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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Red Net Alert

G. A. Harrison will be on the Bill Reddish Show at 7:40 am. G.A. is the owner of Delmarva Dealings and I can assure you, this will be well worth listening to!

Major Doris Schonbrunner To Resign Her Post Dec. 1st

I heard through a very reliable source today that Major Doris Schonbrunner will quit her job on December 1, 2006.

The Wicomico County Sheriffs Department will take a huge blow once this becomes official as even I had hoped Doris would stick it out for a little while, keeping the Citizens and fellow Deputies in mind while such a major transformation occurs with Sheriff Mike Lewis taking over.

Nevertheless, we wish Major Schonbrunner the very best for her future and I'm confident Sheriff Lewis is on the ball and will make the proper choices to fill this position.

It has also been said that Major Schonbrunner has chosen to work 16 straight days at the Salisbury Airport taking in overtime pay at a Major's salary, which could have been given to Deputies who could have used the extra income for the Holidays. You gotta love the politics in Wicomico County!

With All These Signs It's No Wonder Randy Taylor Couldn't Figure Out Where To Park

Actually, Randy outsmarted the Police. By parking OVER the painted curbing, the Police couldn't figure out that it's actually illegal to park there.

What's Wrong With These Two Photos?

I took these two photos of my Pond today and there's something seriously wrong with these two pictures.

Let's see how long it takes for someone to figure it out?

Is This The Kind Of Salisbury You Want To Live In?

Three Canadian Geese were killed yesterday on Carroll Street near Circle Avenue. The birds were struck by a vehicle and killed instantly, (I hope). Feathers could be seen blowing all the way down the road and I'd love to know who did it!

Obviously no one cares working for the City because the bodies are still lying there 36 hours later. More Salisbury Crap To Come..........

Idiot Parking Awards At Brew River Last Night

In the first picture above, only one of these vehicles was parked legally. None of them had Handicap Tags but one had a sticker hanging from the rear view mirror. The rest is self explanatory.

A young lady pulled into the lot with a flat tire. Since she obviously wasn't aware, I let her know and she didn't know what she was going to do about it. While she was in Brew River I recalled having a compressor in my vehicle and was able to fill her tire up. Fortunately it lasted till she got home and she sent me a very nice message thanking me for doing so.

So, tell me guys, when is the last time you went out of your way for a Lady?

Wicomico River Christmas Boat Parade

Talk about a treat! There were people lined up along the river banks from the Yacht Club in Allen, all the way to Brew River! Between the Winter Wonderland of Lights and this event, citizens were treated to a wonderful evening of events last night. If you happened to miss it, I hope these pictures can make up for it.

Winter Wonderland Of Lights

With pictures like these there's no reason to even leave the house. Don't forget to click on the link in the previous post and watch the lighting ceremony.

Poll Question #9

Blog Sites should post stories...
once a week
twice a week
4 times a week
everyday (7 times a week)