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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Reagans Run Hopes Are Flushed Down The Toilet

Although millions of dollars are lost, this Council doesn't like what they saw and listened very carefully to those who voted for this new Council and they responded by tabling this project, perhaps indefinitely?

Mr. Cannon made it very clear that they want to send a message to property owners, investors, developers and anyone else buying property in Wicomico County, until they know more about these kind of systems, they're not going to allow them under their watch until there's solid proof they're not going to leave people high and dry should their system fail.

A Black Cruiser, A Bald Head, Could It Be The Chief Again?

As I was walking the Plaza & Downtown again today I looked up and there he was again! I started snapping away and then I realized, this can't be the Chief. This guy is far more handsome, he's in a uniform and he's actually looking around doing his job for far less money.

I quickly came to realize I had the wrong Perp! LOL! We've missed you on the Plaza Chief, NOT! 10-4, over and out.

More Graffiti Around Town

Like I said earlier, the major big stuff has stopped but the small tagger wanna be's are out there with markers and itty bitty baby sized stickers by No Division.

So everyone knows, No Division was caught many, many months ago and was forced to remove "all" of his stickers. Now all of a sudden out of nowhere these cheap stickers that fall apart in a very short period of time have started popping up everywhere.

On another post not long ago the supposed "No Division" came on here and stated it wasn't him. First of all, the name he used wasn't the real "No Division." Secondly, these stickers are so fresh, I know they have been placed up in recent days.

Nevertheless, No Division and his friends are just some college kids trying to make a statement and that's cool. Just do it where it's legal.

Look Who's Got Your Back Salisbury!

In the past two days the Salisbury Police Department was seen everywhere Downtown. Citizens are now calling the Police whenever they see suspicious activity and I can assure you, these guys appreciate every bit of it.

Nothing major has happened in almost three weeks now because these criminals are afraid of getting caught and I don't blame them. If they think the Police Department is going to stop patrolling the Downtown area, they're wrong!

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, whatcha gonna do. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you, Bad Boys, Bad Boys!

More Graffiti Hits North Salisbury

Not far from the college I found these new signs of graffiti. The stickers are a typical no division style of stickers but the spray paint is a wanna be graffiti artist who probably used the same spray for his balding head as he used on the sign.

Keep your eyes open from here on out folks because we're gonna get these guys, you'll see.

Let The Games Begin!

Isn't it so fitting to see the first campaign signs showing up on Michael Day's property for the one and only Bubba Comegys.

Some have already said that Bubba, (Gary Comegys) is breaking the law but IMO I don't think he is. I wish Mike Dunn would come out of the closet so we can poke a little fun at him too.

Speaking of Michael Day, word on the street has it the Mayor is pushing to have him appointed to run Urban Salisbury. Boy, this guy has no loyalty to what he's doing whatsoever. He'll change jobs like the direction of the wind and he has no real experience to handle such a position.

Once Barrie Tilghman is gone, Michael Day will become a name of the past because without her he can't hold onto anything for himself. Nice guy, just useless in business. That is, unless you like the weekend flea market?

I'm seeing the patern more and more between department heads and Barrie Tilghman. Similar for the 50 to 75 "professional Zookeepers" that apply for a job at the Zoo and Rapp hires a much younger friend of the family or bar stool buddy rather than the professional so as Jim can control them throughout their career. This is exactly what Barrie does. She hires and places individuals that will listen to whatever she wants and controls each and every department and they're all falling apart, just like the Zoo.

The Power Of The Blogs!

Last night as I was making my multiple tours around the Downtown area I came to realize that Flavors of Italy and Jimmy's Grill got the hint and cleaned up all of their trash!

Now that doesn't mean I'm not ticked at all that grease on the ground and obviously run into the City's sewer system, because I am! My hope is that the City AND the Health Department look into that matter right away.

Nevertheless, I'd like to thank the owners of these businesses for cleaning everything up and making it less available for rats to fine dine.