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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

They're Adding Condos To This Area?

Allow me to explain what this picture is showing. The light is green, there are cars already sitting in the middle of the intersection waiting for the cars on front of them to get a green light while I've been sitting there while "I" have the green light to go nowhere.

Now they're adding more Condo's to Riverside drive and this was at 3:00 this afternoon? Are these people running this City complete Idiots? Does anyone realize what rush hour is going to be like?

Call me an Idiot for mentioning this because I've never had to sit through this light at rush hour and I'll accept the name calling. However, this is unbelievable! I've been to City Council Meetings going on three years now and I don't recall this being a BIG ISSUE?

Before & After

The top photo, (12-13-06) shows the fire hydrant in disrepair. On 12-31-06 I realized it had been taken care of. Hooray for the Blogs! Thanks Barrie, or would that have been take care of by Tom Stevenson?

Oh, by the way, in case you haven't noticed, how's that building looking for ya?

Bamboo Magoo!

While the parents/guardians of this child allowed their son to not only pick up a freshly cut piece of bamboo off the ground, they also let their son go on a rampage threatening passerby's with the stick, using it like a weapon. A zookeeper did see it happening but did absolutely nothing about it. You can clearly see this young man threaten the gentleman walking in the opposite direction. What say you now about your new set of rules Mr. Rapp & Mr. Alessi? How's it working for ya?

Thugs & Punks Terrorizing Downtown Today

Although I called the Police, these guys were terrorizing people left and right today Downtown. Screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs at other people, cars driving by and it simply took too long for the Police to arrive and do something about it.

Nevertheless Chief Webster, here's the picture of the main guy with no shirt on doing all the yelling and threats. You take it from here. I still want that Badge! ;-)

Should We Really Have To Live Like This?

I took these photos on the Plaza today and thought, what a shame!

OSHA Has Arrived!

Notice the rope tied around this guy's waste and then to the chimney. Looks like "everyone" reads this Blog. LOL

One Of Two Things Could Have Happened Here????

Either Sheriff Mike Lewis is at the Salisbury Police Department teaching Chief Webster that there are Gangs in the City of Salisbury and what to do about them OR Mike Lewis has replaced Chief Webster? Either way, it looks like the City of Salisbury's Police Department is in desperate need of help and I'm personally glad to see a Sheriff's car out front knowing the City is secure, for the moment anyway.

This Is Just Ironic!

Ladies & Gentlemen:

If it wasn't for Joseph Gidjunis, you would have never heard about "any" of this! Two days ago I sent Joe a pretty harsh letter explaining how I felt The Daily Times was covering up stories and again misleading people. I expressed how Joe Carmean allowed a so called quote from me supposedly stating I had said the information on the Blogs could not be trusted and in some cases were untrue. I responded with a letter to the editor clearly explaining that I made that statement about "comments," not posts from the Blog Site Owners.

In Sunday's paper the Editorial Board once again, (even after I wrote a letter to the editor) claimed that I had stated the stories on the Blogs were not true. So I drafted a letter to Joe stating I did not appreciate that as well as their lack of coverage about the graffiti.

Joe immediately replied and asked me to call him right away and I did. We spoke about the graffiti and he couldn't believe it was that serious around town. When he got the time to actually look, (4 days later) it was time to write an article.

Now perhaps I should have kept my mouth shut and let the Daily Times lose out on a VERY serious article, or would it be better for "everyone possible" to see what was happening to the City of Salisbury under Chief Webster & Barrie Tilghman's leadership? I chose the latter.

It shouldn't be a war between who is better when it comes to reporting and "crime." There are certain issues that must be exposed and if the Daily Times choses to cover things up, (which has happened many times with Barrie Tilghman's involvement) it's the people that pay for the paper who really lose out.

Think about if "YOU" were Mayor right now. Wouldn't you be out there asking for all the help you could get to make sure this comes to an immediate end? You're not seeing the leader of this City do anything but hide and wait till it all goes away. That's how rotten politicians work Folks. I'd be out there sitting on the rooftop with a hot cup of coffee at night and wait for these SOB's to show up and nail their a**es!

I have been told flat out by the Police Department that 4 years ago they used to patrol the Plaza ON FOOT! I was also told they used to sit on the rooftops at night and wait for things to happen. The Plaza was a much safer place back then and IMO it's the next Old Salisbury Mall. They don't want that area to do well. They want it to fail so prices go down, nobody will want it and Barrie and her friends will buy it all up for 10 cent on a dollar and again act like they saved the City!

Getting back to The Daily Times though. Your title alone, (the graffiti happened last Thursday night) is 5 DAYS LATE! "Ignoring it will only make the problems worse downtown." If it weren't for Joe G, you planned on ignoring it the whole time and instead used the information you had on hand for an article that was supposed to come out in another 2 weeks and filled today's paper up with what you had. A fortunate situation that you had already been researching this information but sadly 5 days too late.

This is what gets me about The Daily Times as well. Why should it take 5 days to expose a story? There's no real legal ramifications to this story. IMO, this is why the Blogs are doing so well. Anyhow, my thanks got out to Joe G. at the Times and for the Editorial Board, you're all full of sh*t. Nice try though.

If "any" of those Editorial Board Members would like to do some community service and help clean things up, well, you wrote the information, you know who to contact then. My guess is that they'll all sit back and write about it. Till then, I'm not cleaning the mess up. I'll let the City do it for me. I'm a writer too now. LMAO!

One last note. IMO, I would have had Police Officers on the roofs of these buildings immdiately, as in last night for sure. We were fortunate the two days before we had rain. Last night there was a full moon and it would have helped. Nevertheless, driving around during the daytime, (as I produced photos of Chief Webster driving around during the daytime in his black cruiser in an earlier post today) isn't going to cut it Chief! Yeah, going home to Ocean City and the thought of returning TO DO YOUR JOB would cut out of your FUN TIME at Seacrets. Mike Lewis would have done things differently, is my point. Oh, and his Wife would have understood why he wasn't home!

Pinehurst Elementary School Gets Hit With Graffiti Too

Oh Barrie, Barrie, Barrie,

What are the Citizens who elected you to do? Your Chief is failing while the new Sheriff is turning things upside down in the County. Bubba says he wants to run again but look at these photos and see what "progress" has happened under their command! Even the children aren't safe any more. It's no wonder you're in hiding. Do I hear a recall petition coming on?

There's A Party, (Inspection) At This Man's Rental House Toady!

There will be an inspection inside 428 W. College at 2:00 today. Doug Church peddled his way around the direct questions from the Board yesterday and refused to answer them with any credibility, (IMO). Anyhow, you're welcome to watch the entire Board walk through this home in question at 2:00 today. More on this matter later.

Chief Webster Is Forced To Do His Job!

Based on the high Graffiti volume this past weekend, Chief Webster was forced to get off his a** and patrolled Downtown to see the damage. I personally caught him driving through the Plaza area twice, I gave him a wave and a NICE BIG SMILE, just like I said I would.

Last evening while I was patrolling the Plaza on foot, along come Vic on his bike. A day late and a dollar short, I'd say.

Nevertheless, the Press has exposed the graffiti for the residents to see. It's not easy to see all of it at one time, that's for sure. I spent 14 hours down there over a two day period looking and finding it all. Chief Webster can sit in his car and drive around all he wants, he's NOT going to find it all that way and he only sees about 60% of it all that way.

I offered my services to everyone ONE TIME so they could see it all and get it over with in a much shorter period of time. Rick Pollitt was the only one who took me up on it. It's a funny thing Folks, I've done a better and more thorough job than the Chief of Police. Maybe I should shave my head, drive around in my black crown victoria and "act" like I'm an important man too? So you know, I truly do have a black crown vic, former detective's vehicle.

I Asked Several City Executives To Join Me Yesterday To Review The Graffiti Downtown...

Only one would join me and he works for the County. I confronted Barrie Tilghman who REFUSED to respond at all and just walked past me, IDIOT! John Pick sent me a very nice letter explaining his being busy that morning. Tom Stevenson started out with an agreement to join us, then he was going to send one of his officers with us, then he was told by the powers to be, (BARRIE TILGHMAN) NOT to have anything to do with me at all. I hope they spray paint YOUR house Barrie. Nevertheless, thanks Rick, you're a real gentleman.