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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Here Comes The Snow!

This afternoon I watched the SHA start releasing snow plows onto the streets anticipating snowfall. Obviously it was a good call as an hour later this is how the roads started to look. Should I pull out my big manly snow plow I've never had the opportunity to use in the past 9 years?

Poll Question

Should Mike Dunn run for reelection?

Speaking Of Jimmy's Grill.........

Does anyone know who stole this slab of concrete behind Jimmy's Grill and the Old Hoyt's Cinema? I know it ended up at the Salisbury WWTP but we're trying to figure out who stole it in the first place because John Jacobs keeps claiming there's been no new construction debris dumped at the WWTP in years. Did "anyone" see John Jacobs actually steal this chunk of concrete and bring it to the WWTP? Perhaps the Mayor needed some slabs for rip rap at her waterfront home? Did anyone actually see the Mayor steal this slab of concrete? Come on, someone saw something, right?

Are you trying to now tell me that Public Works hasn't even known about this slab of concrete missing from this location for months? Let's see how long it takes to replace it?

I'll Bet You Can't Wait To Eat At Jimmy's Grill?

OK, so they took a one day break and cleaned up their act and then they fell right back off the wagon again. This restaurant is not jammed packed and isn't overflowing with unusual traffic. They simply do NOT have enough trash pickups and the Health Department needs to get on the ball with these people. Trash on the ground only invites more rats and that's all there is to it. The pictures don't lie, Health Department!

The Republican County Council Means Business

I couldn't help but notice that the Republican Council Members were present for the Grand Openings but the Democrats were nowhere to be found? This is not a good sign for the Democrats. You better get with the program before things really start falling apart for all of you.
I don't think it's coincidental that every single democrat on the County Council was missing.

Edible Arrangements Celebrated Their Ribbon Cutting Saturday As Well

The Chamber of Commerce was on a roll yesterday when they had two ribbon cutting ceremonies in one day! Talk about a party!

We joined Jeanette Wood at Edible Arrangements on E. Naylor Mill Road behind the Golden Corral for their Grand Opening with the City/County.

I guess it takes a WalMart to get the Mayor out?

ERA Bill Martin & Associates Celebrates Their Ribbon Cutting Cerimony Saturday

Although I thought it might be interesting to tag along and view a couple of these ribbon cutting ceremonies so desperately wanted and needed by the Chamber of Commerce, NONE of the Press were there at all. As a matter of fact, the Chamber was there taking their own pictures I'm sure to send off to the Press because the Press couldn't care less.

Mr. Bill Martin has already proven he's a MAJOR success in the community and I'll ever add the entire Eastern Shore. He doesn't need the Chambers help in anything he does and the mere fact the Chamber stayed away from any kind of formal announcement at this ceremony tells you that the Chamber needed this photo opportunity more so than Bill Martin ever did.

So Bill, best of luck to you health wise as well as all of the Associates who will be with you. You don't need best of luck business wishes because you are a proven man. If there's anything we can do for you don't hesitate to ask.