The Salisbury Police Department offers a really cool link called Daily Calls For Service. You can go there daily and see what crime has occurred throughout the day in Salisbury. The two above caught my eye because there were two shootings, 12 hours apart, next door to one and other on the same day. Yet no one heard about it?

Talk About A Boat Load Of Sh*t!

Barrie Tilghman in her own sick and demented way had to go live and compete with the President of the United States yesterday with her own version of politics and it made everyone sitting there being subjected to the pre written fiasco sick to their stomachs.

Let's start out with Gary Comegys. This was the first of many to come self promotions from the Mayor to help Bubba's campaign because Mike Dunn is not, (IMO) going to run and the signs become very clear of such as every day goes by. Mike Dunn's ego would never have allowed this promotion to go on if he were in the running.

Bubba went on discussing how bike routes take pressure off the highways and used new words like pedestrian connectivity to promote Bubba's new bike paths near the college. Here's what I'd like to know Folks. Does "anyone" believe that Bubba has actually been on a bike in the past 10 years? There must be something in it for the S. H. A.

Let's move on to Chief Webster. He spoke of having a "very young" police force. They have 7 officers in field training recently out of the academy and 7 more in the academy, 2 of which are from New York. Not for nothing Chief but I have to wonder what would make 2 officers leave the salaries of being officers in New York and move here. BANG, Police, Freeze?

Nevertheless, he let the cat out of the bag telling everyone that once these 14 officers are on the streets in June they will finally be back to the normal level of officers needed to protect Salisbury properly. In other words, we are a young police force with mostly inexperienced police officers, we're hiring only young recruits and we cannot afford to pay for seasoned officers.

Back in the day, before Chief Webster was hired, the Salisbury Police Department was one of the most sought after places to work in the United States. In fact, so much so that when 4 police officer positions opened up they had some 250 applicants send their resume and apply for the job. What does that tell you about what used to be verses what reality is today?

The management sucks at the Salisbury Police Department, no different from the Salisbury Zoo and Public Works. Weak wanna be managers who love to push their weight around and threaten staff, hire only young people who are very inexperienced because they know they'd be challenged by a more seasoned officer and the younger ones are easier to push around.

The days of PRIDE being a Salisbury Police Officer are gone, sorry to say. This is because Chief Webster and Barrie Tilghman have destroyed what was so good on the Eastern Shore. Watch how the Sheriffs Department gets everything the Salisbury Police Department USED to have. Let's see Barrie, the Salisbury Zoo USED to be one of the top 10 small Zoo's in America. Seems to be you're screwing EVERYTHING up in Salisbury since you came along.

I'll close on the Chief with his mentioning "Gang issues throughout the County." Chief, YOU DON'T WORK FOR THE COUNTY! The message was about Salisbury! Will you get off your high horse and learn to say that there are in fact Gangs in the City of Salisbury? Would you like pictures? There was NO mention of graffiti, no mention of two shootings in one day, (1-21-07) as it was a total puff piece on just how wonderful the City of Salisbury is doing.

Then there's Mr. John Jacobs, biggest ass kisser on earth. Oh, yes Madam Mayor. GAG! No discussion on the WWTP Sludge Pit and the progress there. All he spoke of was how things will be in the future. Again, all puffy stuff. They Mayor actually brought up a story about a small town in Arizona and how they had quite a bit more system failures than Salisbury does. Then she'd smile like even though Salisbury is screwing up so bad it isn't funny, it's not that big a deal.

The entire event was a joke. If it had anything good I truly would share it with all of you as Salisbury could really use some good promotions right about now. Watch it on PAC 14 again and you'll clearly see this was nothing less than the Mayor wanting to compete with the President of the United States in air time and unless you've got your head in the sand you actually know better and you'll want to throw up once you see it.

Chief Webster Coughs During Mayors Opening Statement On PAC 14

HOWEVER, it wasn't a normal cough at all! It sounded more like, Bull Sh*t, Bull Sh*t, coming from his mouth?