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Friday, December 01, 2006

Illegal Downtown Parking

If you've ever received a ticket in Downtown Salisbury you can certainly appreciate these photos and the fact that none of these vehicles has tickets on their windshields.

Don't believe for a minute that these vehicles were there for just a few seconds too. I was in and out of the Downtown area for quite some time today and yesterday and they sat there for quite some time.

I'm all for loading and unloading, (PEOPLE) but to take up entire sidewalks when you're not moving in and out is just ridiculous. You're doing a great job there Chief Webster.

What A Difference 24 Hours Makes!

They may be different Stations but they're prices were exactly the same 24 hours ago. The price of gas is out of control and as American's we're just putting up with it. Any other line of business would be shut down for such price fixing immediately but not the gasoline industry.

Imagine going to McDonalds and buying a burger one day for a buck and the next it's a buck and a quarter. What do Taxi Cab Companies do, raise their rates by the hour? The when the gas drops in price, do they give it back by lowering their rates?

Far too many prices on so many things we deal with daily reflect on gas prices and there's just no doubt we're paying higher prices normally based on these companies figuring they'd have to have a cushion in case the rates jump quickly. Scroll down to yesterday's post where gas was only $2.03 a gallon.

An Addition To Tim Chaney's Letter

What you haven't been told about some of the other illegal activities from the Salisbury WWTP was the fact that the WWTP was illegally dumping more than a million gallons of water a day from the Plant directly into the Wicomico River.

The first photo shows a unique man made stream coming from a hole in the ground, (I called it the Bat Cave). The second photo is of the stream coming from the beginning of that stream and the third pictures is as it flows its way towards the river.

Tim, I have hundreds of pictures proving this to be a fact and if there's anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to ask.

A Lesson On How To Install Christmas Lights In Just 20 Minutes

The first step is to go out and purchase a Fork Lift. No ladders required. No moving the STUPID thing every 3 feet, up and down, up and down! With a Fork Lift you stay up and simply drive it around from spot to spot installing the hooks and lights. By the time you're done with the ladder you're using every curse word known to man and then Christmas Sucks! (LOL)

A Fork Lift can help you while smoking that cigar and installing the lights all in one shot! I recommend this to all men who are subjected to this torture each and every year and you'll have the entire job done in 20 minutes.

Merry Christmas!

Salisbury News Produces Serious Numbers

What a month November was for hits! With more than 100,678 pages viewed on the Blog, why doesn't The Daily Times not take me more seriously?

These figures should also wake Barrie Tilghman up to reality and hopefully come to understand that we're not playing games here. Wait till I start advertising the Blog Site in The Guide and other news sources!

Thanks for the support Folks!!!!!

Could Barrie & Co. Be Next?

Other News Sources have revealed criminal activity from Appalachia, VA. Mayor Ben Cooper. Check out this story. Maybe there's some light at the end of the tunnel after all?

OMG, We're In Barrie's No Fly Zone Air Space, Turn Around NOW!

The word is out, DON'T fly over the WWTP or they'll shoot you down! Surface to arm pit missels were armed and ready to go but Lynn Cathcart got on the radio and said, YOU GET AWAY FROM THERE RIGHT NOW! DO YOU HEAR ME SIR, GET AWAY FROM THERE RIGHT NOW!

Do As I Say, Not As I Do!

Mike Dunn has clearly broken his own rules BUT he doesn't care. He took the time to BASH Debbie Campbell for requesting someone from the audience come forward and speak and even went so far as to creating and passing a resolution against ever doing so again. THEN last Monday he did exactly what they voted against Debbie Campbell on and called someone from the audience, view it here. You now have the resolution as well as the video, PROVING Mike Dunn is a cheat, a liar and has discriminated against Debbie Campbell. I don't think it gets any better than this Folks.

Tim Chaney Is On A Roll!!!!!

Tim Chaney
Salisbury, Maryland 21804

Mr. Gilcrest,
I received your reply about my concerns with the health of the Wicomico River, the fine levied by the MDE and the lack of action. As you well know, Maryland has new governor. Am I going to have to go down the same exact road when new appointments are made, that I have already taken up to four months now to get action, only in the form of dodging the issue.

I know you are required to respond to my concerns, even if it just a meaningless form letter, but truly feel your last letter was nothing more than patronizing, and to be honest has the hair on my back raised.

Mr Gilcrest, I am a democrat that has crossed party lines twice to vote for you. That will never happen again, and you have a lot of nerve to even associate your name with environmental matters.

I will make one more effort to speak with your liaison here in Salisbury. Our Maryland Department of the Environment is in the lame duck mode, we need some federal action. Show me how much faith you have in the city and state in regard to these matters, by coming to Salisbury, and take a swim in our river.


Tim Chaney

11/30/2006 3:30:32 PM Eastern Standard TimeFrom: Anthony.Caligiuri@mail.house.gov (Caligiuri, Anthony)To: WharfRatt1976@aol.com ('WharfRatt1976@aol.com')CC: Anthony.Caligiuri@mail.house.gov (Caligiuri, Anthony)
Sorry about the form letter but they get automatically generated when something changes in a case, or when anything goes out from this office.

However I should tell you that we did talk to the Salisbury PW director, we did meet with the Mayor about this issue (not a cordial meeting), and Wayne did commit to personally touring the site in the near future. We have not received an official response from EPA yet, but we do know they have contacted MDE and MDE is looking at additional sanctions.

You are correct, though, that things will likely change for the better in the enforcement division of MDE,. and we have already brought this issue - along with some similar problems in the region - to the personal attention of folks on the Governor-elect's transition team and to the person we hope will be leading MDE.

I know you are not satisfied with the pace, and nor are we. But we will continue to plug away at this despite the fact that we have very little to no direct legal jurisdiction on this situation.


Tony Caligiuri
Chief of Staff
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
2245 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-0254 (fax)
410-490-7472 (mobile)

Dorchester Hospital To Shut Its Doors!

This is NOT a good sign at all for the future. It looks like everyone will have to travel to Easton or Salisbury. Good for PRMC but very bad for Cambridge.

Come on Daily Times, it's time to play catch up.