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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Debbie Campbell Not Only Rallied The Troops, She Packed The House!

Captain Investments lost big today at the Planning & Zoning Meeting this afternoon while several people got up and spoke out against this investment group trying to build on property the neighbors threw a fit over.

Even Mike Dunn got up there and spoke out against the development and IMO I believe this was his first attempt to let the public know he's actually going to run again for City Council. It had been rumored he was not going to run again but considering Mike Dunn truly couldn't care less about the Camden area residents, the BS came flowing out of his mouth like a typical politician and he claimed he was speaking for the entire Council. Interesting thing though Mike, you never spoke to Debbie Campbell about this issue?

The developer will have t appeal it and go from there.

Peek A Boo, I See You!

Once again I found the Chief cruising around "MY" building today. Perhaps he's looking to bury the hatchet and give me exclusive protection? Sure does remind me of how things were handled back in Da Bronx! Just kidding Folks.

It's nice to see the Chief putting in his two cents and checking up on the community. However, I'll bet he's hating the fact that I continue to catch him each and every day at different times driving past me somewhere or other downtown. I was chasing his car as fast as I could on foot but I backed off in fear he might slam on his brakes should a deer jump in front of him. No airbags, no tailgating!

Red Net Alert!!!!!

The Old Salisbury Mall Owners were trying to sneak into the GOB without being noticed and they had a LOT to hide!

I asked what they were doing all the way in Salisbury this "evening" and they said they happened to be in town and had some additional things to clear up while they were here.

The next thing I knew they were reaching out for the Mayor's door handle and I lifted my camera to take a shot and they immediately pulled their hand away and said, "we're in the wrong place."

They were LYING through their teeth! I knew something was VERY wrong as they walked away and went down the hall. I then decided I needed to get an answer so I walked into the Mayor's Office and asked to meet with John Pick, (knowing the Mayor was out of town). John agreed to meet with me and we discussed a couple of things and then I dropped the bomb.

"John, are you meeting with Natleson, the old mall owners?" Reluctantly, John looked at me and said, yes. Thanks for being such an honorable guy John, seriously!

The Citizens of Salisbury deserve to know there's something going on with these silent meetings where City Council Members are not aware of and the major fact that the old mall owners completely denied they were here for specific reasons and in fact tried running from the scene when they started opening the door.

Debbie Campbell was standing right in the hallway and I asked her if she knew what was going on and she said she had no idea. These guys are just loaded with guilt! Does anyone want to come clean and tell everyone what this meeting was all about?

Illegal Parking

I don't care what FOB Sticker you have to park in metered spaces during the daytime, you cannot park in 1 1/4 spaces and not get a ticket.

If I see this again I can assure you there will be a ticket on the windshield within 10 minutes. Enough is enough Mr. Church.

More Unbelievable Liter & Trash On The West Side Of Town

Look, when I tell you there are literally thousands upon thousands of bottles lying around out here it would be an understatement! Years and years and years have gone by without anyone cleaning up this area. There are mattresses lying around for the homeless, obviously. Lazy Boy Recliners and other chairs just lying in an ocean of glass bottles.

I wouldn't even know where to begin with such a mess! I say the City should have a $ .05 cent return policy for all bottles brought in by the homeless!!!!! Since Tom Stevenson is so under staffed, let's get the people who could use the money the most collect it for us and save a small fortune in clean up anyway.

A Birds Eye View Of Downtown Like You've Never Seen Before

Unless you work in One Plaza East, this is a view rarely seen by many.

One Pilot Says To The Other........

Did you see that?
See What?
That plane!
What plane?
You didn't see that plane fly right by us?
Oh man, there's another one!
Another what?
Another plane!
Right there!
I don't see anything.
Dee, Dee, Deeee!

The Salisbury Police Department Is On The Ball!

I'm not sure what the first call was all about but the SPD wasted no time getting there. Late last night the alarm went off at the Shore Bank and once again the SPD were right on top of it. If you're thinking I'm using a scanner to get to these scenes, I'm not. I just happen to be at the right places at the right time.

This all started two weeks ago today and since then there's been no major graffiti on the Downtown Plaza. You have to give credit where credit is due and the SPD deserve just that.

I've Seen The Light!

Yesterday I posted an article called, "Show Me The Light" in the hopes of replacing the dead lamps on West Church Street. Obviously someone was listening because the lamps have all been replaced and that area is much safer now. It's my understanding this was a Delmarva Power job and not the responsibility of the City of Salisbury.

Remember I Said I Was Going To Post Something That Would Piss You Off?

This was taken right up against Rt. 50 near that house I showed the other day with all the construction material in their back yard. Not far from the Salisbury Police Department.

It should be noted that Tom Stevenson is aware of the problem and they are going to wait till Spring to organize a clean up. Who wants to bet someone from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation locally will see this and put it into high gear on this one?

How Do You Spell Relief?

Just go into the alley way behind "Tours Of Italy" and let it rip! AHHHHHHH!
Just make sure urine the right place.

Three Vehicles Broken Into In Two Nights

There was a truck broken into on Monday night with the window smashed out of it. Two other vehicles were broken into with smashed windows Tuesday night as well. Although the last photo appears to be bright, I had to adjust the picture in order to show there was an actual image there because it's so dark in Lot 15. There's a street light not working, (you can see in the photo) and this certainly adds to the problem.

I'm told many people can't get insurance coverage any longer for this kind of damage if you live in Downtown Salisbury. Perhaps the City can start offering its own insurance policy for these owners?

Before & After

It's Amazing What Could Be Done With The Downtown Plaza!